Questions From Readers
● Recently in the news was a court decision ruling that oral copulation by adults is no longer punishable by law in a certain state. Would such practice therefore be solely a matter for individual conscience if engaged in by a Christian couple within the marriage arrangement?—U.S.A.
It is not the purpose of this magazine to discuss all the intimate aspects of marital relations. Nonetheless, practices like those involved in this court case have become quite common and have received considerable publicity. Even young children in certain schools are being informed of these things in sex education courses. We would therefore be remiss as regards our responsibility if we held back Scriptural counsel that could aid sincere Christians in their efforts to follow a course of purity calling forth the Creator’s blessing. Unusual sexual practices were being carried on in the apostle Paul’s day and he did not remain silent about them, as can be seen in reading Romans 1:18-27. We are therefore only following his good example in considering this question here.
In discussing sexual practices, the apostle provides us a principle that helps us to reach a right conclusion. He refers to “the natural use of the female,” which some were abandoning in favor of what is “contrary to nature,” thus satisfying “disgraceful sexual appetites” and “working what is obscene.” The apostle specifically deals with homosexual practices, condemning such. But the principle stated—that the satisfying of sexual desires can be “natural” or can be “contrary to nature”—applies just as well to the question under consideration.—See also Leviticus 18:22, 23.
The natural way for a married couple to have sexual relations is quite apparent from the very design given their respective organs by the Creator, and it should not be necessary to describe here how these organs complement each other in normal sexual copulation. We believe that, aside from those who have been indoctrinated with the view that ‘in marriage anything goes,’ the vast majority of persons would normally reject as repugnant the practice of oral copulation, as also anal copulation. If these forms of intercourse are not “contrary to nature,” then what is? That those practicing such acts do so by mutual consent as married persons would not thereby make these acts natural or not “obscene.” Are we being ‘narrow’ or ‘extreme’ in taking such position?
No, as seen by the fact that several states of the United States have for long had laws against precisely such practices, classifying them as forms of “sodomy”—even though those engaging in them are married. Because of this legal usage, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary includes in its definition of “sodomy” this: “carnal copulation with a member of the same sex or with an animal or unnatural carnal copulation with a member of the opposite sex; specif: the penetration of the male organ into the mouth or anus of another.” Of course, dictionaries and state laws differ but our position is based primarily upon God’s Word the Bible. Yet such worldly evidence serves a certain purpose, one corresponding in principle to what the apostle said at 1 Corinthians 5:1. There he showed that the sexual relations of one member in the Corinthian congregation were of a kind condemned even by people of the pagan nations. So, the application of the term “sodomy” in modern times to the mentioned forms of copulation shows that we are not unreasonable in saying they are not only “unnatural” but grossly so.
However, since marriage is of divine origin, our conscientious stand on marital relations is not founded on or ruled by worldly views. Therefore the overruling of some state law and the declaring of oral copulation (or similar unnatural copulation) as ‘legal’ does not alter our Bible-based position. In a world of decaying morals we can expect that some law courts may succumb in varying degrees to the growing trend toward sexual perversion, just as some of the clergy and doctors have done.
It is not our purpose to attempt to draw a precise line as to where what is “natural” ends and what is “unnatural” begins. But we believe that, by meditating on Bible principles, a Christian should at least be able to discern what is grossly unnatural. In other areas, the Christian’s individual conscience will have to guide, and this includes questions regarding caresses and ‘love play’ prior to intercourse. (Compare Proverbs 5:18, 19.) But even here the Christian who wants to produce the fruits of God’s holy spirit will wisely avoid practices that approach, or could easily lead one to fall into, unnatural forms of copulation.
What if certain married couples in the congregation in the past or even in recent times have engaged in practices such as those just described, not appreciating till now the gravity of the wrong? Then they can seek God’s forgiveness in prayer and prove their sincere repentance by desisting from such gross unnatural acts.
