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Okay, I am a proud Athiest. I have many god fearing friends and they all say that they love me but I am going to hell for not believing in God. But my thing is this, if there was a "God" and apparently is a loving and just God, could he/she blame me for not believing the story told throughout history? I mean the story is so far fetched. How the earth was made in Genesis, how Mary got pregnant, how Jesus arose from the dead, and so on and so forth. I mean the story sounds like a bad sci-fi book. So if there is a just and loving "God" wouldn't you think that even though a person doesn't believe in Him/Her but lives a moral life, that person would still go to "heaven"? It just doesn't seem fair...I don't know if this made sense to anyone but yeah...looking forward to reading your replies.

2007-09-19 11:05:14 · 40 answers · asked by Renee 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

40 answers

thats why some people are deists instead of christian ...Jesus will open the door for you and open your eyes though if u turn ur heart towards Him ..

2007-09-19 11:13:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 7

This is a very serious and good question. The first book "hot off a printing press" was the Bible. The final book of this work is called the book of revealing. Revelations. This book STARTS with this topic. The first three chapters is a message to those with ears to hear to the seven churches of Asia Minor. These lessons show us that Jesus is not always pleased with His churches. Not at all. He is in fact very upset with places that call themselves Christian churches yet fight Him and try to deceive His flock. The disciples asked this question as well. I mean, Jesus Christ is the Living Word and it makes complete sense that someone would ask Him what happens after we die. Luke chapter 16 is where you will find this teaching directly from Jesus Christ. Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. 7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. When you die you are sent to God to be judged. The reason why people disagree on this doctrine is because men disagree on things. It is what we do. People who die in unrepentant sin are sent to what Jesus Christ described as a garbage dump. A place crawling with worms, smoldering, stinking of death, and absolutely no joy. This is where souls await final judgement. Final judgement is when God makes all things right. We do not weep for those in hell anymore because it is like they never existed. They are blotted out. The only thing remaining is ashes and the smoke of their eternal torment. The torment is eternal for the same reason you can't make a round square. Sin is the enemy of life. Smoke is the residual effect of lies and spiritual pain. Thus it is forever.

2016-05-18 22:11:04 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

You are not an Atheist...as long as you believe there is Heaven and earth....its a matter of understanding God and His words.You are living a moral life because you indirectly believe Him, but not accepting Him because of your ignorance. It is just a matter of concentrating more on Bible words and understanding them better.
You will go to Heaven. Try Praying and talking to god...you will be alright. You will become a proud 'Believer'.
May God Bless you.

2007-09-20 14:07:53 · answer #3 · answered by Glory to God 5 · 3 0

Religion and morality are, obviously, different.
Religion being the belief in the story (or the belief in the metaphors the stories most likely represent - meaning the promoted morals). The story is very far-fetched in my opinion, so much that It's unbelievable (like you said, sci-fi, but without the 'sci').
Morality is one's perception to be right and wrong. Morality does not need to be influenced by religion. And in all honesty, basic morals are pretty universal in most Western, and many Eastern cultures, basically meaning "don't kill, don't rape, don't steal." The basics of said ideas stretch from Christianity to Satanism. It's the details that are often debated.
I believe if there is a "good, loving, moral God" it would completely understand, and judge you on your moral behaviour rather than religious beliefs. Likewise, one can believe in God, but if they don't abide by good morals, I believe said God would react differently.

2007-09-19 11:26:05 · answer #4 · answered by Ethernaut 6 · 3 3

My personal belief is that believing is good and all, but if you don't and you live a good life, it would absolutely be unjust to deny that person admission to a happy after-life. I think as long as you have peace when you die in one way or another, you'll go where you should depending on you.

As for the bible, I believe that is more so to be read for non-literal meanings, like mary being a virgin could have symbolized purity, because back then, weddings were consimated and she was married. There's alot of wisdom to be found if you look too. Adam and eve being the first people for instance could mean we are all family and should love eachother as such.

2007-09-19 11:19:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

You've hit the nail on the head with you brought up the "fairness issue".

Faith via salvation (or even works, for that matter) is simply not a level playing field. If God is perfectly fair (as almost any Christian would claim), then the "test" for entering heaven should also be "perfectly fair". However we know this is not the case.

The best example of this is if still born babies go to heaven.

1. Yes. This raises huge fairness issues. I would have been better off having having been aborted by my mother, were this the case. As a result of living and coming to no longer believe in God, I would be sent to hell for eternity (the worst imaginable outcome, according to Christians). That being said, abortion is the kindest thing one can do to a person, giving them an express ticket to heaven.

2. No, straight to hell for the baby. This is even worse. I cannot respect or worship any deity that would do this....this is obvious.

3. God judges the "heart" of the baby to decide. God gave them the heart, then judges it? That doesn't make sense. Besides, if he can judge a baby's heart, which has made no decisions in life, he certainly can judge mine. That makes any argument about "faith" and/or "works" moot, or at the very least creating different levels of difficultly for this "test" of set up by god.

