In the name of ALLAH, the Beneficient, the Mercifull.
"And argue not with the people of the book unless it be in [a way] which is better [than mere arguing], except with such of them that do wrong, and say [to them]: 'We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him we have submitted (literally: 'We are Muslims')". (Qur’an)
Say: “We believe in GOD and what has been sent down to us; what was sent down to Abraham and Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob, and the Tribes; what Moses and Jesus were given; and what all the Prophets were given by their Lord. We do not differentiate among any of them… (Qur’an)
And [on account of] their saying; “We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, messenger of GOD.” They did not kill him and they did not crucify him, but it was made to seem so to them. Those who argue about him are in doubt about it. They have no real knowledge of it, just conjecture. But they certainly did not kill him. (Qur’an)
Or do those who perpetrate evil deeds suppose that We will make them like those who believe and do right actions, so that their lives and deaths will be the same? How bad their judgment is! (Qur’an)
And thou wilt find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe (to be) those who say: Lo! We are Christians. That is because there are among them priests and monks, and because they are not proud. When they listen to that which hath been revealed unto the messenger, thou seest their eyes overflow with tears because of their recognition of the Truth. They say: Our Lord, we believe. Inscribe us as among the witnesses. (Qur’an)
Well, i guess these verses are more than enough for every one, but i just want to add that, there is no GOD but ALLAH, MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) really is the PROPHET of GOD. And one cannot be a Muslim either without believing in Moses (Peace be Upon Him) and Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him), We all Humans are from the same Adam and Eve (so technically we are all brothers and sisters of each others - should be love b/w us) - the very first one couple sent on earth from Heaven when they both dis-obeyed GOD(ALLAH) so punished and sent to earth to be judged by their actions, the good ones only will be able to return back to heaven, and for all of us then GOD later sent HIS PROPHETS and MESSENGERS to show us the right way and guide us, All the famous well known PROPHETS were from the same ONE GOD(ALLAH ALMIGHTY), and everyone brought the ISLAM of their times. But again people went astray and changed the teachings or fell before their desires and followed the footsteps of SATAN.
So is the matter of discussion and deep thinking for all of us if we really expect GOD to be merciful to us in the end. Well look Jews were the favourite nation of GOD(ALLAH), there is a whole generation of PROPHETS there - i mean look how much GOD loved them to guide them, but they always went astray, denied and even killed or tried to kill the PROPHETS of GOD (as in the case of Jesus-Peace Be Upon Him), the followers of Jesus that times then in anger or trying to making them distinguish and keep them separate from the jews started to call them Christians (Of Christ), that look Jesus loved us so much that he died for us, later when Romans were introduced to the Christianity as it was originally, the things went on wrong even more, cause originally Romans were pagans, so the Christianity couldn't remain pure as it was originally. So in short the religion was forgotten again.
Finally then ALLAH decided to sent his last PROPHET, PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM) in some other nation, different one but from the same blood line of the great Prophet ABRAHAM (Peace Be Upon Him), and that nation really then proved itself to be the deserving one, and the result we see that today only one book on the face of the earth truly is the PUREST WORD OF GOD, TOTALLY UNCONTAMINATED, please friends at least try to open it yourself rather than listening so much from surroundings.
The point, the religion of Humanity is One, from same GOD, and it requires nothing but unity from us.
May GOD bless all of us. Ameen
2007-09-20 23:05:39
answer #1
answered by H z 2
Muslims dont believe that Jesus was crucified...It's clearly mentioned in the Quran that Jesus was neither killed nor crucified...
If i give reference from the Quran,it's no use for the christians bcoz they dont believe in it but it's even mentioned in the bible that Jesus wasnt crucified yet they dont believe and here it is:SIGN OF JONAH
"Matthew 12:39. An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign; but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
we all know and it's even mentioned in the bible that jonah was alive in the belly of the fish,so according to the above xplanation in the bible,Jesus has to be alive in the heart of the earth..If he is dead(crucified),then bible is wrong and if not then the common christians are wrong...
So Quran and Bible both say that Jesus wasnt crucified but christians dont believe...
