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that the Great Crowd will live on earth?

It certainly appears so because Rev 19:1 says that the Great Crowd is in Heaven?

2007-09-20 13:10:44 · 14 answers · asked by Nina, BaC 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

--YOUR QUESTION , and answer is based on a misinterpreted scripture!
--THE CONTEXT of Rev. 7 & 14 shows a difference between 144,000(the "little flock"--Luke 12:32) and the great crowd before the thrown or on earth! since the earth is God's "footstool"

--(Revelation 14:3) “. . .And they are singing as if a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one was able to master that song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, who have been BOUGHT FROM THE EARTH(my caps)"
***SPECIFIC NUMBER of 144,000 BELIES your lie!

--(Revelation 7:9-10) “9 After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. 10 And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: “Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.””
--JUST as Noah came out of the deluge as a survivor, alive --SO DO the great come out of the great tribulation , survivors alive on the earth!

--THE "meek ones who will inherit the earth" & the mild-tempered who will possess the earth" are a specific group!

--THERE IS NO distinction made with the great crowd of Rev. 19:1 because it most likely includes not only the 144,000 but all the faithful angels in heaven--making up "in general" a great crowd!

--NO LIE, the lie stays with Christendom to either send people to hellfire or heaven & forget the earth, that Jesus said of people who would reside on it "......thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"

2007-09-20 14:06:00 · answer #1 · answered by THA 5 · 8 2

Nina, much of the Watchtower society teaches is a lie. Don't be fooled by their 'reasoning' and hypocrisy. They say the dead will be resurrected on earth, Paul says they will go to heaven. They say that the 144,000 is literal and yet ALL other numerical values in Revelation are symbolic; they say that the list of the tribes are symbolic and yet the number is literal; where is their evidence? They say that only the 144,000 are born again and yet the Bible says ALL have to be born again (1 John 5:1-4; 1 Cor 15:50-52; Hebrews 11:12-16; Mathew 11:11-12; John 10: 1-17) to live. By teaching this they are denying all the 'great crowd' left on the earth life. They teach that to accept blood is against Jehovahs law and yet allow blood components (still blood). They have repeatedly prophecied the end and were wrong, they then lied and said that they didn't do this and blame individual witnesses for taking what they said the wrong way! I could go on and on about how wrong the organisation is, and yes you are right when you say that JW's are made to teach a lie because if they don't they are labeled 'apostates' and cut off from friends and family.

2007-09-21 06:17:01 · answer #2 · answered by the truth has set me free 4 · 2 2

The thing that can be kind of confusing is that the 19th chapter of Revelation refers to two separate great crowds.

The first mention of a great crowd indeed depicts them as being in heaven. Notice, though, that the prophecy says that the great crowd in heaven says with a loud voice: "Praise Jah, you people!" So, obviously, that "great crowd" has reference to all of God's holy angels in heaven.

But, who are the people they are exhorting to praise Jah? The people are those on earth who witness and survive Jah's destruction of Babylon the Great. So, then, that's why we read in the 6th verse that a great crowd responds to the angelic invitation and they praise Jehovah. Do you see the distinction?

We generally think of the term "great crowd" as applying strictly to the non-anointed flock of Jehovah's Witnesses, but that is not necessarily the way the Scriptures always use that term, as is evident at Revelation 19:1.

So, a great crowd can be just a generic term that means a large number of individuals. A gathering of angels can rightly be called a great crowd, and a gathering of people can be a great crowd too.

2007-09-20 16:33:51 · answer #3 · answered by keiichi 6 · 6 0

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus made a promise: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5, Revised Standard Version)

Rev 19:1 speaks of "a sound like a great crowd" - Not anything about a great crowd who to go heaven. Of course there are a great crowd of angels there that praise God. It is most appropriate that they do so as they have seen the execution of his judgement from their standpoint. No human has seen all of the praiseworthy things that the angels have seen mentioned in verse 2 and 3.

2007-09-20 13:25:41 · answer #4 · answered by Kilroy J 5 · 7 0


If what you are trying to prove is: That all people that is approved by God, goes to Heaven, and the rest of us go to that other place Hell, that is not a Bible teaching, then there would be no one left on the Earth. But that would make King David to be a lier because in Psalms 37:29 in the King James Bible King David says: "The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever." Also verse 9 "For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth."

WHEN untold millions are raised in the ‘resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous,’ they will not be brought back to life on an empty earth. (Acts 24:15) They will awaken in beautifully improved surroundings and find that living quarters, clothing, and an abundance of food have been prepared for them. Who will make all these preparations? Clearly, there will be people living in the new world before the earthly resurrection begins. Who? The Bible indicates that they will be survivors of the coming great tribulation. Of all Bible teachings, undoubtedly this is one of the most intriguing, that some faithful ones will be saved alive through the great tribulation and will never have to die. This hope is well attested to in the Holy Scriptures.

The Scriptural teaching of the resurrection, however, is not compatible with the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. If an immortal soul survived death, no one would need to be resurrected, or brought back to life.

