Isn't that contradictory to a severe extreme? They're both mutually exclusive--neither can be true at the same time unless you're living in Oceania using Doublethink.
God is unconditionally loving, merciful, and there is no Hell...
...God isn't TRULY loving, merciful, and forgiving. How can ANYBODY be those three traits and allow someone to be eternally tortured?
Which do you believe?
Before you answer, consider this:
Whatever religion you believe, you cannot deny that Christianity has the largest following at 30% of the world, 1.5 billion strong. If we believe what certain Christians say and that everyone who isn't Christian is Hellbound, then 4.5 Billion are going to Hell. If we believe other Christians, then Catholics are gone too--so now we're down to approximately 750 million. If we believe followers of other major world religions that believe in damnation, even more are going to Hell.
45 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
What about all the millions in Africa who never heard of Christianity? Or about people who saw no need to convert because of family;:are they going to Hell because they weren’t born with a silver spoon in their mouth into a family that follows the “right” religion? What about someone who lives a generous, good life but were Atheist or gay—are they going to lose their spot in Heaven to a serial killer or rapist who decided to turn Christian in jail?
I ask again: How can a loving, merciful, and forgiving God allow MOST of the WORLD to burn in Hell for such reasons? How can you say that God is Just and Fair when He’ll let someone generous burn in Hell for not accepting Christ, but allow a murder into Heaven who did? Why should God only love followers of one religion when there are so many that follow Him?
If I have offended you, it was NOT intentional. I only want an answer--this is a concept that is beyond all logic and reasoning for this 16 year old.
11:50:05 ·
update #1
Okay, I get the whole "a loving parent punishes their child when they do bad." But do you only give your kids one chance and then put them in time out for eternity?
Furthermore, if it we do "send ourselves to Hell," why would anybody CHOOSE that? That's like "choosing" to be gay. Who would? And still, if God WAS merciful, don't you think He'd rescue us from Hell instead of just sitting there watching us suffer?
14:50:41 ·
update #2
Wow. I just read through each and every question, and quite honestly, I'm disappointed. Nearly every single person danced around the question but never really getting there completely.
I didn't just ask one question, I asked many, therefore I expected all of them to be answered. I had set my hopes a little high.
Y!A has really made me realize how closed-minded people are all over the world, and it gives me very little hope for its fate.
15:01:41 ·
update #3
well now this isnt as complicated as it seems, there have been Near Death Experiences where people have seen a light and have gone throught a tunnel, there are ghosts and spirits and angels, there are psychics and mediums, and there is a Loving God who has given us free will to be positive or negative, but for the question you asked is part of the reason I believe in reincarnation along-side near death experiences and the other above pnenomenons that are not mentioned in the Bible. The Bible is a teaching spiritual religious book like the many others out there like the I ching, Tao Te Ching, and others. How personal and your point of view is your own path to follow and were meant to learn by, but keep an open mind.
There is to me no hell other than what we make for ourselves after we die, but none so bad that is unforgiveable, or learn from. But quite simply there are real negative spirits that chose not to go into the light or accept God's love but that is not by God's doing.
To me religion is more traditional and closed minded than a spiritual viewpoint where there is no hell, God is all loving, and has sent many great teachers into this world to help guide us into spiritual maturity and toward the light.
What people believe though is right for them and that is their path to search and learn about God reguardless which path that is. God created a spirit to be born to this earth to learn about spiritual matters so the spirit can grow by them and come closer to the light.
if I have gone in too many directions without tying things up for you I apologize but what it comes down to is there is no hell and reincarnation seems to be the most logical answer I could find for me personally to answer that question for myself.
