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flag on it. They say it is due to gangs who use flags and such as their gang symbols.
What is your opinion on this matter as an american citizen?

2007-09-19 15:45:52 · 18 answers · asked by curious2 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

18 answers

It makes sense even if it wasn't gang related.
Do you know that its considered very disrespectful to wear the flag at all? Check out the flag laws.

edit -i had copied the wrong thing. thanks.
(j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.

I had run into a site a while back that was badmouthing George for disrespecting the flag by wearing U.S. flag print shorts..lemme see if i can find a link to it.

2007-09-19 15:59:41 · answer #1 · answered by Meow Mix 3 · 4 5

It's logic, I'm Australian, and a recent festival has banned the Australian flag. In the context of those words, it does seem like a stupid and outrageous idea however.

Australia is a VERY multi-cutural society. The citizens of Australia does not have one ethical appearance (as a comparison to china etc.) but it does have a realistic image of what an typical 'Australian' is meant to look like.
An typical 'Australian' should appear of the anglo saxon decent, and therefore that individual is classed more 'Australian' than another which does not come from an Anglo Saxon decent. Thus if someone from Europe moved to Australia in the past month/year, from a public perspective, that person would be more 'Australian' than someone who was born in Australia which comes from an Asian, South American etc. decent.

In society the image of someone not fitting the idealistic image of an 'Australian' but wearing the flag would be looked down upon. Hence why you don't see it happening much with the general population which comes from a alternative decedent.
Those who wear/carry the flag, more than likely fit into the idealistic image of an 'Australian', making it easier for them to go into public with the flag, because society has the belief that since he looks like the typical Australian, he is a true Australian.

These actions of carrying the flag can be used against others who feel lower in society because of their physical appearance (also remember that they're still Australian citizen). You ask How?
People are afraid of differences. and in this case, physical appearance is a factor. And therefore, racial differences becomes a factor. The flag can be used to symbolize the Ideal image of an typical Australian, and therefore, inciting hatred.
But a flags a flag?
It's how that individual uses the flag, if that person was waving the flag patriotically , that's fine, but if he's waving the flag WITH bad gestures and verbal abuse, it's then used for inciting hatred with the added fact of physical indifferences.

This may not help your answer, but it does give you insight into why they see this as a stepping stone for problems in society.

2007-09-19 16:17:55 · answer #2 · answered by Curious about the World 3 · 2 2

i'm no longer an american, yet i've got self belief for you, guy. I propose, isn't it adequate that multiple the international seems to dislike the USA? Now your government seems to be turning against this is very own human beings besides... come on, you are able to in basic terms pass "politically correcting" a factor to a undeniable quantity. once you attain this far, it is going to become downright ridiculous and unsafe besides. i'm telling you, the enormous comfortable underbelly of the U. S. marvelous now's the Latin American border, that's the place the downfall starts. And your government would not provide a nickle approximately it. This is composed of no marvel. in this 2d in historic past are you able to call a greater UN-AMERICAN president than the fanatical libertine/ unfavorable socialist named Barrack "Hussein" Obama? i think of no longer. The Latin-American invasion is transforming into multiple activity communities and ethnicities interior the rustic. Do you keep in mind "a house divided can not stand?" They nevertheless sense Mexican and you're in basic terms giving them encouragement to stroll throughout you. Be a guy and upward push up for the rustic that raised and gave you each and every thing you already know! Ask what you're able to do to your united states and then DO it. i'm ashamed that I ought to allow you already know this whilst i'm a freakin' Russian guy, i'm going to in all probability pass to California quickly because of the fact I hate it right here. i choose to appreciate that whoever defeated my human beings interior the chilly conflict did it for a reason and for the coolest of humanity, no longer so as that they are going to fall to products besides. Yours truly, Ivan Pavlov

2016-11-05 22:08:06 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Yes it is happening in some areas. The first link is an old one from 2006 the second from this month. Schools do what they feel they have to do, it bothers me more to see the various books that have been censored or banned from schools, and it bothers me to see Americans call something else disrespectful and then not capitalize America.



2007-09-19 16:18:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'd remove my children from that school. I'd home school them if it banned an American flag for any reason.

meow mix -

The provision you list involves using a flag as recycled fabric. In other words the item started out as a flag and was then made into another item.

When the item in question is a fabric that incorporates an IMAGE of an American flag this provision doesn't apply.

2007-09-19 16:08:53 · answer #5 · answered by Drixnot 7 · 3 3

Any sources? I'd be curious to know where & what specifically.

I can guarantee I'd never let that happen in the district where my kids go to school, at least not without a fight. And, if I lost the battle, my kids would be immediately moved to another school. We teach them to be proud of the flag and her colors!

I think Freedom of Speech would guarantee that a person who is an American, living in America, can have the American flag.

Edit: To Meow Mix - those criteria are for actual flags. It is acceptable to wear things that have red & white stripes, and blue with white stars, in differing patterns. It is also ok to have a portion of, or image of a flag. Even our military wears the US flag patch!

2007-09-19 15:54:29 · answer #6 · answered by steddy voter 6 · 5 4

Due to gangs? Yeah, right. I have never seen a rap star wearing the flag.I really think this is just another step towards the lack of respect for anything american. We are headed south, and the south is heading up. You are seeing the slow death of freedom of speech. It is great isn't it, the slow increase of having us wear what the government wants. I do mean government-because schools are govt ran. Gangs usually wear red and blue, why not start there dummies? This is just a distraction so they get their way.

2007-09-19 16:05:48 · answer #7 · answered by The Angry Elephant 4 · 2 4

if my child put on a shirt with the American flag on it and the school told them they couldn't. .I'd see them in court
stop the gangs not the citizens that show patriotism.

2007-09-19 16:13:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Sure was nice when i was i school> Pledge of allegiance> Gob bless America> A pray>Old glory in the corner> That's the American flag for you that don't know> we were proud then> Know it a joke as what the left has taken away>

2007-09-19 15:56:27 · answer #9 · answered by 45 auto 7 · 5 3

if my kids were ever accosted for wearing a article of clothing depicting the flag of the USA i would be at that school in a minuet raising he!!

also my kids would have a new wardrobe all patriotic

2007-09-19 18:22:33 · answer #10 · answered by crazy_devil_dan 4 · 1 2

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