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- Where did he/she come from?
- Why did he make all the exciting stuff sinful/wrong?
- Why did he make all the foods that taste good bad for us?
- Why did he make us curious and then tell us that is wrong?

- Why did he make one religion and then change his mind and make a new one? (does he make mistakes?)
- Why doesn't he just stop all this Islam vs West crap?

- If he created the universe why didn't he just tell us that the world wasn't flat etc instead of letting people be tortured to death for heresay?

- Does he just have some kind of whacky sense of humour... a la Monty Python or something?

- Why doesn't he just stomp on the devil if he is the root of evil?

2007-09-19 08:37:35 · 29 answers · asked by Wayne Kerr 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

people think they are so intelligent .. why cant they figure it out then ...

2007-09-19 08:43:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

- Where did he/she come from?
God is eternal and not bound by time and space.

- Why did he make all the exciting stuff sinful/wrong? Not observing the 10 commandments is a sin. Disobeying these aren't exciting unless you're mentally ill or an atheist.

- Why did he make all the foods that taste good bad for us?
Jesus said all food that passes safely through our digestive track is kosher, it is sin that poisons the soul.

- Why did he make us curious and then tell us that is wrong?
He (God) is not against curiousity just immorality.

- Why did he make one religion and then change his mind and make a new one? (does he make mistakes?)
God does not make mistakes, man does and God punishes the wicked if they don't repent. Man creates various religions based on fundamental philosophy presented in the Bible. Religions that claim a one true God that cares about creation and allows salvation through believing in Jesus and walking in his way are on the right track. How do I know? Believing in Christ is something you must experience yourself through the gift of the Holy Spirit. I have received the gift and I confident that the truth is in the Bible. Islam has it's roots in Judiasm and Christainity but rejects the overall teaches about salvation and redemption. Islam says that the prophet is the last and most important prophet - and rejects the messiah.

- Why doesn't he just stop all this Islam vs West crap?
God does interfere more than we know but usually through his holy people and those chosen. Islam is in a state of chaos due to radical fundamentalists, hopefully the moderates will not be overrun by the zealots. I trust in God to save me in time of need and most believers agree. I believe God has saved my life at least twice.

- If he created the universe why didn't he just tell us that the world wasn't flat etc instead of letting people be tortured to death for heresay? Balasphemy was a crime punishable by the church which had too much power in the midde ages. Nowadays we have a separation of church and state. Power in government corrupts those who don't answer to anyone. The Bible never said the Earth was flat. The church did which was wrong - people make mistakes the middle ages churches made a lot of them. Eventually the light was shown by Gallileo and his telescope.

- Does he just have some kind of whacky sense of humour... a la Monty Python or something? Probably not since Monty Python uses irony in balasphemy as a joke. Irony is funny to man probably not God which is perfect - who knows.

- Why doesn't he just stomp on the devil if he is the root of evil?
Because God has a game plan, it's in Revelations. God will allow the Earth to be tempted and ruled by the devil for so many years and then it's curtains for the devil to separate the good man from those who want evil.

2007-09-19 11:30:11 · answer #2 · answered by robert s 1 · 0 0

God always has been, is, and will be. He said his name is "I AM."

All the exciting stuff isn't wrong and sinful.

He didn't make all the good tasting foods bad for us. Everything is ok -- but we become gluttons and greedy for too much of everything, and that is what's bad for us.

He doesn't tell us that curiousity is wrong. He set a particular boundary about the knowledge of good and evil, and Adam/Eve broke that boundary. And people today still do not respect their own personal boundaries or the boundaries of others...

He didn't make one religion and then change his mind. Jesus Christ came to fulfill all the law and the prophets. The first Christians WERE Jews. And most Christians know that Christianity has its roots deep in Judaism.

I think he will eventually stop all this Islam vs. West crap, because scripture says "EVERY knee will bend and EVERY tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is Lord." We will all be believers in Christ on that day, and religious wars will not be necessary!

He didn't tell us the world was flat, because as you said, he made us curious, and it isn't wrong to be that, and perhaps he knew that with our curiousity we would one day figure it out!

I think he does have a sense of humor...just watching kids being silly proves that to me.

He has trumped the devil completely, and the devil knows it --that's why "all who call upon the Lord will be saved." Christ restored the broken relationship between God and people. And scripture talks about a future time when the devil's work on earth will be no more. But for now, for some reason he is allowed to "roam the earth seeking whom he will devour..." I don't know why, but I'm looking forward to the day when the devil gets his punishment, Christ reigns in peace on earth and we will all live in harmony together.

2007-09-19 08:49:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wow... many questions.

He wasn't created. He's always been there, and always will be there. It's hard for our human minds to comprehend, that's why it takes faith.

he didn't make all the "exciting stuff" wrong. it's a common misconception. taked drinking for example. No where in the Bible does it say drinking is wrong. (True in the old testament law, he doesn't say not to drink -- for the priestly order of Aaron.) But the Bible doesn't say getting drunk is wrong. See? The act of drinking isn't wrong, the act of getting drunk is wrong.

lol, that's just how you cook it.

where does it say that curiosity is wrong?

He never made a religion. Religion is man's attempt to get to God. It was percieved by man. Originally, in the garden of Eden, it was a relationship, not a religion. Something they wanted to do, not had to.

