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I was told that you are no longer a physical body but a spirit.

So if that's the case can we still eat and if so what? Since we're in heaven you can't kill anything...heaven=no burgers no hunting no sex no more job that you hate?

And what is there to do in heaven

2007-09-19 08:07:08 · 26 answers · asked by courtney72689 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

To me heaven is pardise. I do not know who told you that but I do not think that is true.

2007-09-19 08:11:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus said in the Gospel of John chapter 3 that we are a spiritual body in heaven, Our spiritual bodies in heaven will not feel pain, we will not need to eat, we will not need sex, we will be above all these earthly desires we have. We will have an understanding of our universe like never before, we will be able to eat if we want as Jesus did when he returned and visited the apostles but we will not have to. There will be no more death, our loved ones will never leave us, no more tears, only smiles, a total feeling of bliss all the time. Our spiritual bodies will be so far beyond anything we can even imagine here on earth. As for what we will do, the Bible does talk about us being Kings and Priests, the rest we will just have to wait and see, the main thing will be getting there, the alternative to Heaven is hell, where satan will be. Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, has he washed away your sins, are you washed in the blood of the Lamb, if not please consider a life as a Christian. Eternity is forever and if you are not with Jesus you will be with the devil, there is only two choices. If you would like to be a Christian and know that when you die you will go to heaven, say this sinners prayer believing, Dear Jesus, I know and confess that I am sinner in need of salvation. I believe you died on a cross at calvery and arose from the grave to wash away my sins, I ask you right now to come into my heart and save me, I pray this Prayer believing in the name of Jesus Amen. If you prayed this prayer with a sincere heart you are now a child of God, rejoice that your name is written in the Lambs book of Life. If you have any questions just send me an email, God Bless YOU!!

2007-09-27 03:02:21 · answer #2 · answered by victor 7707 7 · 0 0

No body knows exactly what will be in heaven we are only told some things. The prophet pbuh said: in heaven, there is what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard of, and what no human being can imagine.

Some of the things you have in heaven. Land as big as this earth or bigger for each one. Palaces. Trees whose trunks are made out of gold (you plant those trees while you are on earth by saying subhanna allah). Yes we do eat and drink and the fruits in heaven will taste much better than what it tastes here on earth.
God will recreate you in a most beautiful form and you increase in beauty every day.
There will be no sadness, no boredom, no jealosy. All those feelings will be erased. No gossip. All will be happy and at peace.
Temperature is perfect. And If you think it will be boring with no work, there is no night either, and people do not sleep:)
That is what I know.

2007-09-19 11:40:23 · answer #3 · answered by swd 6 · 0 1

No you don`t endlessly praise God or live a perfect life. Heaven is not a geografical place, its a state of being. At first we are only spirits but when time comes for the final judgement our bodies, now perfect, will join the rest of ourself (soul, character, emotions ect.).

Heaven as I said is a state of being, we can`t possibly understand heaven, since we`ve never been there however our lives will become irrelevant and we know begin to know God better and better.

Do not ascociate food, work, time or anything of this world with heaven, heaven is different than earth.

Also we go to heaven because we choose to, if you ask a person in hell if he wants to go to heaven he`ll say no.

2007-09-19 08:22:46 · answer #4 · answered by francoistuvul 2 · 0 0

We will eat from the tree of Life we will have a body just as Christ had a body when he was resurrected. And will be judging angels when we go to heaven open your Bible and study the answers are in there..

2007-09-27 06:43:47 · answer #5 · answered by Bride of Christ 6 · 0 0

The Bible says we will be transformed into new creatures with a new body. I dont suppose we'll have hunger or sadness. I think since we are designed in God's image, Heaven will be a beautiful place with everything that is good to do...

2007-09-19 08:11:50 · answer #6 · answered by Randy K 6 · 1 0

Yes, whoever goes to heaven (Paradise) will do the same things... and will have a body. Their bodies will be young , not old. They will eat delicious food and drink delicious things including : delicious water and non-intoxicating alcohol. There will be marriage relations in Paradise. The women of Paradise will be virgins and will continue to remain virgins even though they will be having marriage relations. There will be no work.

2007-09-19 08:27:34 · answer #7 · answered by Rebecca 3 · 2 0

it's hard to imagine how heaven could be wonderful, isn't it
but just think of the very best you've ever felt
eliminate gravity and all the heavy feeling that comes w/it
take away the itch and stickiness of skin, the aching of bones and joints, send it all away leaving nothing but the beating of your heart. now,
leave that behind with, all darkness,
and you're ready to join the rhythm of the light.
encompassed by the purest Love, the spirit vibrates as one and the pull of the everlasting Love will be all we care to know.

2007-09-19 08:46:42 · answer #8 · answered by brenn 5 · 0 0

Yes, you can still eat. God shared some of his own food when they wandered the wilderness for 40 years.

Heaven is a place where you are to be with God, not for your own amusements. That doesn't mean there won't be any, in fact God tells us we will never be unhappy again. It is beyond our ability to understand, how can we understand what is there when we dont even know where it is? It's a lot bigger than we are, we can only trust what He's told us.

2007-09-19 08:12:21 · answer #9 · answered by Stahn 3 · 1 0

I really suggest the book "close encounters of the God kind" by Jesse Duplantis. You can type in his name, get to his web site and I think the book or video is pretty inexpensive. He describes heaven it's a good book.

2007-09-19 08:15:49 · answer #10 · answered by sisterzeal 5 · 0 0

who know's all those people that say you can do this and that in heaven not matter what their religion is they're either making things up. or they're true believers, telling people what would happened in the after life based on their own interpetation of which ever book they follow. so who knows. the only way to find out is when one goes their himself other wise it's just what other people think will happened.

2007-09-19 08:13:52 · answer #11 · answered by irkana 3 · 0 0

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