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one of my good friends is really skinny. like stick skinny. there is not fat on her body. she's 13 years old and weighs 87 pounds. this is because her metabolism is super super fast.

shes always bragging about how skinny she is. she'll say stuff like, "im so glad im so skinny." or "i couldnt stand being fat." or "i love bikinis cause i got nothing to hide." or "omg i lost a few pounds im sooo happy."!!!! its soooo annoying.

i always hear stories about people who hate being skinny....why????? my friend LOVES being stick skinny. why do people not want to be skinny???? and how can i get my friend to stop bragging about her wait???

2007-09-19 09:44:24 · 8 answers · asked by . 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

8 answers

well tell her to just wait, because once she gets pregnant a few years on down the road, she wont look right and her ankles will probably be too flimsey and will snap. some people hate being skinny because they think that guys want girls with figures (which is sort of true in a lot of cases) and some skinny girls try to put on weight to get curves. maybe your friend will just get more mature eventually and just shut up about it. soon enough she'll realize guys like curves and she'll shut up. just tell her you're tired of hearing her talk about how much she loves herself, flat out. that way she'll get the point. i would have snapped on her already, but that's just me.

2007-09-19 10:24:49 · answer #1 · answered by BroncosGirl6 4 · 0 1

It's ruining my life basically.
I'm like STICK skinny like your friend and believe me it is not very appealing, i look like a walking skeleton ( ok..maybe not that exageratted)
But you know, i'd like to gain some weight and be a little curvy.
People always say i look anorexic.
But some people say i'm lucky to be able to eat what i want and not gain a thing.
I personally hate it cause i can never find clothes that fit and i have to get children's sizes and i'm 15

Your friend has a problem if she thinks being stick thin is attractive, it's utterly repulsive. I know because i hate the way i look and i am constantly told how i should 'get help for my eating disorder'

FYI i eat like there's no tomorrow but i have a really high metabolism.


2007-09-19 09:54:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

well my friend is that weight except shes 16 and 5'9. now thats skinny. you dont catch her bragging about it. model agencies tell her to gain 15 lbs and come back then. shes not anorexic, she eats like a pig, just blessed, or cursed. but she looks like a walking skeleton and eats all the ******* chocolate humanly possible. so count yourself lucky i guess

2007-09-19 09:53:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wish I was skinnier, but at 87 lbs your gonna be nothing but skin and bones and as flat as a wall. Eww. No guys like that. Believe me.

2007-09-19 09:53:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

don't worry when she's 26 she could weigh double what she does know. most of the thin girls in high school don't stay that way for long once they hit college and the "real world".

2007-09-19 09:52:37 · answer #5 · answered by lv_consultant 7 · 2 0

If she is a close friend ,tell her she is annoying the hell out of you. In a a nice way of course :).

If she is not a close friend -----cut her off. Maybe she will get the idea.

2007-09-19 10:07:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Tell her that God is listening to everything she says .. I also recommend
getting a new friend and / or staying away from her.

2007-09-19 09:52:21 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

well if she's that skinny then it's gross XP

2007-09-19 10:33:51 · answer #8 · answered by Matt E 2 · 0 0

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