It is certainly not the responsibility of elders or any others in a Christian congregation to search into the private lives of married couples. Nevertheless, if future cases of gross unnatural conduct, such as the practice of oral or anal copulation, are brought to their attention, the elders should act to try to correct the situation before further harm results, as they would do with any other serious wrong. Their concern is, of course, to try to help those who go astray and are ‘caught in the snare of the Devil.’ (2 Tim. 2:26) But if persons willfully show disrespect for Jehovah God’s marital arrangements, then it becomes necessary to remove them from the congregation as dangerous “leaven” that could contaminate others.—1 Cor. 5:6, 11-13.
What of Christian women married to unbelievers and whose mates insist on their sharing in such grossly unnatural acts? Does the apostle’s statement that “the wife does not exercise authority over her own body, but her husband does” give a wife the basis for submitting to these demands? (1 Cor. 7:4) No, for such husbandly authority is only relative. God’s authority remains always supreme. (1 Cor. 11:3; Acts 5:29) The apostle, furthermore, was speaking of normal sexual relations, as the context indicates. True, refusal to engage in unholy acts may bring hardship or even persecution on a wife, but the situation is the same as if her husband demanded that she engage in some form of idolatry, in misuse of blood, dishonesty or other such wrong.
Millions of married couples throughout the earth, both in the past and in the present, have found that unselfish love brings joy and full satisfaction, for both partners, in marital relations, without resorting to perverted methods. Realizing that a corrupt world is soon to be wiped away, we can think on the words of the apostle Peter, who wrote: “Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah.” Yes, this is not the time to be slipping into, or letting others beguile or pressure us into, unholy practices just to satisfy selfish passion. Not if we truly cherish our hope of living in the fresh, clean new order now so near. (2 Pet. 3:11, 12; Jude 7) So, Christian married couples can keep ‘the marriage bed without defilement,’ not only by refraining from fornication and adultery, but also by avoiding defiling, unnatural practices.—Heb. 13:4.Sick Education
For the past ten years, a college in New York State has been offering a course on human sexuality that can earn students three college credits. The students are “required to go on ‘field trips’ to talk with prostitutes, visit gay bars or check out nude beaches,” reports a columnist in the New York Post. The class textbook is said to provide explicit instructions on engaging in oral sex and encourages the practice of masturbation. According to the Post, as part of the classroom curriculum, students are being shown a film that shows “couples engaged in sexual intercourse,” as well as “close-ups of male and female anatomies.” What could be farther removed from the norms of chasteness and virtue?—Philippians 4:8, 9.
While young people need to know the facts of life and to have a healthy attitude toward such, parents have the prime responsibility to provide such instruction. (Proverbs 22:6) Any school course that encourages sex outside of marriage and requires students to view X-rated films and to explore homosexuality and prostitution would, of course, never be acceptable to true worshipers of God. The Bible clearly describes those practicing fornication, adultery, and homosexuality as persons having “disgraceful sexual appetites,” engaging in what is “obscene.” Regarding such things, the Bible commands: “Abstain from fornication.” What is more, it says: “Let fornication . . . not even be mentioned among you.”—Romans 1:24-32; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Ephesians 5:3, 5; Galatians 5:19, 21.
2007-09-20 15:38:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You are, no doubt, not alone in your confusion. Many people seem unclear about this. In fact, you will get some interesting responses to this question when you address Jehovah's Witnesses. And I see that you already have. They will cite to different articles that have been published over the years concerning this practice. Some of them date all the way back to the 70's. Indeed, there are quotations above from 1972 and 1989, the last being almost 20 years ago.
Interestingly enough, if you consider each article that deals with oral sex, and if you do so in the order they were published, you will find that initially, it was considered to be wrong – even for married people. As you go on, you will notice that they tell you they are not the marriage police. As you continue, and you consider the latest articles that deal with this subject, you will find that when it is spoken of as occurring between UNMARRIED PERSON, it is always a sin – falling under the category of porneia – which is usually translated "fornication." But . . .
