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24 answers

Yes, Tampon, cheating is wrong. You should never cheat. Common decency should tell you that.

2007-09-19 19:43:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Cheating is wrong because of the consequences not only for you but others. If it is cheating on something like an exam it only benefits you short term. There is usually a reason you are being tested on the material and if you haven't mastered it honestly those reasons will become clear down the road further in the class or your job. You will also know that you didn't earn the result through your own merit and I think for most people this will be something in their mind and lowering their self esteem. If it is cheating in a relationship then it is a matter of treating others as you would like to be treated. Would you want your loved one to cheat on you? Can you honestly say its fair to not want them to be dishonest with you while you are willing to be dishonest with them? Why would you want to hurt someone that you care enough to be in a relationship with? If you don't love them enough to be faithful then you shouldn't be in the relationship, its unfair to them. This isin't even to go into how bad the consequences could be depending on the situation if you were caught cheating. I'm just touching on some basic reasons why cheating is the wrong choice. Having said that I suppose there could be a situation where cheating was the lesser of two bad choices. Say some crazy person was holding your loved one hostage and you had to pass some crazy test to retreive them and the only way you could was by cheating. Or say your family would starve if you didn't pass a test for work and you couldn't on your own, although again I would expect the lack of knowledge to hurt your job performance later. No religion here.

2007-09-19 19:55:26 · answer #2 · answered by Zen Pirate 6 · 0 0

By cheating you can't be a good human, You will loose your dignity and respect in society, Peoples will try to avoid you, Whatever you earn from cheat? that money will always take you to the wrong path, like easy come easy go, Cheat will make you A dishonest person & A lasy person. It will bring lots of cruse and evil &un fortune to your life, This is A belive of billions of peoples whom belive in God, And even non believer of God also think Cheat is not good, Now you can diside your self!!!

2007-09-19 19:55:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cheating is wrong because by doing so you hurt the person you love and you show a great lack of respect for him/her. If you want to relate this to religion it's ok, but for me it is just a question of respecting my significant other.

2007-09-19 19:46:18 · answer #4 · answered by remy 5 · 1 0

Cheating is bad because you devalue yourself when you cheat. I know, most people think the ones who're cheated on are fools, but I think it's the cheaters who are the fools. They prove that they have no integrity, that they cannot be trusted. I think too much of myself to be a cheater.

By the way, I'm an atheist.

2007-09-19 20:06:55 · answer #5 · answered by YY4Me 7 · 0 0

yea cheating is wrong very wrong, like my religion islam, most men dont cheat and they onyl have one wife, but some of them have 2 wives are 3 it depends, they just dont pick a wife, just to say to have, some of them take on another wife to help, or if the 1 wife is unable to have children. really they dont do it, but only the ones that are rich and have alot of money have 4 wives because they can take care of them, if they dont have any money they are not suppose to take on more wives because they wont be able to care for them. but overall yea cheating is bad.

2007-09-19 19:51:57 · answer #6 · answered by cheralavean 2 · 0 0

Cheating is wrong because it's never the correct way to solve a problem. Christianity.

2007-09-19 19:49:09 · answer #7 · answered by Darkskinnyboy 6 · 1 0

I hesitate to answer this because last time I talked to a feminine hygiene product, I got a violation!

Yes, cheating is wrong. It violates trust and faith when you cheat. While there are religious proscriptions against it (including Islam, cheir), it's wrong for ethical reasons.

2007-09-19 19:46:03 · answer #8 · answered by Wanderer 4 · 1 0

Leave aside religion. In society cheating is wrong because it is swindling in fraudulant way. If government is cheating you you can retaliate.

2007-09-19 19:59:11 · answer #9 · answered by Muthu S 7 · 0 0

Yes cheating wrong, without even bringing religion into it.

Why would you be in a relationship or marriage if you aren't going to be faithful..

2007-09-19 19:44:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

If on a spouse, an exam, a test, or in a sporting event cheating is wrong.


To us adultery is second only to murder

2007-09-19 19:50:14 · answer #11 · answered by Sid B 6 · 0 0

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