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I love my daughter to death. But,she is such a brat! I don't want to sound mean or anything, I know I must have done something wrong for her to be this way. She will bite or hit and we yell NO and she smiles and does it again. She does know what no means. She basicly doesn't listen, I know she is a toddler and I expect some it from her but she is out of control!! Please I need help to straighten her out before its to late!!

2007-09-19 21:21:40 · 8 answers · asked by Maddie's Mommy!! 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

8 answers

She's growing out of her baby stage, and doesn't understand how come the rules have changed. "I used to be able to do anything I wanted, now I can't" lol. It's time to start disciplining and consequences. We actually started earlier @ around 10 months or so, clapping our hands together and saying firmly "NO!" Then redirection. @ her age a little swat to the diapered bottom would help too, along with a "NO!". As for the tantrums, just ignore those, don't spank for tantrums at this age, just put her in a safe place to let it all out, lol. When she calms down, come in and say "wow you did a good job calming down" big hugs and move on with the day.

@ 18 months your at the beginning, it might get worse before it gets better, but just remember hard work now, will pay off later.

Good Luck

2007-09-19 21:57:03 · answer #1 · answered by olschoolmom 7 · 1 1

She is only 17 months old and that is normal for her age. You didn't do anything wrong to "make her that way" however your reaction could be encouraging the behavior. If she bites another child, you should tend to the one who was bitten first. Tell her"you hurt ___ by biting her. Biting made her cry. You will have to be alone for a while" and remove her from the room. She should only be removed for 2 minutes. When she is allowed to return she should be told"give ___ a hug so she knows you are sorry for biting" then move on with whatever you were doing. If she does it again you remove her again for 3 minutes and repeat the process. She will soon get the understanding that "this gets me removed from the action and they aren't going to tolerate it.

2007-09-19 21:35:04 · answer #2 · answered by Mama Mia 7 · 0 1

You might try acting sad and telling her it hurt. another option is be really, really stern and say NO when she is biting. Third is what my wife and I do with our son. We have a corner and when ever he will not listen to us after we tell him not to do something at least twice, we take him to the corner and make him stand there. Then he can bawl he eyes out but he will only come out after he says he is sorry for doing what he did. Children hate being put in a corner. Mind you, do NOT put him into a dark corner as this will create a phobia of the dark.You also have to be willing to go about your daily chores once he your child is in the corner. When they howl andyell in the corner dont pay any heed. And if she comes out of the corner put her back. all the time remind her she should not do what she was told not to.

2007-09-19 22:17:29 · answer #3 · answered by Lance P 2 · 0 1

Most of the time children do what they see. Maybe I'm wrong but they have to learn it from somewhere. But it's not too late to unlearn. Why don't you act sad when she hits you and pretend to cry when she bites you. Then maybe she will realize its wrong. Good luck!

2007-09-19 21:34:44 · answer #4 · answered by CanDPac 2 · 0 0

She likes your voice being upset.
Take action.
Put her in time out, sitting on a chair
or stool her size.
Get down on her level to talk to her.
Tell her what you are going to do,
and why.
Try 1 1/2 min's at first, increase with age.

Don't put her around things to play with.
If she gets up, put her back.
Don't keep talking while punishing her.

2007-09-19 23:17:12 · answer #5 · answered by elliebear 7 · 0 0

Try watching 'super nanny' or nanny 911 for ideas. This stuff comes with the age, toddlers are difficult and you need suitable parenting strategies to deal with this. Sounds like a normal toddler, but you need to set limits with her.

2007-09-19 21:48:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

well 17 mos old is a hard age alot of it she will grow out of.
a lot of times they hit and bit out of frustration. They really can not communicate their wants and needs very well we try to understand but it is often a system of trial and error with the little ones.

They want to do stuff they are not redy for, We find our selves screaming and yelling no stop sit down you get into a power strugle with the child which means weather you win or lose, you lose because you walk away frustrated and angery and then you feel guilty for feeling that way.

I have 3 kids, what I found to work best, is redirection. if the kid wanted to play with something he or she shouldn't, I would move them and show them something they could play with. worked usually. there were times, I had to sit and hold my child until he or she stopped having a fit. I held them facing away from me, so they could not bite me. held their little hands so they could not hit me and if they kicked, I used my legs to restraine theirs. Then I talked to them quietly telling them when they stopped I would let them up. Some times they stopped I let them up and they would start over you have to repeat the whole thing a million times if it is necassary. It sounds to me like she is playing a game. just like when they throw their cup on the floor and you pick it up they throw it back down to see if you will pick it up again.

There has to be some thing after yelling. You could put her in a room and let her have her fit, restraine her, until she stops.
sit her on the couch or in the middle of the floor if she tries to get up, put her back what ever you do, her behavior must stop before you do. just keep your cool and be very persistant she will figure it out real quick what is comming.

But if you give in, before the behavior stops, you better bet the next one will be worse.

I would never sugest hitting a child, so please if you must make sure you have no other options usually restraint works well kids hate to be held down. redirection, time out, restraint if she gets physical. or out of controle. Left alone to cry it out, just make sure it is in a safe area. and not with her toys.

And remember when it is all said and done, and she is being a very good little girl, you give her extra attention for good behavior.

It is a rough age, you have many battles infront of you just remember to be persistent and correct immediately. you have less chance of getting angery and she will figure out you mean what you say.

Good luck.

2007-09-19 21:57:12 · answer #7 · answered by angie 4 · 0 1

HI, I would spank her.

2007-09-20 02:46:00 · answer #8 · answered by Yvonne M 2 · 1 1

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