That would explain those three abortions I just felt compelled to perform this morning and the pornography that has been playing loudly (much to the dismay/secret pleasure of my co-workers) on my computer all day.
2007-09-20 07:03:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
From their perspective: a belief in evolution, along with abortion and pornography are symptoms of the problem. The problem being that when God is removed, objective morality goes along with it leaving each individual to decide for himself what is morally correct. Under these circumstances, not only can on begin to believe that man has no purpose as man has evolved from the primordial muck, but one can rationalize that an embryo or a fetus is somehow not human and devoid of the right to live and/or that the debasement of the human person via pornography is somehow a depiction of art or an exercise of free speech.
2007-09-20 07:11:24
answer #2
answered by mzJakes 7
Ahhhh that's good stuff....LOL
What does this Ham guy think all of the other museums just put up exhibits with no facts to back them up? He's crazy. Crazy like a fox. He's gonna make some tall cash I bet.
I love the plant eating T-Rex part. Clueless.
If I'm down that way, I'd go just for the entertainment value.
2007-09-20 07:13:08
answer #3
answered by Just! Some? *Dude* 5
Ugly and repulsive propaganda.It would be an absolute riot,if it weren't for the fact that innocent children are actually being TAUGHT this.I'd love to be a fly on the wall of an elementary school history class about 500 years from now.What will they make of us,we can make cell phones the size of an index finger,and probe Mars,but a certain % of us chooses to wallow in ignorance and stupidity.Was it like this when belief in the Greco-Roman dietys waned,were there people in 2 or 300 ad who still taught their' children to sacrifice goats in the name of Zeus?Scary.
2007-09-20 07:35:53
answer #4
answered by M 7
Let's see...I've heard that part of the Hippocratic Oath that doctors take used to be "I will give no woman an abortion". Although people have differening ideas about pornography, erotica, and sexual or sexy visual art, such art has existed for centuries, even millenia. In slavery times in the American South, "good" Bible-believing Christian slaveowners would practice "pornography" by paying nightly visits to the slave quarters and having sex with slave women.
What I'm saying is, abortion and pornography have existed long before anyone came up with the theory of evolution! Therefore, I doubt that evolution causes these things, or even exacerbates them.
2007-09-20 07:11:23
answer #5
answered by MNL_1221 6
This coming from the man who is now going through a law suit with the "mother" company (I forget the name of it... but his company is Answers in Genesis, which was based right here in Florence, KY). This mother co is based in Australia (see? It's not just Americans are nuts about this stuff lol)... they are suing him for Lying to their sponsors to gain money from them to build this museum in the first place - the museum opened without being in debt to anyone due to donations from those sponsors. The sponsors thought the Australian company was doing this and found out after their money was spent that it wasn't.... So all around, Ham is a fraud and I will be soooo happy when they get rid of that place... it's a HUGE joke here in Kentucky (I live about 10 minutes away from it... no one I know of has gone to it)
2007-09-20 07:18:56
answer #6
answered by River 5
Sweet mother of pearl... I can't believe anyone would believe that crap. Did you see this part:
"In one exhibit two palaeontologists – a light-skinned creationist and a dark-skinned evolutionist – are shown digging up a dinosaur skeleton and, of course, reach different interpretations. The message is that it is OK, even scientific, to defy evolution."
I'm sure the choices of skin color was arbitrary and random. ;-) What total and complete garbage! They will use anything sensationalistic to convince their babbling, idiot believers their side is right because they know the followers are incapable of thinking for themselves and doing their own research.
And Mr. Ham himself says that it's important to teach this to kids early on... why? Not to save their souls, but the younger you get them, the earlier you can brainwash them. Plain and simple. Dogmatic indoctrination is what it's called, and the religious excel at it.
2007-09-20 07:14:27
answer #7
answered by Rogue Scrapbooker 6
It might be humourous if those behind the Creation Museum weren't so deadly serious in pursuing what they actually are: brainwashing.
This museum is nothing more than a psychological indoctrination and scare tactic to force compliance with a religious belief.
It's one very small step from the Creation Museum to "re-education camps".
2007-09-20 07:10:29
answer #8
answered by Jack B, goodbye, Yahoo! 6
"No, those things are caused by the fall of mankind not evolution.
Evolution doesnt even exist!"
That statement should be up on the wall at the kreation "museum" with all the other f'ing bullsh*t. Museums are places to learn, to expand your knowledge, to think, and wonder at the marvel of things, not to proselytize.
But then again.....look at where it's located.
"In one exhibit, a model Triceratops is shown wearing a saddle and another, along with a Stegosaurus, is shown aboard a scale model of Noah's Ark"
I about pissed myself I laughed so hard........just out of curiousity, how many species was the supposed ark to contain? If we throw in Barney, Godzilla and the rest of the dino's species, the sheer weight of them alone would show that it would have to have been a boat of MASSIVE size. If that's so, you would have thought they would have found the f'ing thing by now, they found the Chicxulub crater, how hard is to find a big f'ing boat.......
2007-09-20 07:12:33
answer #9
answered by Thrudheim 3
Obviously these twits have never heard of history back past the 20th century. They should read what went on in Victorian England. And those uptight types believed wholeheartedly in the literal inerrancy of Scripture.
None so blind....again!
I got a hot flash for the Fundies. Porn was invented by non-Christians alright, about 4,000 YEARS BEFORE CHRIST! Check out some of those tomb walls in ancient Egypt, kiddies! Not to mention the temples of Angkor Wat!
As for abortion, one of the oldest written treatises on medicine was found in the tomb of a 15th dynasty Egyptian physician. In it were detailed instructions on how to safely abort a fetus.
Get this and get it right...just for the novelty of it, if nothing else. Christian, non-Christian, doesn't make a bit of difference. Bible or no Bible, doesn't make a bit of difference. Believer or atheist, doesn't make a bit of difference. Bottom line...we are ALL human and we all have a human nature and that nature is fallen...EACH and EVERY ONE OF US....FALLEN!!! Kapish!?
Feel free to e-mail this to those Creationist idiots!
Oh rats, I just realized. Never mind. You gotta find one who can read, first, and that'll probably take way more time than you wanta spend.
2007-09-20 07:06:05
answer #10
answered by Granny Annie 6
Absolutely ridiculous. While I abhor the teaching of Evolution as fact (I have a MA in Contemporary Apologetics), to stretch the truth like this and blame all sin upon it just makes the rest of us who believe in a young earth look like a bunch of idiots.
2007-09-20 07:09:05
answer #11
answered by victoriahnichole2 2