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27 answers

What god? The God of the bible (Christ Jesus)? In answer to your question, yes. I say yes with this in mine, when I first became a Christian, I still believed in evolution, however, as time went on, I realized it for what it is, a lie. The universe was created by God in 6 literal 24 hour days. I would recommend Answers in Genesis.

2007-09-19 22:45:09 · answer #1 · answered by eondog 2 · 0 0

Is it possible to go up and down at the same time? Creation and evolution are mutually exclusive. You can believe some of the bible and some of the teachings of evolution. However, if you call yourself a believer, it's one way or the other.

Did you know that Darwin died a Christian? Others ran with his theory when he abandoned it at the last chapter in his life. Having said that, why do you want to believe what he later recanted?

2007-09-20 07:44:47 · answer #2 · answered by shawnLacey 4 · 0 0

Basic science is
Understanding &

Science itself is undergoing an evolutionary change on a daily basis based on the above.

Once we believed that the earth was Flat and ships still sailed then, and schools taught science,

As our observations increased we changed our perception of everything.. and the process is still on

And you are forgetting that it is still the "thoery of evolution" not the fact of evolution..

The day it is established as a fact..lets see..I will be the first one to accept it.

Mean while God's word in anyform is undeniably the truth... Read The Quraan
Chapter Yaseen
Verses 38 to 40
The Sun, runs its course for a period determined for it, that is a decree from Him Exhalted in might and the All Knowing,
And the moon, we have measured for it the orbit till it returns like a withered stalk of a date.

It is not permitted for the Sun to catch up with The moon nor can the night outstrip the day,

Each travels around its own set orbit according to Law. "

This was revealed to Prophet Mohammed 1420 years ago in the Glorious Quraan much before science determined that the earth sun and moon are orbitting..

Now U be the judge.

2007-09-20 04:50:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sure lots of religious denominations and individuals do just that. In Christianity there are several denominations that support or accept theistic evolution. For example, on 12 February 2006 the 197th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth was commemorated by "Evolution Sunday" where the message that followers of Christ do not have to choose between biblical stories of creation and evolution was taught in classes and sermons at Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Congregationalist, United Church of Christ, Baptist and community churches. The Roman Catholic churches position is that evolution and God are not mutually exclusive world views.

Additionally, the National Council of Churches USA has issued a teaching resource to "assist people of faith who experience no conflict between science and their faith and who embrace science as one way of appreciating the beauty and complexity of God’s creation." This resource cites the Episcopal Church, according to whom the stories of creation in Genesis "should not be understood as historical and scientific accounts of origins but as proclamations of basic theological truths about creation."

In Judaism three of the four main branches are open to evolution and the coexistence of a deity.

Some liberal Muslims also accept evolution while holding a belief in God.

2007-09-20 04:46:23 · answer #4 · answered by Zen Pirate 6 · 0 0

Yes. I do. Evolution is the physical history of God's creations of life on Earth past thru the present.

2007-09-20 06:00:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do. I'm a heavily religious person, but I believe that evolution is god encouraging the development of life to go in a certain direction.
And who ever said the seven days of Genesis weren't millions of years? Why would god measure time in such a tiny scale?

2007-09-20 04:37:46 · answer #6 · answered by xgasxchamberx 3 · 2 1

believing in God means a perpetual evolution

2007-09-20 04:37:25 · answer #7 · answered by Aya 3 · 0 0

Of course. You just have to believe that evolution is a process created and put into action by God.

This simple connection is why I've never understood many religious people's avid denial of the evolutionary process.

2007-09-20 04:37:14 · answer #8 · answered by aaryque2003 2 · 1 1

yes because God is the architect of evolution. Without God there would have been no evolution before, no evolution today and no evolution in the future. He alone doesn't evolve for He is already all perfect. It is we who evolve in our understanding, in our concepts, in our technologies. Other creatures also evolve following the laws God had set for nature.

2007-09-20 05:20:16 · answer #9 · answered by froy 2 · 1 1

I think so. In Psalms chapter 90 verse 4 it says, "For in Your sight (referring to Gd) a thousand years are like yesterday that has past, like a watch of the night." So, if you follow the teachings of the Judeo-christian Bible, then even a thousand years to us is like a day in the eyes of Gd. Whose is to say that Gd wasn't sitting front row, making the process of evolution happen, as primates evolved into homo-erectus or whatever stage man first came into? I remember this quote about Gd from an episode of Futurama (Yes, I'm a nerd) that went something like, "You know you've done something right when it seems like you haven't done anything at all." Maybe that is what Gd has done with regards to evolution.

2007-09-20 05:00:48 · answer #10 · answered by gurlycirl 3 · 0 1

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