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its really old-school lutheran, and my dad is the pastor.
I am even pretty much ok w/ bein lutheran, and have no issues with the stuff taught there...
problem is, I can't even drive yet, and if I say I wan't to switch churches, my dad will kill me (he still makes me go to sunday school)

what am I supposed to do?

2007-09-19 15:48:03 · 25 answers · asked by i_hate_nicknames 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

get involved in youth activities. Get in the Word yourself! It's the best way to learn.

2007-09-19 15:53:45 · answer #1 · answered by zero_or_die77 3 · 3 2

Lutheran is fine, good teaching an so-forth. However, you might want to check out a more progressive evangelical style Church. Much more energy and community involvement is my experience. Likely a younger crowd as well, but I'm in no way putting down the Lutheran Church, or older Christians.

But dad's going to have to back you up unless you are 18. You might be surprised how he would respond.

2007-09-19 22:58:35 · answer #2 · answered by mikearion 4 · 0 3

How about an online church that you do get something out of attending? I think you should continue attending your father's church out of respect for your father and a desire to obey God's instructions (5th commandment). My dad is also a pastor and though I never felt comfortable in his church I attended until I went to college...but I also convinced my dad to allow me to join Campus Crusade for Christ...I did eventually grow away from them but in high school, I got a lot more out of their meetings than I was getting out of church.

I attend an online church that has services on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings. Our pastor is an awesome teacher and has a real gift for making his messages relevant and interesting. The main campus (physical location) has a huge youth group and the teens I know seem to get a lot out of the sermons. The online campus is new but has a growing number of young people attending. If you'd like more information, please feel free to contact me through my profile. ...and if my church doesn't work for you, I know of several others that have online services.

I would recommend getting your parent's permission...if you are honest with your father and let him know that you sincerely want to pursue your faith but that you need something you aren't getting at church, he should be agreeable (he may want to attend with you just to check it out...that's great). I will say a prayer for you that God will lead you to what you need.

2007-09-19 23:19:35 · answer #3 · answered by KAL 7 · 1 0

YOU should experience being a christian ALL your own...
tell your dad that YOU have to visit other churches to get the feel of the right type of christian you want to be and he, being a pastor, should respect that. Nobody should shove down religion down another person's throat - or keep them hostage under one.

If this doesn't convince him, I suggest talking to your friends and people you know that go to other churches and try to get a ride and EXPERIENCE their church or even plan a sleepover to make sure you go wtih them to their church.

If you are still stuck, talk to a school consouler, or somebody that can talk over your father telling him, you have to go through a right of passage to truely find your path through God, and that means going and experiencing different branches of christianility - or even other religions.

I went through Confirmation with one church, but when I found this other one while going through it - I liked the people and the sermans and the free-life music, that I switched churches and my class understood - because THAT was what it was about.

If nothing works - stand up to your dad and reason with him that you must find your own church --- you see him everyday, and hear him everyday, and you need to find another point of view of another pastor, another person, another voice.

Also if possible, try to get your mom on your side.

This is mostly all I can cover,
but I wish you luck... its a tough situation.

2007-09-19 23:00:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I don't know how old you are, since you didn't mention that. However, it cannot be that long before you go out on your own, so just put up with it until you move out. Not much else you can do. Parents get set in their ways just like kids do. There is only one way to do things, their way. They want you to get an education to further yourself, but only if you do what they tell you to do. In my mind, that is not education, that is indoctrination into thinking only one way. So, bide your time, you will soon be able to go your own way and make your own decisions about anything and everything. Good luck

2007-09-20 08:43:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

How old are you...........You should obey your parents. Young people don't get it that youth is for a small while and things will change. Now, your father is responsible for you and God has put you in his charge. Obedience is better than sacrifice. That means God really honors obedience above most things. You may think it's unbearable now, but it will be good training for endurance later when you face real problems.....if for no other reason. And, by the way, whenever I hear young people say "My parents will kill me".....it would surprise them to know that loving parents may be disappointed in their children from time to time (if they knew the truth), but , rarely would they really murder their young because of their disappointment. If kids would just come clean with what they're really thinking, parents would have a chance to explain their own thinking on the subject.

2007-09-19 22:58:48 · answer #6 · answered by Joyful Noise 5 · 1 2

I would pray and ask the Holy Spirit to make your walk with Jesus really exciting. Then start reaching out to those in need. You will find that you will experience a joy that is so much fun and even come to enjoy church. Hang in there. One day you will be old enough to make your own decisions, and I don't think your dad will kill you. (I thought this too when I wanted to leave church).

2007-09-19 22:55:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

For the time being, I strongly recommend you follow the commandment that says to "Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long on the earth."

When you are old enough, you can go to a more "contemporary" church, or a church with a more contemporary form of worship. When the time comes, you can explain to your parents that you are NOT leaving the faith, just exploring other ways in which to express yourself in worship on a broader horizon.

But whatever else you do, don't give up on God. He loves you and only wants what's best for you.

2007-09-19 22:56:39 · answer #8 · answered by no1home2day 7 · 1 2

Hello fellow PK. I know what you mean. Wow, not much has changed in over half a century.
You just have to wait patiently and calmly until you can go to college. I got kicked out of my parent's church alma mater. They expected as much and I didn't let them down. I wasn't really in their face defiant but I questioned lots of things, got into cultural anthropology to learn about the sex practices of other cultures but stayed a virgin till marriage.
Being a PK is weird. Don't get too far out that you damage your body. Chill. Things will get a lot better and a lot more fun.

2007-09-19 22:58:38 · answer #9 · answered by valcus43 6 · 1 2

ask God for direction. until you are 18, you really do have to follow their rules.
maybe if you suggested to your dad that you want to visit a friends church. i know at our church we have a teen night. my daughter would bring friends from different churches all the time. then you are not stopping your home church completely.
does your church have a youth/teen ministry? it might be something to suggest to your dad since he is the Pastor.

2007-09-19 22:57:28 · answer #10 · answered by Mr.& Mrs.CoolBreeze SFCU 3 · 0 1

Respect your Dad as the Bible says you should. When you are older you can attend any church you want to. Until then give respect where it is due!

So many teens would love to be in your shoes...and out of the disfunctional and abusive homes they live in. Count your blessings and try to be grateful!!

2007-09-19 22:57:36 · answer #11 · answered by Native Spirit 6 · 1 2

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