You will also find that there is no comment about this activity when it occurs between two people legally married to each other. Read the articles carefully. I have. I have gone all the way back to 1972 and read them. You will notice that they do not comment one way or another about this practice between married people – but it is ALWAYS called fornication between unmarried. A careful review of every single article on this subject – all the way up to present day - seems to indicate that you will have to decide for yourself – that you must make a conscientious decision – a decision based on your Bible-trained conscience. You must make a conscientious choice within the context of Bible commands respecting sexual behavior. In this regard, some people will find it to be unacceptable. Others have no problem. Some people have very sensitive consciences. Others have consciences that are like scar tissue. Still others are somewhere in between. But the conscience must be Bible-trained, else it is useless.
Hannah J Paul
2007-09-21 00:52:43
answer #2
answered by Hannah J Paul 7
Jehovah God made sex for an honorable purpose, oral sex is perversion, see how he views sexual perversion...
..(Jude 6-7) . . .And the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day. 7 So too Sod′om and Go‧mor′rah and the cities about them, after they in the same manner as the foregoing ones had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use, are placed before [us] as a [warning] example by undergoing the judicial punishment of everlasting fire.
sorry but perversion only leads to increased perversion. You can become a sex worshiper, which is a God to you.
It will certainly bring you displeasure to Jehovah, in which he will have no choice but to destroy you along with the rest of wicked mankind
(Hebrews 10:26) 26 For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left,. . .
(Proverbs 14:12) 12 There exists a way that is upright before a man, but the ways of death are the end of it afterward.
2007-09-28 10:49:33
answer #3
answered by zorrro857 4
there is not any reason Jehovahs Witness do no longer submit death notices. the only difference being that JW's comprehend that the lifeless one is in a deep sleep gazing for the resurrection call. As to the place the fact is made, in lots of situations the nearby newspaper and an fact may well be made on the dominion corridor.
2016-10-09 13:48:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If a christian married couple chooses to have oral sex, there is no wrong doing in it. It's only if the couple is not married that it is considered fornication.
Have you tried contacting your local Kingdom Hall to speak to the brothers? They can answer any questions you may have in regards to what the Bible teaches.
2007-09-26 07:16:57
answer #5
answered by midniteprincess07 1
Just how should a Christian view premarital sex? And what about so-called alternatives to intercourse? Are they acceptable to God? Are they safe? And do they really preserve one’s virginity?
What Fornication Includes
An authoritative answer to these questions can come only from our Creator, Jehovah God. And in his Word he tells us to “flee from fornication.” (1 Corinthians 6:18) Just what does that mean? The Greek word translated “fornication” is not restricted to sexual intercourse but includes a variety of lewd acts. So if two unmarried people engage in oral sex or in fondling each others’ reproductive organs, they are guilty of fornication.
What do religious leaders say about all of this? Many take a somewhat similar position, particularly as regards standards of sex. Increasing numbers of them have said that they see no serious danger or wrong in homosexuality, premarital or extramarital sex. The view of many religious leaders is much like that of an actress of earlier times who said: “It doesn’t matter what you do in the bedroom as long as you don’t do it in the street and frighten the horses.” In a time when even among married persons sex perversions (such as oral and anal intercourse) are becoming more and more common, the clergy have little or no word of counsel or caution to offer.
Typical is the appeal that illicit sex has. It promises excitement because of what is involved and because of what it might lead to as well as because of the intense selfish pleasure expected. So single and married persons toy with immorality and go on to commit fornication or adultery. This craving for excitement causes others to engage in unnatural or perverted acts. Thus some Christian women complain because their husbands want them to become parties in sodomy and oral sex. Needless to say, perverted, unnatural practices are far from expressing love, affection and tenderness for each other. All such sensual behavior is repeatedly condemned in God’s Word.
