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11 answers

He dose have a better way! Get saved, then the love of God and what he did for you should keep you more "in line".(as no one can be %100 "in line") Read more at : http://cmrbc.org/gospel.html

2007-09-20 09:11:47 · answer #1 · answered by MadDog 4 · 0 0

Well, I am a Christian, and I believe that the Bible uses fear tactics to keep people in line! Just exactly how many times are we told that we will burn in hell if we don't do as we are told? If that is not using fear as a tool? I don't know what is!
And I agree that there should be an easier way to persuade a person, to follow the teachings in the Bible! if it had been done with love, and kindness, there would not be the hang ups there are today about religion! The threat of fire and brimstone, only leads to resentment, and fear, not a positive outlook! I always used logic, and a calm attitude when dealing with my children! When I yelled, or threatened punishment, they only rebelled more, and when I spanked them, I got total resentment and anger!
Fear of punishment never works! it only creates confusion, and resentment!

2007-09-20 16:31:03 · answer #2 · answered by cassandra 3 · 0 0

The Christians will spin this saying it is YOUR choice.

However that is total bull.

I set rules for my kids. At the same time it is MY choice what those rules are and MY choice what the punishment is.

For me to say that my kids have to keep their rooms clean would be considered pretty acceptable to most people. But for me to say that if their room is not clean that I am going to burn them at the stake - I would have Social Services knocking on my door.

The other aspect of this is that I clearly tell my kids to clean their rooms. I do not get someone else to write down what I said in private, have that copied and translated a few times and then wait for some stranger to come up and tell my kids that they need to tidy their rooms, or get grounded from TV.

If their god was real and really loved us he would make his message clear. Also hell would not be a place of torture, and it would be possible to leave it. Anything else means a vengeful and spiteful god.

2007-09-20 16:20:55 · answer #3 · answered by Simon T 7 · 0 0

Fear was not used at first. But to many people kept putting God off, not obeying him. So fear was put in. And they would behave for a while, then decide it was more fun to just do as they felt like. And God would teach them a lesson.
If you read your Bible you should know this.
To many people today are like that again now. Believing that their enjoyment is better than God or Jesus. _________

2007-09-20 16:12:23 · answer #4 · answered by geessewereabove 7 · 0 0

I am not sure who are speaking of here. The believer does not fear Hell because we have been saved from the wrath of God, and therefore, no fear there. We become believers because the Father has drawn us to Christ, we don't come to Christ on our own or based on our fears. Unbelievers don't fear Hell because they don't believe it exists. So, really, your question does not address anyone.

1Jn 4:16 And we have known and have believed the love which God has in us. God is love, and the one abiding in love abides in God, and God in him.
1Jn 4:17 By this, love has been perfected with us, that we have confidence in the day of judgment, that as He is, we are also in this world.
1Jn 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has punishment; and the one fearing has not been perfected in love.

2007-09-20 16:09:30 · answer #5 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 0 0

I think so, too. There is something oxymoronic about such a warped view of a Loving Creator.

That's why 2 + 2 = 4.

As a matter of Truth, the ONLY way you'd know if you have made a mistake is BECAUSE the principles of Life operate perfectly, without the slightest deviation, variation, or attenuation at ANY time or in ANY place for ANYBODY!
2+2 will NEVER, EVER equal anything but 4.

All the principles of Life operate in this manner.

Please understand that the same Source Who created perfect principles of mathematics which operate undeviatingly to create ONLY 4 as the answer also created US out of perfect principles, the correct application of which enables us to accomplish anything consistent with those principles.

Humans do NOT have imperfect qualities. We were lovingly and perfectly created by our Father with PERFECT qualities which WE have chosen to utilize inconsistently with the original purpose of those qualities. Why humans would choose the "hard way", eschewing the perfect way is beyond me, but obviously I (we) did or I (we) would not be here, now painfully aware just what I've (we've) brought upon myself (ourselves). Then, too, it occurs to me that there is a glimpse of answer in the sometimes inexplicable rebellious behavior of human teenagers in various earthly cultures. Having been one years ago, I remember the desire to do things my "own" way, and be my "own" person, and not follow "someone else's" rules, no matter how well-intentioned. After all, this was "my" life, wasn't it? I can imagine the intent underlying the Biblical parable of the "Prodigal Son" is illustrative.

We do not learn how to manifest 4 by adding 2 plus 3, or by any other mistaken application of mathematical principles. We may recognize that we have MADE A MISTAKE, yes. However, we learn to manifest 4 by adding 2 plus 2, and by recognizing that 4 is the correct solution in EVERY instance.

The gift in BEING FREE to make mistakes (in other words, to be wrong) is precisely so that you can learn from them....NOT in being penalized (hell) for making mistakes.

Having the ability to question and explore the spiritual, scientific principles of Creation and come to your OWN correct OR incorrect conclusions does not detract from its perfection (or YOURS) one whit! Otherwise, you would not know what electricity ABSOLUTELY and TRULY does FOR you when you utilize it correctly. Or you wouldn’t know what electricity ABSOLUTELY and TRULY does TO you when operated incorrectly, either.

No sooner than we correct the mistaken perception inside ourselves, and apply the solution....that the benefit leads to further experience to correctly apply the principles that YOU KNOW are now a permanent part of you. That's a good thing!!

I'd say that's a pretty good way to learn about the wonder of your Self and especially about the Giver of such a gift as the capability TO MAKE MISTAKES!!.

Prodigal Son or not, none of us can escape conformance to the perfect principles of our own Being, any more than we can escape the principles of mathematics to produce correct answers. However, we can learn to operate (live) in conformance to those principles to produce correct answers and productive lives.

Through such a gift, you could even come to realize how serious our Creator is to have us discover the Absolute Truth about ourselves, FOR ourselves......

As is our Father’s loving intent for all the Beings He created…..


2007-09-20 17:01:30 · answer #6 · answered by guthrio 5 · 0 0

the hell mentioned in the bible is also referred to as the Gehena, Hades, or Sheol. . its not a place where the condemned go to "burn", the bible refers to it as a simple tomb or, where the dead people are. when u die, u are not goin to suffer in hell because of sins committed. in ecclesiastes 9:5,10 it states "for the living are conscious that they will die, but as for the dead, they are concious fo nothing at all, neither do they have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten; all that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there isnt no work, nor devising nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the Sheol, the place to which you are going" Now ur right, God is Love and he is Kind, so yea, why would he want to torture us or threaten to? God doesnt want any of us to die, in fact he wants us all to live and eternal life here on earth with perfection just how it should have been since the beginning of time, before Adam and Eve erred. But if we chose to disobey God and his Laws, when we die, thats it for us, we wont have the chance to recussitate to eternal life. because in the book of John 5:28, 29 it says, "do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice, and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things, to a resurrection of judgement." but the belief of suffering in hell is erroneous.

2007-09-20 16:22:50 · answer #7 · answered by Kr@zie♥Be@utiful 3 · 0 0

You assume God dreamed up the idea of hell as a scare-tactic. How very atheist of you.

No, this is how it works - God gives you a choice. You can turn to him and live, or you can turn away from him and die. Being the gentleman that he is, he's not going to force your butt to do the right thing. But when you turn away, you do so with the full understanding that you're sending yourself to hell. Hell is separation from God, btw. Separation from all things good, right, and loving. You choose it.

2007-09-20 16:05:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Its called the freedom to chose between good and evil. Its up to you.

2007-09-20 16:08:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

CL Richardson already said what I was going to say. Well said! :-)

2007-09-20 16:09:12 · answer #10 · answered by Open Heart Searchery 7 · 0 2

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