Many of the answers you are getting are exactly what your question was pointing out.
It's amazing how twisted some faiths have established themselves. It's ignorance of the history of the early church and quite frankly, also on their knowledge of the reformation.
Being raised Protestant and converting to Catholicism 17 years ago, I am always seeking knowledge in my faith. But lately I have researched Martin Luther.
Luther the reformer had become Luther the revolutionary; the religious agitation had become a political rebellion. Luther's theological attitude , as far as a formulated cohesion can be deduced, was as follows: The Bible is the only source of faith; it contains the plenary inspiration of God; its reading is invested with a quasi-sacramental character. Human nature has been totally corrupted by original sin, and man, accordingly, is deprived of free will. Whatever he does, be it good or bad, is not his own work, but God's. Faith alone can work justification, and man is saved by confidently believing that God will pardon him. This faith not only includes a full pardon of sin, but also an unconditional release from its penalties. The hierarchy and priesthood are not Divinely instituted or necessary, and ceremonial or exterior worship is not essential or useful. Ecclesiastical vestments, pilgrimages, mortifications, monastic vows, prayers for the dead, intercession of saints, avail the soul nothing. All sacraments, with the exception of baptism, Holy Eucharist, and penance, are rejected, but their absence may be supplied by faith. The priesthood is universal; every Christian may assume it. A body of specially trained and ordained men to dispense the mysteries of God is needless and a usurpation. There is no visible Church or one specially established by God whereby men may work out their salvation.
"On the Jews and their Lies", a 65,000-word treatise written by the German monk and church reformer Martin Luther in 1543, three years before his death.
Luther writes that the Jews are a "base, whoring people, that is, no people of God, and their boast of lineage, circumcision, and law must be accounted as filth." They are full of the "devil's feces ... which they wallow in like swine," and the synagogue is an "incorrigible whore and an evil **** ..." He argues that their synagogues and schools should be set on fire, their prayer books destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, homes razed, and property and money confiscated. They should be shown no mercy or kindness, afforded no legal protection, and these "poisonous envenomed worms" should be drafted into forced labor or expelled for all time. He also seems to advocate their murder, writing "[w]e are at fault in not slaying them."
2007-09-21 20:17:34
answer #1
answered by cashelmara 7
Actually, it has to do with verses in Daniel and Revelation, which led all of the protestant reformers to independantly identify the office of the pope as the Anti Christ. Each of those protestant reformers was murdered at the order of the Pope. In addition, hundreds of thousands of european protestants were murdered by the catholics during the "dark ages" after they refused to return to the catholic church. Also, the arrogance of the catholics when they say that there is no salvation outside of "the church", when that doctrine is in direct contradiction to scripture, leads many to think that catholicism may be a false religion. Most protestants do believe, however, that there are many inside the catholic church who are genuine Christians. Another reason is the fact that the doctrine of the "rapture" of the church, followed by a seven year tribulation period, in which a single evil man, known as the Anti Christ, will arise, was a fabrication of Robert Bellarmine and Francisco Ribera, two jesuit "futurists", who were ordered by the Pope to come up with a public relations coup that would entice protestants back into the catholic faith and draw attention away from the Papacy being an Anti Christ. That doctrine, popularized by Hal Lindsay and the "Left Behind" series, has permeated the protestant denominations to a large degree, also. All of these things are not persecutions, they are conclusions.
2007-09-20 08:40:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't think it is unchristian of me to want to participate in communion, yet because I am not Catholic, I am denied this in their church Christ made no such exceptions. I don't think this is Christian. When I am forbidden to take communion I am left sitting in the pew like a complete outsider. Instead of being accepted, I am placed in a position of clearly not being accepted. How is this Christ-like? If I want to marry a Catholic, I must agree to raise any children in the Catholic faith. I cannot get married at the main altar. There are more things in this "Christian" religion where I am not being accepted. I don't believe this is something Christ would have approved of. These are just a few things that I don't like, and there are more, just not a lot of room. I accept anyone's belief, and will fight for their right to believe it. I think you are the pot calling the white kettle black. It is not the Christians judging and persecuting the Catholics, it is the other way around. Please re-consider your ? and ask a priest about my remarks. You may be surprized at what you find.