2007-09-20 18:03:01
answer #6
answered by BJ 7
It is not recommended. Oral sex is part of porniea
(I dont think its spelled right & its Greek I think)
anyways, its where the word pornography comes from.
I researched this cuz of my own doing of this practice.
I started learning and becoming a Witnesses, in the way I live, and so on. And then I heard about this, wow! well it is what it is. And it makes sense too, you know it all ties together. Included in the root meaning of this word, is prostitutes*,fornication, pornography.
When we hear a talk (not a sermon) that includes this topic,
it comes from the same Scripture that says to "abstain, flee from these things."
So, what do you think?
*prostitutes are referred to in the Bible, not only what we call the same today. No, but also among other women who by their actions are called a prostitute, not necessarily for sex in exchange for $.
Edit: TannerPreaching Thank You so much for providing Jehovah's word as printed by the faithful & dicreet slave.
Thank you for providing the reminder, of such valuable information. It's sister's like you, that I look towards as a fine Christian example. (granted, not a 1 of us is perfect; that's not my intention) You did well sister. And I needed to hear this, again.
2007-09-20 14:23:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
In past decades, Jehovah's Witnesses had understood the bible term "fornication" to refer to ANY "unnatural" sex practice (even within marriage).
Jehovah's Witnesses have always recognized marital penile-vaginal sex as "natural", even when performed without the intention or possibility of impregnation. What is "unnatural"? Certain religions (both Christian and non-Christian) continue to believe that any sex other than penile-vaginal intercourse is "unnatural". Decades ago, the Jehovah's Witness understanding of bible "fornication" (Greek "pornea") was rather common among bible students.
Jehovah's Witnesses proved uncommon in working to adhere to a Godly view of sex and marriage, and in their willingness to correct wrong ideas when research indicated. Thus, for decades now, the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses have pointedly noted that the English term "fornication" does not apply to the actions between spouses within a marriage.
As a religion, Jehovah's Witnesses are no longer entirely certain regarding how Jehovah God feels about various forms of sex within marriage. They have noted that there is strong support for the argument that oral and anal sex are "unclean", but the bible teaches that "uncleanness" must be "gross" and likely involve "greediness" to constitute the kind of "serious sin" which requires congregation action (JWs note The Watchtower of 7/15/2006, page 30).
The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses does not interest itself in a married couple's specific sexual practices. When a married person performs oral or anal sex on his or her spouse, he or she does not commit "fornication" as the term is used by Jehovah's Witnesses.
(1 Corinthians 7:2-3) Because of prevalence of fornication, let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband. Let the husband render to his wife her due; but let the wife also do likewise to her husband.
A Christian who debases his or her spouse by insisting upon or forcing degrading sexual practices likely commits the kind of "uncleanness" which is a serious sin. A Christian who brazenly advocates any particular sexual practice (even for within marriage) likely commits "loose conduct", which can be a serious sin.
(Ephesians 4:18-19) Because of the insensibility of their hearts. Having come to be past all moral sense, they gave themselves over to loose conduct to work uncleanness of every sort with greediness.
Most true Christians (such as Jehovah's Witnesses) have the good sense and godly devotion to respect their spouses and keep their intimate details private, so it is almost unheard of for this matter to require the attention of any elder body among Jehovah's Witnesses.
Learn more:
2007-09-25 03:32:03
answer #8
answered by achtung_heiss 7
U asked 3 Q's here...
1) my Bible trained conscience says for me, No.
2) Yes, it is.
3) The way u worded the Q...
U said "they choose to do this,"
since they r married, & they decided 'together'
then the answer is: no, they r not committing any wrong.
2007-09-25 07:07:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It's a no-no. Considered "gross sexual uncleanness" I thought I'd miss it but actually, I don't
I chuckle every time I hear anyone say Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult. You have to know to know my wife to understand this
2007-09-20 14:08:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Nostra ,i think you have your people mixed up a little there.
2007-09-20 14:06:54
answer #11
answered by less 6