Perhaps if you baptist him in the water dish.
2007-09-20 11:20:12
answer #1
answered by Steve C 7
All Hamsters Go To Heaven.
2007-09-20 18:20:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In Italy, the rc. priests were baptizing animals a while back ago.
Do know this... your hamster does not lie and God is truth..
The hamster is righteous to others, and things, he just goes about his own business..minding his own and not others.
The hamster does not go around causing strife and evil..
judging by all this, the hamster may well go into heaven more then 99% of the so called ones in all their beliefs..
Learn from the hamster, sick of life and you shall do well.
2007-09-20 18:25:41
answer #3
answered by john 3
animal souls work differently than human souls, they don't go to the same place we go when we die. they go to a place called Bestia Caelum weather they believe in Jesus or not, which is not likely since animals lack the higher conscious that we do which enables us to make spiritual , or any other complex decisions. So don't be concerned if your hammy is spouting of these things , He is probably just pulling your leg.
by the way there is no Hell for animals.
2007-09-20 18:50:35
answer #4
answered by Drake Deth 3
Dude, if you can understand what your hamster is saying to you, then I wouldnt be worried about heaven OR hell right now.
And, I think if I understand my Flying Spaghetti Monsterables, all hamsters go to Limbo.
2007-09-20 18:21:04
answer #5
answered by Munya Says: DUH! 7
Did you know that the Bible says if we don't warn others about the consequences of their sins, their blood will be required at our hands.
I suggest you start taking your hamster to church every time the door is open. Take it to different churches to see which one he likes best.
If you sing in the choir, take it with you. Take it to Sunday School and on church outings. Bible camp is advised.
Who knows what will happen.
Sending you a smile to help pick up your day.
2007-09-20 18:28:09
answer #6
answered by Prof Fruitcake 6
I think you should bring your hamster to be blessed by a priest or have it baptized at an animal-friendly church. You could also pray to Saint Francis of Assisi who is the patron saint of animals and the environment. If you belong to a church, you should ask your pastor about your hamster's salvation.
2007-09-20 18:25:16
answer #7
answered by question4uuu 2
Oh trust me. Your hamster-it knows that Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord God. I believe that all animals have the knowledge of their creator, just like we do. The only difference is that people like you choose not to believe it.
I would advise you quit being smart-alick and follow after your hamster and realize that God is our creator that loves us.
Basically--The Creation knows its Creator.
Love in Christ-The Creator
2007-09-20 18:23:38
answer #8
answered by GODFOLLOWER 3
How did your hamster pass this knowledge on to you?
Ah, so your hamster p¡ssed his knowledge onto you!! LMFAO
He's definately heading for the barbeque pit then, christianized or not, sorry.
2007-09-20 18:20:39
answer #9
answered by Grotty Bodkin is not dead!!! 5
Baptize the varmint in water and tell it to repent of its sins AND any rabies that it's harboring in its heart. Or it will ROAST in the fires of perdition and there are no mysterious tunnels leading out of that dread place, like the one it burrowed into that night you were drunk.
2007-09-20 18:21:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You might want to have yourself checked out if there is a possibility you and your hampster can discuss religious views, or any views for that matter.
2007-09-20 18:21:14
answer #11
answered by Loosid 6