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I am not a doctor, so either way you will want to talk to them, but this is what I have to say as a long time sufferer of Acid Reflux (G.E.R.D.)!

Three part answer information, what not to do, and what to do!

I have a very severe case of Acid Reflux (G.E.R.D.). I have had to go to the hospital for some of the heartburn that I have had because the pain can become overwhelming or your breathing can be effected. It can be caused by Smoking, Drinking Beverages with caffeine (My case), Drinking Beverages with Alcohol, or can be Hereditary

The good thing about G.E.R.D. is that it can be a temporary thing and can be cured. It is never a permit thing even if you end up with it for the rest of your life it has the ability to be cured.

WHAT NOT TO DO!!!!!!!!
In most cases, stress is a factor to the reflux if you watch what you eat and reduce some of the stress it will help. If you watch what you eat for about a week you should find relief, if you do not then that is when you definitely what to listen to the doctor. Things to watch for are as follows:

Fatty Foods
Citrus Foods
Foods That Contain Grease
Fried Foods
Chocolate (including any Coco)
Tomato Based Products

The two foods that I recommend is Black strap Molasses and Raw honey. The apple is better for night time reflux while these will work for just about all of it. What you will do is take about a tsp. of whatever one you chose. Molasses being the better because of strength and nutrition, but must be use to the taste. What the substance will do is stick to the sides of the esophagus and do two things, one is heal and the other is protect.
On the healing end, both substances have a healing property in them, and as they sit on the walls of the esophagus they will heal it. This is also helpful if you have a sore throat in the morning from refluxing.
On the protection end, both substances are high in sugar and when acid that is refluxed comes up to that the sugar will neutralize it and it will not longer be a problem at that point.

I would also look to putting Cinnamon in you diet, it has been know to help with digestion and will help you reduce the amount of acid needed to brake down food, therefore causing you to reflux less.

2007-09-21 16:54:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2016-12-19 02:37:48 · answer #2 · answered by Wallace 3 · 0 0

If it's truly acid reflux, there is no home remedy. Acid reflux is caused due to the sphincter (opens and closes) muscle at the end of the esophagus (food tube) loosing it's elasticity. It no longer closes properly and allows partially digested food to go back into the esophagus from the stomach.
If you need relief from heartburn, you can eat peppermints, papaya, or drink baking soda with water (there is a recipe for this on some boxes.)
HOWEVER, if it's truely reflux, not just heartburn, you need checked because it can cause permanent scarring to the walls of the esophagus.

2007-09-19 12:21:55 · answer #3 · answered by DianA 5 · 0 0

Tums? That's what I normally use, but if you want something you don't want to buy, then try eating something that is not really acidic. When I'm out of tums I usually eat a plain piece of bread and drink some water (I don't like milk) and that usually does the trick.

Be careful though, acid reflux can cause permanent damage if it is severe enough and left untreated. If it bothers you to the point where you wake up or can't sleep you really should go to the doctor.

2007-09-19 12:20:05 · answer #4 · answered by cheezbawl2003 4 · 0 0

Chronic heartburn is usually from acid reflux - stomach acid is getting past the little valve and into your esophagus. You also should know some natural ways to treat your heartburn. Learn them here https://bitly.im/aMH5m

The most immediate thing you can do is to stop drinking coffee and cola. Smoking is not good either, but that might be harder to stop. Don't over-eat. Don't lie down too soon after eating. Don't burp too much - this carries acid up with the burp.

heartburn the most common symptom of acid reflux disease (also known as gastroespohageal reflux disease, or GERD). Heartburn feels like a burning pain in the center of the chest. It is caused by acid from the stomach backing up into the esophagus. is a symptom of acid reflux disease (GERD) Also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

2016-05-16 03:52:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here is an excellent natural remedy I used and have had a great success with it. This natural remedy for Acid reflux Treatment is extremely easy to apply. Is the essence of scientific research that comes in a handy format with easy to follow techniques that allow you to get what you need in a fast way. ( http://bit.ly/Best-acid-reflux-cure )

2014-07-23 09:33:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I agree with the baking soda. If you look on the side of the box, it will tell you how much to take. You can only do this short term though! You need to talk to a Dr. You could have a serious problem and you'll just be putting a band-aide on it.

2007-09-19 12:21:03 · answer #7 · answered by Vicky G 2 · 0 0

1/2 glass water
1 tablespoon vinegar
Sweeten with 2 teaspoons sugar
Mix well, dissolve sugar
Get over a sink
1 teaspoon Baking soda
Beat the Baking soda in mixture
It will foam like crazy
Drink it all as soon as you can, before all the fizzing stops
Heart burn is gone
Burp a few times

2007-09-19 12:20:35 · answer #8 · answered by ed 7 · 0 0


2017-01-25 18:06:37 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Apple cider vinegar mixed with water
Good luck

2007-09-19 12:39:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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