may peace be with you
2007-09-28 02:18:17
answer #3
answered by Linda B 6
Why accuse only the catholic church of child abuse. I know a couple of married Protestant minister who have molested children, and I don't hear it on the news. If a Protestant minister does something wrong it come in the new for a very short time like a day, but if Catholic priest does it, woo, it comes out 100 time for months in the news. Then it happen again they bring it up gain with new news and again 100 times, even the update on case. Then they lie make it believe all priest are involved even the Pope.
I prefer to be catholic knowing that it is the only church who is doing something about it and making it safe for my children and purifying the church.
Yes, It is true special in the Hispanic groups. The Bible-fundamentalism protestants they insert hatred or bad feeling for been Catholics. Yes, those group they produce bad fruits. I think they do that so that they can keep them as members by make them believe they are victims of grate lie which is not true. If they knew many greatest protestant, ministers, and followers have converted to Catholicism because some one was willing show a more fullest faith (Catholicism) and answer their questions. One can see shows like Journey home, catholic radio (, and other sites. Personally I knew minister who became catholic.
Protestants also kill a lot of catholic around (around 1600) and prosecuted. One will never hear term anit-protestant in our times, but you will hear word anticatholic.
2007-09-23 02:54:22
answer #4
answered by Original Christian 2
I am so sorry if you have been a victim of persecution by other Christians. Unfortunately, there are those who have been taught that Catholics are not true believers, that they worship Mary and the Saints, and that they have some teachings that are contrary to the Holy Scriptures. When people are taught from childhood such things, it's difficult for them to be open to the truth. Please know that there are those of us out here that know better and try to educate people in the truth. Just pray for your enemies and love them as Jesus has instructed - for they know not what they do.
2007-09-27 16:20:08
answer #5
answered by Mercedes 6
We have only one judge in this world and in the next. Anyone who thinks otherwise has a very rude awakening coming...Though no longer Catholic, I would never down talk another faith just because it didn't coincide with mine...I was Catholic for my first 17 years before I converted however, I still feel deep respect and love for my Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ...There are many Godly Catholics in this world and as such should not be mistreated and judged by the foul acts of others...there are just as many foul acting folks in "ALL" denominations and they will have their day in court. Make no mistake folks, It's coming quicker than you may think...Are You Ready? God Bless
2007-09-20 08:30:05
answer #6
answered by saintsfanchad 2
I think some people have personal experiences with Catholics judging them, so they are more apt to strike out against Catholics. My Catholic family boycotted my Lutheran wedding and gave me the silent treatment after I converted 10 years ago. That doesn't mean I "judge and persecute" all Catholics in a public forum like this, but it definitely tarnished my view of Catholics.
2007-09-20 08:26:49
answer #7
answered by ♫ Sweet Honesty ♫ 5
It could be tat Catholicism is not Christian it is based on worship of Mary the Rosary mentions Mary 10 times more than Jesus. It uses Pagan ritual and symbols so it is not Chritian. When will they admit that they are not a Christian Religion but a Papal Religion.
2007-09-26 13:31:35
answer #8
answered by cowboy_christian_fellowship 4
Well all things being even, Catholics seem to have the most severe version of christianity. In our relgion, it's worship or go to hell for pretty much everything. At times it can be very depressing, just look our most sacred symbol, the crucifix. Can't ever forget that christ died for our sins.
I'm already going to hell because i've broken quite a few of the 10 commandments.
2007-09-20 08:28:47
answer #9
answered by SaberBlade 6
And I think you've nailed it on the head. Protestants shouldn't hate Catholics, and Catholics shouldn't hate Protestants. They come at their theology from different angles, and I think it would be good to continue in dialogue between them without necessarily capitulating to each others' sides. I've been through the whole spectrum of religious services, and I've enjoyed different aspects of each one of them. We are all different, but I think we can celebrate what we do have in common.
2007-09-21 13:51:30
answer #10
answered by ccrider 7