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2007-09-19 09:28:35 · 26 answers · asked by . 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

And Please DON'T TELL ME that He HAS (NO CHOICE); Because God can do ANYTHING He Wants to; INCLUDING REFRAMING From Doing Something !

2007-09-19 09:34:28 · update #1

26 answers

This idea does not make sense at all. If a man I knew said he planned to burn many people who disagreed with him, I'd KO him and turn him over to the cops. A deity who says he is going to burn billions of people forever just because of his childish whims is a horrible monster. This is just childish Reward & Punishment to make people attend church and pay the preachers. It is on the level of using a whip or giving sugar to a horse to make it do as you want.

2007-09-19 09:39:10 · answer #1 · answered by miyuki & kyojin 7 · 2 3

Well, know one can be sure what God's plan is for the after life beyond that "good will be rewarded and evil punished". Honestly, would you have it any other way? Why shouldn't Hitler be punished for what he did?

Now, you must understand what sin is. Sin is a crime. The crime of sin is imperfection. IF God is perfect, how then can he accept something imperfect? It isn't logical that he should. He gave us Christ to make us "perfect". Our sins will be covered, blotted out. Not erased, but blotted out, so that we can receive our reward THROUGH FAITH in the perfect works of Christ.

God is not just a God of Love, but of justice, of perfection. Take yourself for instance. Do you love EVERYONE? No? But you can love right? Ahhh, you love those which you have "deemed worthy of it". But justice and perfection are full time jobs. You cannot ever be unjust, but still be called Just. You can be loving, but not always love.

Justice is required

Mercy is given

"I shall have mercy upon whom I have mercy, and others, justice."

Justice must be despensed on everything, but some can be given mercy. The bible makes that plain and tells us how we can "get mercy" to put it crassly.

2007-09-19 16:40:27 · answer #2 · answered by TK421 5 · 1 1

#1 Unrepented sin requires payment

God must see that justice is satisfied, "Mercy cannot dethrone justice." - Jesus the Christ, James E. Talmage
Since He IS a loving Father, He provided a way for us to NOT have to pay for our sins, if we would but follow His Son and repent. Also, we as Mormons believe that "hell" - which really is the person's suffering for their unrepented sins - will have an end when those sins are satisfied. Then each person will obtain whatever glory - Terrestrial or Telestial - they have earned.
Our Heavenly Father won't let us "burn forever"...there will be an end to punishment (hell) but I think the real "hell" will be for those who do not receive the greatest gift of all - eternal life with God and Jesus Christ in the Celestial Kingdom.
And that CAN be attained!

2007-09-19 16:37:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The Christian theology about eternal punishment vs eternal reward is just so grim and distubing to me. I'm so happy I believe in a Loving Creator that gives his children TRUE free will and when we stumble, either accidentally or deliberately, we get EXACTLY what we give out. Equal effect for equal cause, no more, no less. The punishment fits the crime and always our souls can learn and grow and develop throughout eternity. One lifetime is certainly just a drop in the bucket. When you look at it that way, hell seems like such a waste of human soul's potential to learn and grow.

2007-09-19 16:35:10 · answer #4 · answered by pixie_pagan 4 · 4 0

This is a myth.
You can tell your buddies that a "real Christian" told you that the notion of eternal punishment is man's idea, God never came up with that sadistic notion.
Tell 'em that a "real Christian" told you that the last enemy to be defeated is Death...which, along with it's nasty companion, Hell (i.e. the grave) is scheduled to be tossed into the Lake of Fire where the beast and the false prophet are waiting for them.
Tell 'em that a "real Christian" told you that The Lake of Fire cannot BE hell, and also be tossed into hell at the same time.
While you are at it, tell 'em that a "real Christian" told you that Jesus has already paid the price for sin...and He is not twisting in the flames, He is sitting at the right hand of God.
Let 'em figure it out from there...

2007-09-19 16:45:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

That is His divine sense of justice. Anything the Lord Almighty does is just. For example, smiting all the animals of the Earth for the sins of man. If man goes, everyone goes...now that's justice.

2007-09-19 16:37:13 · answer #6 · answered by Pull My Finger 7 · 0 0

Good question, Heavenly Eyes, and many atheists use that fairy-tale as an excuse for not believing.

But the truth is, that fiction was conceived in Mythology and adopted into Catholicism (as was Sunday worship). Christians forgot to abort the "wine of Babylon" during the Reformation, so most churches are stuck with it today.

There is a Bible code that reorients you to reality. It brings you back to the primitive faith without the traditions of man. It is only "for the wise." See http://abiblecode.tripod.com

Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua


2007-09-19 16:34:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

When you think of God "burning" someone you think that's very cruel. Rightly so. It sounds cruel because we say God is a God of love and desires people to be saved; but yet it seems like a contradiction when the Bible talks about people going to Hell for their sins. Before I answer the question, think for a moment of civil courts and law. Someone is convicted of the most vicious crimes (rape, murder, robbery, etc) and is brought before a judge. The judge asks the criminal to defend his case and the criminal reacts by saying, "Judge, I understand that you are loving man. On that fact, I'm sure you'll know that it's not right that you'll send me to prison because you are so loving; besides, I made a mistake and I know you're loving enough to know that. So, please overlook what I have done thanks to your love." The judge will reply something like this: "Sir, you are right. I am a loving man and I don't want to send you to prison. But the fact of the matter is you also "broke the law" and as a judge I am required to punish you for your crime. As a result, I have to cringe and watch you suffer a terrible fate in prison solely because you broke the law. I am doing this because I love you and I need you to realize that your wrong can't be covered by simply being loved but rather by someone paying your fine. And right now, you have nothing to pay with except your life. Thus, it is your life that has paid the price for your crime."
To answer your question, God is a God of love; but do not mistake God's love for His justice. God has given man a law to follow and obey; the condition is this, if you keep the law, without stumbling even once, you can enter heaven. The soul that sins shall die. The minute you do, you will be considered a lawbreaker and God will be forced to bring you to justice. And like the criminal, you will not have enough to pay your fine to escape his judgment. So, in His love, with tears streaming down His eyes, He has no choice but to sentence you to death, which is the prison of Hell. God is Holy and "cannot" have sin in His presence; besides, according to the law, He must fulfill that in order to be considered righteous, otherwise if He didn't follow through with it He would be a corrupt God; and God isn't evil. The only way you can escape God's prison, then, if someone pays your fine for you. That's what Jesus did. Jesus died in your place, paid for your sins, took your punishment that was due yours (and ours) and then rose again proving defeat over death and sin, having all power in His hands. If you repent and put your trust in Him, in all that He's done for you, God will forgive your sins, Jesus will plead your case and you will be innocent due to lack of evidence for your crime. You will be made right before God and given a new life, with new desires, with God's Spirit as your gift (seal) that you have been declared righteous on the behalf of Jesus Christ and your case dismissed.
I surely hope that answers your question. God bless!!!

2007-09-19 16:56:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

becasue this life is your last chance to redeem your self for what you did when you were up with him. You put yourself their you know the rules that he has and you break them and you will have to pay becasue god is a just god and he punishes those who are wiked. You have to think like a parent looking down at his child if you can grasp that concept then you will start to make sence of how this world works. good luck on your spiritual journey.

2007-09-19 16:37:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You have it all wrong. People do not go to hell for sinning. They go to Hell for not accepting Jesus as their savior. Because only Jesus' blood can take the sin away. Besides, you only have one life here on earth..and you don't think 80 years of sin is not that bad? OK.

2007-09-19 17:29:15 · answer #10 · answered by Brain 4 · 0 1

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