4. No one can know. This is simply a cop out and makes it clear what the whole thing is, a farce.

Your question is valid. When you talk about eternal damnation or reward for finite "goodness" or "sin", there is no way to make the logic work in a fair manner.

I hope this helps.

RESPONSE TO rachel f:

Rachel. Two points:

1. The Christian concept of original sin (assuming you are a Christian), as espoused by Paul, is that all humans are born sinful. That would negate your claim.

2. I agree in concept with your claim, but that only raises the fairness issue I outlined in example #1 (that the baby goes to heaven). That is just as problematic in terms of fairness as the second option of sending that baby to hell for eternity. The baby never got a CHANCE to sin, so how can that be an equally fair test as the years of life I have had.

2007-09-19 11:20:44 · answer #6 · answered by QED 5 · 3 5

Sorry to be blunt but your problem was announced in the question re: I am a proud Atheist, pride is the very obstacle to faith and believing, as long as we hold onto inner stubborn pride we cannot see the truth of God`s word,it`s that simple.
But look you are totally unique,think of your own fingerprints no other human being has the same as you.
Does it make sense that evolution would take this level of trouble? no only a loving Creator would have done this to set you apart.
Even though you are one of a kind you are not the center of the universe, it does not revolve around any one person, humility tells us this and pride has the opposite effect, to remain obstinate when we have the wonder of creation and the truth of the Bible is nothing more than self pride/ego and as long as these rule the heart and mind we cannot see the simple truth.
There is of course a remedy for this but it takes real courage and and a humble attitude, go on your knees in your private place and ask God to open your eyes and your heart, if you really mean it He cannot disapoint you, because a humble heart moves God like nothing else can.

2007-09-19 11:24:52 · answer #7 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 2 5

The problem is that you have to have faith. There is no getting around that, not even for a person who lives a moral life.
Ask yourself this: why live a moral life? Who dictates "good"? People have often done things that they felt were entirely justifiable -- but to others, they are terrible. Without a moral compass firmly grounded in some eternal truths (which mortals cannot define, because one man's opinion is only more "correct" according to the perceptions of other mortals -- which change per generation and culture) you are left with little more than moral relativism. If you believe in living a moral life, ask yourself why. If the answer is that it is right -- not by the standards of the day, but by a standard that transcends mere mortal perceptions -- then you are half way to faith already.

EDIT: QED, that is not true. A stillborn baby cannot have sinned, and has not yet reached the age of accountability (obviously) -- therefore he/she cannot go to hell!!

2007-09-19 11:18:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

What so many people who ask this question seem to forget (which is surprising since so many of them claim to have read the bible, and therefore should know this), is that it is by God's grace alone through faith, belief, and acceptance of Christ. Again, it is written that all of "righteousness" is as filthy rags before Him. The whole purpose of faith is to realize a total spiritual dependence on Christ and His Lordship. Of course, doing that which is good goes hand-in-hand with all of this, but your morals are extremely inadequate to Him.
I don't know how it's considered by you that the Bible reads like a "sci-fi" book, yet (and not you personally) people of the same mindset will readily admit that they believe in the possibility of aliens from deep space somewhere. Now THAT is "sci-fi". Now, a question for you; do you NOT believe simply because of peer pressure to not believe, or is this really your own thinking on the subject? Your question sounds amazingly like so many other atheists reasons that I thought I'd ask to make sure you're doing your own thinking, and not someone else's.

2007-09-19 11:24:37 · answer #9 · answered by RIFF 5 · 2 5

God is loving and just because He sent His only Son to die for us.

God told adam and eve not to do one thing, or else we would all be damned to go to Hell. Adam and eve disobeyed Him, so everyone is on their way to Hell, unless they come to know Jesus as their personal saviour.

Not trying to pick a fight or anything, but personally the Big Bang and evolution sound much more far fetched to me than creation. As far as the virgin birth and Christ's resurection, if God can create a universe as complex as ours, He can certainly do small miracles too.

I, as a Christian, respect your opinions, and I too love everyone (including atheists). I will be praying for you that you will find the answers you are looking for.

John 3:16
Romans 10:9
Phillipians 4:13

2007-09-19 11:34:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

You my dear get major kudos.
I sincerely believe if you believe you will go to heaven if you do not believe you will also go to heaven.
My God is good all the time he loves you and wants only the very best for you. It is not a guy in the sky concept it's the interconnected with the universe concept. If you live a life of chaos (not mental illness) & uglyness your soul will follow that thread & visa versa.
Be at peace with you life because everything is as it should be even when it's bad. Grow your spirtiual self whatever you believe it to be. Different roads same destination.

2007-09-19 11:20:43 · answer #11 · answered by theladygeorge 5 · 1 5

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