2007-09-20 15:28:16
answer #1
answered by piscean_psychic7 2
This is an excellent question, one that I have thought about many times in my life. At first blush, logic says that you can't have mercy and not have it at the same time. this very true--in the eyes of us humans either you have an apple in your hand or you don't. So my argument cannot entail logic because logic either prove or disprove God's existence. There are many fine arguments for the existence of God, and there just isn't enough space, and I don't have the time to go through one with you. BUT, there is something logic cannot prove or disprove, the existence of morality. We have it because we need it, and it seems to work, but is morality a man-made idea, or is it Gods? Without going into a long dissertation about that and still make my point, I resign again to cynicism and give you an atheistic view. Now, because I profess to be a believer, I am already two to nothing and losing...BADLY, I need something that is going to give me an edge over your argument, so that I don't look like a fool, and something that isn't going be a cop-out. It is perfectly plausible, AND undeniably strong among believers, and that is faith. Why would God allow pain and suffering? Why will humans allow pain and suffering? I know this to be true, for me...if I don't make amends to the people I have harmed, I suffer. God doesn't make me suffer, I suffer on my own because I KNOW I did something wrong, so I make amends. I believe this is just one area that make it possible to believe in a good and benevolent higher power. This give me hope, and as far as I am concerned, it is better to err on the side of benevolence than on the side of being right! I am a firm believer that unconditional love is offered to anybody who wants it, whether they believe or not. you might not believe that there is a million dollars on display in a Las Vegas Hotel, but there is, and it is there whether you know it is or not. I also believe that we humans should try to accept one another regardless of our philosophies and religious views. I want a peaceful world, a merciful world, and a forgiving world, and even if there were no God, I would want that anyway--that in itself makes me wonder why--is there a God who plugged that into me before I was born, or am I the product of history, religion, family, and other factors. Either way, it seemed to work, at least for me. I know there are others out there who loved the world as much as I do, are they too the product of the same environment I was? What about those in other countries who want a good world--were they too the subject of good environmental factors? I am merciful and forgiving and loving because I want to be. I do have a choice in the matter, and so does everyone else. I choose the light, and I do this because I have faith. It isn't because I might earn brownie points with God and go to heaven, no. I do it because it works. My relationships are good, my life is happy, my body is healthy, and I have gained many other perks because I believe. This may not be the logical alley you wanted me to go down, but I have been down them all, and for me...they were all dead ends. Peace to you my friend.
2007-09-24 16:11:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Here is what I believe about your question. Yes, I believe God is loving, merciful and forgiving, if we accept his love, mercy and forgiveness. However, God loves us so much that He gives us free will, or a choice. This means that we can choose to spend eternity in hell. It is His will that all would be spared from such suffering. But it is pretty apparent that not everyone will accept Him. So, it is those who reject him that are setting themselves up for eternal torture. In reality, the three traits you describe - God is actually the epitomy of those three things, more than anyone or anything else we could see or know. I hope this helps, and I respect your asking and seeking insight into the mind of God. I am not offended at all. This is a very healthy question, and I can promise you that God would not be offended either. He wants you to seek the truth. That actually strengthens a person's relationship with God. Hope this helps you some. It's a very complex question that you pose, and I tried to answer as well as I could but also keep it brief. Again, I admire your search for the truth.
2007-09-20 12:03:50
answer #3
answered by bamascrappingirl 2
Let me put it this way...and I am not the "one true expert" who has it all figured out, this is just how I see it:
Sin is any action which seperates us from God. When we sin, apart from the "saving grace," as they say it, of redemption through Jesus, we further ourselves from God. An object cannot exist with an object that always pushes away from it. God(in "Heaven") cannot exist WITH sin. When we die, if we are not under the redemption of Christ, we CANNOT be with God, since sin exists within us. God does not "send" us to "Hell," it's just that we have nowhere else to go if we died in sin.
I know the questions still come up-why create those who would not go to heaven to begin with? God wants all of us to choose to follow Him, but He knows some of us will not. If He only created those who would not, then there would be no sin, and therefore, no way for us to prove that we love Him by rejecting such sin.
I hope I am not too hard to understand, sometimes I get confused on such large subjects myself, even in the middle of one I am already familiar with. Please take these ideas as just opinions of one person trying to figure out the same questions as you.
2007-09-20 23:53:05
answer #4
answered by 60659 3
Let me preface my remarks with the "I'm an agnostic" caveat. Since your question assumes the existence of a god, my answer will assume one as well.
The problem is perhaps with the judeo-christian-muslim concept of god. There is no empirical evidence that god has the attributes of lovingkindness and forgiveness that is postulated in scriptures. The scriptures upon which humans have postulated that particular "nice" god also show a vengeful and wrathful god. There is no empirical evidence for that view of god either. Those same scriptures also say god is immutable and unchanging.
So, if one accepts the scriptures, god can be, like humans, angry and hateful as well as loving and kind. Apparently his/her mood is dictated by factors that are unclear to, and misunderstood by, humans.
