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i've been thinking about it, and in a way i think that an eternal heaven could be an illogical inconsistency.

No one really takes too much consideration of the implications of an actual eternal state.

It's neverending.
for a christian, i''m sure that sounds really nice, i can't blame most of them for not seeing anything wrong with it, but i think that after a certain amount of time, heaven would become hell to each and every single person who inhabited this place.

if it is forever and ever, then at a certain point you will have experienced all that an entity could possibly experience.
you would know ever bit of information that can be processed by a mind (or spirit, whatever)

2007-09-19 18:49:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

After a period of time, let's say for example: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
years to the 9999999999999999999999999999999th power,
you would literally go insane from either tedium or a host of other complications.
You cannot enjoy your existence if you have been sentient that long. No way.
Not in any way I can imagine.

What do you think?

2007-09-19 18:49:40 · update #1

13 answers

You are trying to find logic in religion? Best of luck!

2007-09-19 18:54:24 · answer #1 · answered by qxzqxzqxz 7 · 1 0

Great question. And there's been some great responses. I turn to the Bible for help in understanding this because Jesus is the only person who lived and died and lived to tell about it.

In John chapter 14 Jesus says (my paraphrase) "In my Father's house (heaven) there are many mansions (rooms, dwelling places). If it wasn't true, then I would tell you (reassurance) I'm going to prepare a place for you (heaven)."

Think about it. Jesus was speaking over 2000 years ago. He's still preparing heaven. Yes, there is a heaven now, but the Bible speaks of a new Heaven and a new Earth. If you're intrigued by this, then there's a great book called "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn. He answers your question and many others. I've included a link to Alcorn's site.

One last thought: Alcorn notes at the beginning of his book that most people today think heaven is our default destination just because we've lived a pretty good life and we haven't killed anyone. That's contrary to what God's word teaches. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23 and "For the wages of sin are death..." (our default destination is hell because we choose to sin..."but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus." Romans 6:23

Keep searching and keep asking! I can assure you heaven would never become hell.

2007-09-20 07:54:16 · answer #2 · answered by fisherofmen 2 · 0 0

You are trying to imagine Heaven as a place where time is never ending and you are using the only logic you know to come to this conclusion .Heaven is beyond anything physical and is more a state of bliss and happiness unimaginable to any similar feeling on Earth.We will have new bodies that have been purified by God and will become part of God in a way that could never be envisioned on Earth.

2007-09-19 21:13:11 · answer #3 · answered by ROBERT P 7 · 0 0

Streets of gold? Walls of jasper? A river with life giving waters? A tree with perfect fruits? No tears? No sickness? No pain? No sorrow? Peace forever more? To stand in the presence of the true and living GOD?
Or, never ending torment, fire, brimstone, weeping, gnashing of teeth?
A day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a century, a millennium, ETERNITY?
I'll take my chances on heaven (and by the way, there's more than 1)!
If you are truly seeking to understand and find the answer, ask GOD!
Read your bible and pray!
God bless and keep you all!

2007-09-20 09:55:55 · answer #4 · answered by JTW59 1 · 0 0

You can only even begin to think of what Heaven will be like on this earth, with our minds as limited as they are, No I don't think that we will ever experience all that God has in store for us in Heaven, but think of it this way, If Heaven seems like a long time to be somewhere, how much pain and suffering can one endure in Hell, which is also eternal? And where would you rather be?

2007-09-19 19:00:12 · answer #5 · answered by exodust20 4 · 0 0

I agree that is why I dont believe heaven is just a happy dreamlike, druglike state of perpetual bliss in that manner. I think heaven is learning and progressing. I think we will be learning all the mysteries of God, the science of nature, everything out there. Learning how everything works is going to take quite a bit of time. Then after we learn it I think we will be able to apply what we have learned and start creating of our own.
big part of why we needed to come to earth is to prove how worthy we are to be able to continue to learn this knowledge. Knowledge is power. Dont want the wrong people to have that kind of knowledge or power.

2007-09-19 18:55:33 · answer #6 · answered by cadisneygirl 7 · 0 0

I know that a lot of Christians believe they're going to join their 'dear departed' but they don't even understand their own religion. They're just supposed to become part of the spirit of God. Ask the Pope what he thinks.

You're not to expect to go 'up stairs' and play bingo and sip sodas. Oh, for you 'tough' Christians, forget the bingo.

2007-09-19 19:00:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's pretty difficult, if not impossible, to imagine what the spiritual realm is like. Especially considering the only "experience" we have is the physical realm.

I just put my faith and trust in the love and mercy of the one true God.

I look forward to the kingdom of heaven.

I'm pretty sure that things have already been worked out.

2007-09-19 18:56:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Using human logic maybe, but remember you have never set a foot inside heaven so we really cant say

One thing though is that we will be almost different beigns, so maybe as a human we can go crazy in heaven, but maybe not as a spirit

2007-09-19 18:54:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You think of eternity as a looooooong period of time. Time in itself is a physical dimension. God however is not subject to mass, acceleration or gravity, therefore he cannot exist in any temporal dimension, but outside of any dimension altogether. Presumably He created them all and must be therefore separate from them. In other words, eternity is not simply having a lot of time on your hands, but a completely different kind of existence. A dimensionless existence if you will.



2007-09-19 18:56:12 · answer #10 · answered by Mutations Killed Darwin Fish 7 · 1 1

I think it is illogical that we had a beginning and yet humans expect no ending. It is unnatural and undesirable if one opens their mind to the reality of it.

I agree that it would become hell.

2007-09-19 19:06:14 · answer #11 · answered by nicelyevolve 3 · 1 0

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