2007-09-20 18:47:56 · answer #5 · answered by BJ 7 · 5 1

one million. If the agency did not surely prophesy the top in 1925 and 1975, then how come this way of super form of Witnesses left the religion in the present day after wards? ("They lost variety of three-quarters of the circulation between 1925 and 1928, then suffered huge losses after 1975, whilst the top did not come as they had implied repeatedly back," stated Jim Penton, an ex-Witness who writes entries on Jehovah's Witnesses for the Encyclopedia Americana.) 2. If the Watchtower agency rejects others calling them "inspired" however the Watchtower agency does call themselves "God's Spirit-directed Prophet" what's the version? Is there this way of component as an "uninspired prophet"? See agency claims notion 3. Has the Society ever taught something scripturally incorrect? See Prophecy errors of the agency 4. would desire to the Society be coaching something scripturally incorrect now? 5. via fact the agency has gained "new mild" relating to the 1914 technology, and thoroughly replaced their view in this, does this propose that each and every of the former Jehovah's witnesses who have been disfellowshipped years in the past for an identical view the agency is now coaching will at once be properly-known into fellowship back? have been those Ex-Jw's in fact disfellowshipped for fact and knew issues that the governing physique did not? See Jw's have been disfellowshipped for rejecting technology doctrine: 6. Can Jehovah's Witnesses carry and talk brazenly with different Jehovah's Witnesses evaluations that selection from orthodox Watch Tower doctrine? 7. Can persons examine & comprehend the Bible by myself, or do they choose an agency and it particularly is guides to accomplish that? 8. How do you prepare from the Bible that 1935 replaced into the 365 days for the call to heaven stopped via being crammed? what's the version between a Catholic beautiful to "what the agency tells him" approximately December 25 being the date of Jesus’ birthday and a Jw’ beautiful to "what the agency tells him" appropriate to the date 1935? Is it not hypocritical once you chide the "undesirable deluded Catholic" that his faith can't come across a Bible passage to help it, whilst an identical is going for you and 1935?

2016-10-19 06:23:43 · answer #6 · answered by innocent 4 · 0 0

The crowd spoken of at Revelation 19:1 is NOT the great crowd spoken of at Revelation 7:9. On what basis do you contend such? And no, it is not fair to say that the Watchtower Society makes Jehovah's Witnesses teach a lie.

Firstly, the Watchtower Society is a publishing company. It is a legal entity. It's purpose is to publish literature. To say that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, Inc. makes Jehovah's Witnesses teach a lie is the same as saying that the World Publishing, Inc. makes Catholics teach a lie. World Publishing, Inc. publishes the New American Bible – the Catholic Bible. This entity, however, does not "make" Catholics teach anything.

So I must assume your reference is to the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. You are again asking about the teaching that the great crowd will live forever on earth. Your question then is an extension from your question of yesterday; wondering if there is a scripture that specifically says that. Is there one? No, Nina. Neither is there a scripture that specifically says we should not dump our garbage in our neighbor's yard. Yet we have Bible principles that teach against such behavior. What Bible principle teaches us not to dump our garbage in our neighbor's yard? The second greatest commandment which says we must love our neighbor as ourselves. Moreover, Paul said love does not work evil to one's neighbor. Therefore, love would prevent us from dumping our garbage in our neighbor's yard. Neither would we cut down our neighbor's tree, set afire our neighbor's house; put our unused items in our neighbor's garage. Do you see how a principle comes into play to teach a doctrine?

That being said, what Bible principles or Bible teachings have a bearing on where the great crowd will live forever, particularly in light of such scriptures as Revelation 7:9, 10 which describes these ones "standing before the throne and before the lamb." Again, I respond, as I did yesterday, that this does not necessarily mean they are located in heaven. Again, I invite you to compare Matthew 25:31-33 where Jesus is described as sitting on his throne WITH THE NATIONS GATHERED BEFORE HIM. Are these nations IN HEAVEN? No. Why not? For what reason would nations be in heaven? Christ is here doing a separating work, isn't that what the scripture says? Yes. Where do the goats go? On the left of Christ. Why? Because they are to undergo everlasting destruction. Well how is that if they are IN HEAVEN? They aren't in heaven. Why would goats who deserve destruction be in heaven before the throne?

I again encourage you to consider Genesis. Consider: Adam and Eve. In what scenario was death introduced? Death was introduced as a punishment for disobedience. Patently, obedience would be met with no death – that means life. Everlasting? Yes. Remember the tree of life?

Consider the Bible in its entirety as respects everlasting life. There is nothing in scripture upon which to base a teaching that every single righteous person will go to heaven to be kings with Christ. I ask you again, if that is so, what happens to earth? Destroyed? WHY? It didn't do anything! Moreover, if that is so, are people now born forever in heaven? What happens to earth? Destroyed? WHY? It didn't do anything!

If we want to understand the concept of everlasting life, we need to consider it from God's perspective. Thus, we need to do so in the light of scripture and not the shadow of emotion. Our hearts may be set on going to heaven, but it is not up to us – it is up to God.

Hannah J Paul

2007-09-21 00:33:50 · answer #7 · answered by Hannah J Paul 7 · 4 0

1 - Theres two Great Crowds talked about in the book of Revelation.

2 - The first Great Crowd is a fixed number, which is 144,000.

3 - The second Great Crowd is not numbered, and its a crowd which no man was able to number.

So yes, theres a difference between the two...

2007-09-20 14:55:23 · answer #8 · answered by VMO 4 · 10 1

I guess I could some it up in a small amount of words.
No lying, going on. You got some Scriptures mixed-up.
There's 2 groups of people, 144,000 go to heaven to rule as kings & priests w/ Jesus. And the other lives on Paradise earth.

It's expected though. Just do some more research and then you won't come off sounding so unrighteous or uneducated.
We are NOT immortal. We do die.
I'm not trying to be mean, it's the truth.
Quit Hating!
Get a Life!
HAve a good night! :P

2007-09-20 14:32:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

It seems to me that if we are pretected by Jesus we wont have to worry about Revelation. I say bring it on i will be part of the great crowd

2007-09-21 01:47:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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