God does send men to hell, but it is not His preference:
"Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked," declares the Lord GOD, "rather than that he should turn from his ways and live?" "
Ezekiel 18:23
Otherwise why would He have sent His Son from heaven to die for the sins of mankind?
If you neglect such a great salvation I suppose hell is the only place you are suited for.
2007-09-20 13:23:09
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
You haven't done your homework enough.
You are put into hell because you sinned. Everyone does at some point in their lives. That is your crime. You DO deserve to be put in their, just like the criminals are put into prison. You are offered a pardon, but you reject it, then complain about being stuck in there. Sounds pretty stupid doesn't it? Rejecting what would let you free but then still complaining and crying you are in prison? That's basicly what you are doing.
God is going to throw sin into the lake of fire so that it's gone. If you still have it in you, you go with it. Plain and simple. Have it removed and be spared, or hold on to it and burn. The choice is easy, but for some reason you want to hold on to it. I really don't understand some people. You have the choice, you know what you have to do, you just don't want to do it. If you don't do it, you made your choice and you will live with it forever.
God let you choose. Quit trying to blame HIM for YOUR choice, it's plain as day what you picked for yourself. Live with it.
2007-09-20 13:27:06
answer #2
answered by Stahn 3
"... angels on the head of a pin ..."
... the comparison doesn't really do the situation justice, as you aptly note.
Would obedient Hindus who honor and obeyed their parents and lived a moralistic life, maintaining love for their neighbors in their hearts ... [and all the rest is commentary (?)] ... would these people rate eternal torment?
My agnostic view of life thinks "nope".
even Jesus said that loving your neighbor as yourself was more important than strict obedience to flim-flam dogma.
But "generalizing Christians" and painting all with a single brush does not really describe the real-world OR bring enlightenment to those who would benefit from it.
2007-09-20 13:52:22
answer #3
answered by atheistforthebirthofjesus 6
The Story is about "Obedience" Adam disobeyed God and sin corrupted his soul, he had committed high treason against God and God sacrificed the first animal and with it shed blood, Adam and Eve were forgiven but had to be ejected from Eden for this is where the Tree of Life was located and if they had eaten from it's fruit would have lived forever as sinners...So it is today, Mankind is born in sin and it is sin that separates people from Almighty God. Like a stone wall of separation. God sent Jesus, born pure and holy, to die for the sins of mankind, so that mankind could have access back in relationship with their Creator. The blood of Christ was shed so that we could be made pure and holy as Christ himself is pure and holy and this is how we are made righteous with God. It is only then, that we are made ready for heaven, Those who reject Christ will die in their sins and be forever separated in a place prepared for the Devil and his co-horts. No, God loves unconditionally and declares anyone "Not Quilty" when they call upon the name of the Lord and writes their name in heaven. So man is born for Hell, and this is why Jesus said, "You must be Born Again."
2007-09-20 13:33:07
answer #4
answered by *DestinyPrince* 6
It's just something that christians say to become free of their own guilt about not trying their best to convert you over to their way of believing. They do not realize that all people, including sinners, have free choice. The only way anyone is going to Hell is that they themselves believe that they are.
2007-09-20 13:31:36
answer #5
answered by grumpyfiend 5
No, you send yourself to hell because you want to. Because you don't care that what you're doing is wrong.
2007-09-20 13:21:30
answer #6
answered by Cardiophobia <3 5
We're all headed in the same direction. There is an escape hatch and some of us 'chose' to use it.
2007-09-20 13:20:51
answer #7
answered by judysbookshop 4
But the criminal would have never been taken physically to jail had he/she not committed the crime, therefore, they sent themselves there by their actions.
So if you think that the Garden of Eden is a story with no reality, then why do you even worry about hell?
Your question/statements has no reasoning to it at all. You contradict yourself from your question in the start by your statement at the end.
Did you even think about what you asked or the comparison you used? Seriously, think about what you just said, silly!
2007-09-20 13:28:34
answer #8
answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7
There is a catchy little phrase I've seen on posters in police stations, "use a gun go to jail". Now, if a person uses a gun in a crime and gets caught, who do you think is responsible for his ending up in jail?
2007-09-20 13:19:45
answer #9
answered by Esther 7
Absolutely!!! Police don't send criminals to jail, the police just arrest the people who commit the crimes. If the people didn't commit crimes they would not be in jail. Now you are getting it.
As William Blake used to say on his TV show: "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!"
2007-09-20 13:20:39
answer #10
answered by William D 5