It is very unlikely that it was a collection agency. These companies are usually in one central location and not near you. When they send you a letter it will be by the regular mail. One very common tactic of collection agencies is to contact people in the neighborhood to see if they know you. If this is the case most likely they got a hold of one of your neighbors. Then your neighbor left the phone number in your mailbox.
As long as the collection agency did not disclose that they were a debt collector or anything about your debt to your neighbor this is legal.
I do seriously doubt it was someone attempting to serve you. In most jurisdictions they do not need to serve you personally but can do it by leaving it with someone at your house. In some cases they can post it on the door at your residence or give it to someone at your place of employment. They are not going to leave just a note with a number because that would not be conisdered proper service.
2007-09-20 19:46:03
answer #1
answered by OC1999 7
Hey Guys
Debt is a horrible thing, we all try not to get into it but sometimes lifes circumstances and choices wind us up in a pile of debt. Personally, there is a wealth of knowledge available, and with a little thinking and planning, you can systematically get rid of all your debt. I used to be in big debt, a few hundred thousand, however from about the past year or so I have been living debt free. Im not promoting anything here, I just want everyone to know that its possible. I write about my experiences in regards to Debt Consolidation, Car Loans, Credit Cards, Student Loans on my blog listed below so stop by if you get a chance and leave some comments.
2007-09-20 22:10:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes, they might do this kind of thing, however, it is illegal to use your mailbox for this. Only the post office can use your mailbox and only for mail entrusted to the postal service. If this is a valid debt, then you owe payment. Whether they break the law trying to get you to pay is irrelevant. You have a debt, and it is your obligation to pay. If you choose to NOT pay a just debt, then it is up to you to deal with any action which prompts you to pay, legal or not. You have no justification to avoid paying a debt. You gave your word and now, apparently, you are going back on your word. You have no grounds to complain about their tactics to get you to pay (legal or not) unless this was an error on someone else's part misinterpreting your obligation. If you owe, you have to pay whether their actions are legal or not does not absolve you of your debt. An unpaid debt, just or not, will follow you to your grave and then they will attach your estate to get paid. If you have a just debt, pay it. Not paying a just debt is fraud and you are liable under the law, which carries over into your estate after your death.
2007-09-20 19:33:03
answer #3
answered by rowlfe 7
this happened to my parents. they didnt return any phone calls and finally recieved a letter. they ignored the letter for a long time. they did recieve some throughout that time. until finally they said that they are going to lease the house. everything was handwritten.
2007-09-20 19:17:59
answer #4
answered by unknown 1
Your wife is most likely right on the mark. Generally when they actually appear at your residence it's a process server.
2007-09-20 19:29:56
answer #5
answered by Justa Angel 3
I'm my case they went as for as searching my address and finding my neighbors phone # and leaving a message with them.
This is totally legal.
2007-09-24 11:58:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They are relentless. Write a letter telling them to stop contacting you, and contact your state senator (not US senator) for a list of legitimate debt counselors in your area. has a debt diet you could look into as well. Best of luck to you! -s
2007-09-20 19:19:00
answer #7
answered by Smarks 3
Thats never happened to us and we have them call all the time that is very weird I guess they want their money.
2007-09-23 15:53:39
answer #8
answered by donielle 7
whatever you do save them, I'm sure e post office would
be interested in knowing their mailboxes are being used
to harass people. It is illegal. Most people don't know
their mailboxes are "owned" by he post office, plus
you have proof that they harrassed you and that is a
1000.00 fine.
2007-09-21 05:23:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Whoa thats crazy. Do you owe people money? Cuz if you did I would investigate those sources first!
2007-09-20 19:39:44
answer #10
answered by Millionster 3