If you have a bipolar god, you have a god that is fully capable of taking contrary positions or making rules with arbitrary rules and draconian punishments. That is, again, not unlike human law and punishment.
One who does not believe in the judeo-christian-muslim view of god perhaps doesn't have a hell to contend with, but probably also has a god who is not active in human affairs. It is all so ego-centric to think there is a god who is worrying about humans when all the evidence would indicate the contrary.
2007-09-20 12:05:29
answer #5
answered by BAL 5
Very thoughtful, but believers have no where to go psychologically - if they consider the position you have so thoroughly defined. They are in a corner UNLESS they accept that god/reality is NOT deity but the responsive, non-material field in which we are embedded. Since scientists still hang onto the idea of space being a 'void' you can see their predicament and uncertainty. Perhaps when science progresses a bit more, they'll be forced to come around to the truth. Reality can respond to your choices without being your daddy-in-the-sky.
2007-09-20 12:22:44
answer #6
answered by MysticMaze 6
Sin is like cancer. It was man's choice. He thinks that if it's good for him then it's OK to live in his utter disobedience to the Father's love. But, man's own sinful way ultimately leads to death and damnation. Watch the news sometimes. This isn't rocket science. Sin is the reason for all the torment of this world.
Since evil and disobedient men made this world the way it is, sinful man will be destroyed. The cancer will be eradicated. No eternity in hell. Just eternity in death for those who are already unwise and spiritually dead.
Good people will live a good rewarding life in eternity with the Father and Son. In a new world as was given to Adam and Eve. There will be no more sin to afflict the Father's children. No more murderers, rapists, and perverts. Just one family in peace and prosperity.
The system created by Satan and sinful man in this world are coming to a head. Sooner than some of us think (watch the news). The massive wars waiting to happen, terrorist attacks, the eroding environment, the fledgling economic system, disease (AIDS...Avian...) and pestilence. Sin is about to take its final toll. We will reap all that we have sown over the years.
Then there will no longer be any debate. The Most High will bring this all to a successful conclusion.
2007-09-20 12:19:54
answer #7
answered by F'sho 4
You limit it to an "either or" which does not exist. Either God is unconditionally loving and there is no hell or He is Not loving because hell does exist. Hmmm. Then, there is no justice. Those who Choose Hell bring forth their own hell on Earth through their choices. Why should that suffering that people bring on themselves be blamed on God? God does not even remotely care what religion you are. You will be judged by your own conscience so everyone will be judge by the same standard they judge others. If you are a forgiving person you will be forgiven. If you condemn others you will be condemned. If God was not loving then what is keeping Him from wiping the human race with all its violence and brutality from the face of the planet? Why would He even bother to warn anyone or give us any chance at all?
It is that simple.
2007-09-20 12:10:33
answer #8
answered by TheNewCreationist 5
The Jewish people believe that no one goes to Hell for eternity. The purpose of Hell is a purification process in order to merit going to The Garden of Eden. The more sins a person committs the longer s/he has to be purified through torture. According to Jews you do not burn in Hell merely for the reason that you weren't born Jewish. All you need to do is be a good person and follow the 7 Noahide laws which are:
1- not to eat from an animal while it is alive.
2- not to curse G-d
3- not to steal
4- to set up a court system for justice
5- not to kill
6- To believe in one G-d and not to worship idols
7- not to have immoral sexual relationships
So in fact, G-d is merciful, yet that is not a contradiction to Hell. G-d wants to give you goodness and pleasure, but in order to really enjoy the pleasure and feel that you earned it, you have to really earn it. Hell is only a purification process to make you worthy of The Garden of Eden where G-d really wants you to be!
Good Luck!
2007-09-20 12:25:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hell is one of the biggest fallacies about God.
God is not a singular Superbeing living somewhere in the universe, or outside it, having the same emotional needs and subject to the same emotional turmoil as humans. That which is God cannot be hurt or damaged in any way, and so, has no need to seek revenge or impose punishment. God has no ego and is not so shallow that he would require you to bow to down to Him in fearful reverance, or grovel before Him in supplication in order to find you worthy of receiving His blessings. What kind of Supreme Being would need to do this? That's not the God I believe in, nor would I want God has unconditional love.
2007-09-23 01:23:41
answer #10
answered by Freedspirit 5