Why would he stop it? It allows us and other human beings to see for every action, there is a reaction -- to allow us to learn from our mistakes.

And how do you propose that he do that? If he came to a certain individual and said, "Yo, townsman, the earth is round." and the townsman goes around saying God told him the earth was round, would you think that everyone would dub him insane and check him into the medival mental hospital?

He does have a sense of humor, just different to that of ours.

And finally, he will stomp out the devil. Check out Revalation 19:11-21

2007-09-19 08:51:24 · answer #4 · answered by Jay 3 · 0 0

God came from the 11th dimension.
God made the exciting stuff wrong so we'd enjoy it more fully.
God made the good tasting foods bad for us just for the irony of it (God is really big on Irony)
God made us curious and then told us that it is wrong just to see who was smart enough to see that he is just testing us and that he wants us to be crazy-curious.
God never made any religions. He's just a ball player, he is good at his game but he don't sell no tickets.
God doesn't stop the Islam vs west crap because it doesn't actually exist except in the minds of Republican ****** spin doctors looking for a reason to have wars. War is good for the economy, stoopid!
God didn't create the Universe, the Universe created God so the rest of yr question is moot.
God has the best and strangest sense of humor. No one laughs harder at Farting Preacher 6 than God!
God doesn't stomp on the devil because the devil works for God, and he is employee of the quarter!

2007-09-19 08:48:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The universe and all the elements were created by the big
bang.... it was a really big bang yet a bang that will occur again.

The heat fused nuclei together creating different atoms. Amino acids on meteors crashed in the oceans of the earth forming phospholipid bilayers. Soon functioning organelles were created and competed for resources, such is evolution.

The universe is constantly expanding at the speed of light and when its reaches its limits it will implode to the size of a needle head and the process will start over.

Religion is a social construction. One of my favorite quotes is "man can create gods by the dozens yet can not even create a fly"

2007-09-19 08:43:21 · answer #6 · answered by 5K Kcal 2 · 0 0

technology won't declare that god is an impossibility. nevertheless that is utilized to discredit many factors of many religions, god is merely too nebulous of a concept to absolutely disprove. whether, technology will contend that each little thing we many times characteristic to god might nicely be a results of organic occurrences fairly than the will of a few divine being. Rational concept (especially Occam's razor) additionally traditionally prefers recommendations which assume the fewest type of entities. So, no. it won't disprove the belief of a god. in user-friendly terms state there is not any reason to assume there's a god.

2016-10-19 03:06:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it is going to be tricky to try to get into the mind of the smartest being in the universe :-)

there are temptations, but it is up to us to avoid them- just because you WANT to do something doesn't mean you SHOULD do it....

we are humans, somewhat like God (in the story of Genesis, Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and their eyes were opened)

this event made us different from animals- we actually had a conscience.

as for all the foods that are good being bad for us, that may be a personal matter, i like peas :-)

the human body craves types of foods that will help us live... it is just in recent years that we live in a society that all types of food is cheap and readily available, and modern conveniences like cars and machines help us do work that would have normally been harder and helped us burn off those extra calories...

i don't think God invents religions, I think people have different ideas on who/what God is, based on their own sense of logic, right and wrong, and stories that have been passed down to them in their cultures...

i am not a religious leader or anything, all this is just what i think i remember... you may want to consult a pro. :-)

i think it is important to consider that you are part of the universe, and it is logical to assume that you are connected with it in some way... I believe if you take some time to pray/meditate/think you can communicate directly with the creator and find your own answers to these questions...

hope this helps

2007-09-19 08:52:24 · answer #8 · answered by dexelflot 3 · 0 0

It doesnt matter how He came to be thats just the way it is,all exciting stuff is not wrong,all foods that are good arent bad for us but most are..he set rules for His People and if u can obey this man made law and not his then i guess u just not one of his people,He made us unique 1 by 1,but the bottom line is u got 2 obey him he can do what he wants,who r we to question..He didnt make a religion then change it,thats ignorance.He made the way its to be but folks wanna do they own thing and serve they own gods,he didnt change nothin these babylonians did..stop it 4 what?He's only interested in those he chose or those who seek Him.He can do what he like and if u dont like it,too bad,flat out.

2007-09-19 08:47:17 · answer #9 · answered by Ree 3 · 0 1

It all lyes deep in belief. God did not wish us to question the gifts he gave us. And for those with Darwin's theory let me just ask why all the apes, monkeys etc. don't work on all Wall Street if we came from them? Why are they still in ape form and we are man?
We have sinned since Adam and Eve. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. BUT......God has always said, ask and you shall be forgiven. Seek and you shall find. Look and you will find the answers.
You have to believe in something. I don't care whether it is a rock, or buddha or a tree, something. We all need something to soothe the savage beast in today's world of anger and frustration. I don't care what it is, my son studies Wicca and as long as he believes I am happy.

2007-09-19 12:51:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

-He is the creator
-He didn't He allowed Satan to so we would have freedom of choice
-does that matter??
-We are born into sin therefore we are sinful so we will do sinful things one time or another. we are born into sin because of Adam and eve.
-he didn't make new religion people did and he does not make mistakes
-again the freedom thing
-he did tell us read Isaiah 40:22
-God does have a sense of humor in a way
-read revelation

2007-09-19 08:59:54 · answer #11 · answered by zeldagirl07 2 · 0 0

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