The greatest difference b/w the two religions is regarding the concept of God....Muslims believe and worship one and only one God while the christians believe in trinity..though i can prove even from the bible that Jesus never claimed divinty but if someone ask to prove it..(i have proved it in other questions asked by other people)..
2007-09-21 00:02:12
answer #2
answered by sam 3
peace be upon you
Jesus said that there will be a prophet after me and you have to believe in him , (and this prophet was Mohammed).
The jesus knew that ,these people will not understand and will change in the Bible or add to it and the God will send his last messenger for all people to call them to the God.
If you asked christians ,who create us and this world? they will say the God ."muslims also say that" and when you ask christians ,who is the God? they will say the Jesus.,
does this mean that jesus create his mother and the prophet Mose who came before him.
they will say ,he is the God's son . then ask them Do you think that the God couldn't save his son from being killed.
and muslims say , the God has no partner ,and he save the Jesus and didn't let him die , and the Jesus will never shy to be a prophet created by the God and he is not his son.
I think Islam and Christianity are the closer to each other but the difference is not easy.
2007-09-20 22:33:48
answer #3
answered by rona 6
Both are from Father Abraham. Children of same man. And Christianity is only a sect of Judaism, in some minds.
Not much difference at all. Both think fighting will bring more love into the world. Or at least that is how those who proclaim to be followers act.
2007-09-20 22:13:22
answer #4
answered by bahbdorje 6
No, I don't think they are the same because of two fundamental facts:
- Jesus for Christians is the Logos, the word of God (not the Bible)
- Koran for Muslims is the Logos, the word of God
Christians don't believe in Koran and Muslims don't believe in Jesus as been the Logos of God.
This does not mean Muslims and Christians can't interact in a polite way, they still have many things in common.
2007-09-20 22:10:14
answer #5
answered by remy 5
Christians believe in salvation by the grace of God through the sacrifice of Christ.
Muslims believe in salvation by works, or by their own efforts to keep holy law.
Man as a whole does more bad than good. In the battle of grace vs. works. Grace wins every time.
2007-09-20 22:15:10
answer #6
answered by Lover of God 3
Islam and Judaism are essentially the same. The difference is the culural slant. The original slant of Christianity falls pretty well in the same ball park.All religions change with time they still have the same basis but there is a bigger seperation after 1500 years and the protestant reformation.
2016-05-19 23:17:59
answer #7
answered by rosario 3
because both came from one light,..
but the believers of prophet jesus has make it complicated..
isn't it easy if they said jesus is like other prophet like Muhammad, musa, daud, nuh, idris,adam, ibrahim,luth,ayub,syuib,harun, and others...
they have seen the truth but they just neglect it, why they really want to make jesus as god ?? and what make they really afraid about the sins made by somebody else( which mean here prophet adam) that god has forgive him a looooooooonnnng time ago,..if not, we will not be here,,cause
why He should give someone who have sins to HIM have descendants millions years after that??
no offensive meaning ok!.
bye.. ;p
2007-09-20 22:39:56
answer #8
answered by singularity 3
Both teach good things, the difference is only in defining the God.. Islam only believe in one God and Jesus pbuh is one of the prophet...
btw.. for Mr. Impeyan how can you conclude that Qur'an is a copy of bible??? so ican say also that bible is a copy from know that Jesus bible is to emphasize what torah teach and continue moses mission, and qur;an also emphasize torah and bible and continue the message of both prophet..that we must only worship in one God. I dont know how stuborn you christians are..
2007-09-20 22:18:28
answer #9
answered by agus s 1
its not completely same.
the most important factor of a religion is the believe in God.
as u can see, the Gods r different. the other information that u have given in ur question is right.
i want to warn impeyan link that he\she not to guess blunders
coz religion is not a thing to play with or for jokes.
it can lead to clashes.
2007-09-20 22:16:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Quran = Bible copied into Arabic then changed to suit Muhhamed and reinstate stoning as a good thing.
"i want to warn impeyan link that he\she not to guess blunders"- What exactly does that mean? I already know my left nut is more powerful than Allah, or is it people that threaten me?
Seriously even Scholars of the Quran admit it is copied, they just claim they were cleaning it of its Greek corruption
2007-09-20 22:07:39
answer #11
answered by Link strikes back 6