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when we die, we will all face judgement and be sent to heaven or hell, according to the bible. i am curious if god will judge us by our differences in theology that we have placed our faith in. or will he solely judge by having faith in and accepting jesus? the differences between catholics and protestants and how they approach the faith are very different. Do you think one is more correct that the other? and if so will god judge the wrong one? or do our faith in our theologies mean little, while faith in christ is what is most important?

2007-09-19 07:41:27 · 13 answers · asked by Brian D 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

If God judged us based on what religion we were, we might all be lost. The criteria He uses is not like anything we would use, since He does not judge on the outward appearance of a man, but looks inside to the heart. He even searches our thoughts. Nothing is hidden from the Lord!
For Christians, we believe that He looks at whether we have accepted the precious sacrifice made for us at the cross of salvation. Otherwise, there is nothing that we can do to earn our salvation. Because the Bible says there is no one good. It also says that God is just, and will not excuse sin. So therefore there must be an atonement for our sins. This atonement was the blood of the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. This was provided by God, all we have to do is accept and acknowledge what was done for us and we are then saved.

A sincere heart and humble spirit are what God looks for! We may never know who is right and who is wrong until the Lord comes and tells us Himself! We all should concentrate on what requirements are crystal clear in the Bible and not bicker over what we cannot agree on! May the Lord bless you!

2007-09-19 08:01:44 · answer #1 · answered by Marie 7 · 1 0


First of all , the Bible doesn't say that the reward for faithful humans is a resurrection to heaven.
That is a false religious teaching , and the concept dates back to the lie that Satan gave to eve --"you will indeed become like God"

Also , the concept of there being a hellfire place where bad people go to when they die is an absolute pagan teaching , and is NOT true Christian teachings.

But in line with your basic question , the answer is YES.

If we follow teachings from some sort of religious organization that doesn't teach the truth according to the Bible, then we shall suffer the same consequences as that religion will as a whole at Armageddon.

Soon with the backing of the almighty God Jehovah ., his son ,Jesus will destroy all of the unGodly religions that have infested the world and all of the people that follow them.

If we genuinely want to follow Jesus and worship his father Jehovah and we also don't want to share in the plagues to befall Christendom then 'we must' abandon all traces of pagan , unGodly , or unChristian teachings.

Only by worshiping God in a pure and clean way can we hope to please him well., and be saved by him.

For more Bible based information plz feel free to email me.

2007-09-19 08:02:00 · answer #2 · answered by I♥U 6 · 0 0

We will definitely not be judged based on our theologies but rather on how we ultimately lived our lives according to the Will of God. However, this answer itself can appear to be conditioned by a particular theology for the very reason that we generally live our lives in accordance with God's will that is best understood through the aid of sound and true theology.

2007-09-20 01:55:05 · answer #3 · answered by mark 1 · 0 0

I believe we will be judged by who we have become, rather than what we claim to believe, or what we have done. It is the state of our character that is important. Are we kind, loving, caring, giving individuals? Or are we proud, selfish, disobedient, unkind people?

Of course, what we believe makes a difference in what we do, and what we do makes a difference in what kind of a person we are. We make choices daily, and those choices affect the character that we are developing. Does theology make a difference? Yes, when following a particular theology makes us better people than that theology is superior in the eyes of God. But when your theology is just a tool to bash other people, and it actually doesn't influence the choices you make in life, or how you treat other people, than that theology has no power to improve you and hence to save you.

What kind of a person you are as you stand before God cannot be faked. It cannot be changed in a moment of time. It depends on the desires of your heart, the choices you have made, and the efforts you have made to call upon God for guidance and help.

What you become is the whole purpose of life. It is not a test of what you know or claim to believe. It is not a score of good points versus bad points. It is a process to perfect you and make you worthy to live with God.

2007-09-19 07:56:57 · answer #4 · answered by Doctor 7 · 0 0

God will judge Christians based on their choices, taking into consideration the amount of truth present in the belief system they held in this life. It wouldn't be fair to expect someone with very little light to have been able to make the same quality of choices in life as someone with much light. Christ is at the center of it all, but it is a bit too simplistic to say that faith in Him is "all" that matters. Such a perception, to me, would not give proper weight to the difficulty under which an individual toiled and struggled to be righteous...and how well they knew what the Lord's plan for their life (and how to accomplish it) was.

2007-09-19 07:49:52 · answer #5 · answered by pennstateldsgirl 1 · 0 0

Many will be surprised at the standard used in the Day of Judgment. The standard will not be human creeds or doctrines of men. It will not be the religion of parents or our own morality. It will not be honest, sincerity or good feelings. The standard will be the word of God. Our Lord said, He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day." (John 12:48). The dead will be judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." (Rev. 20:12).

If the basis of our judgment is the Bible then our theologies must be backed up by the Bible. If you do not follow the Bible, but follow man's "creeds", "edicts" and "traditions" then you are in danger of losing your salvation. Everyone has an opinion but it is God's word that will judge us in the end.

2007-09-19 07:54:39 · answer #6 · answered by TG 4 · 0 0

God will judge theologies only insofar as they impact behavior. The Bible constantly affirms that we will be judged by our deeds, our intentions, and our consciences. Many Protestants try to justify Luther's sola fide by imagining two judgements, one for the 'saved' who accepted Jesus by faith, and one for the 'damned' who are judged according to their deeds. But there is only one judgment in Scripture and in the writings of the early Church, and the criteria is deeds, intentions, and conscience.

2007-09-19 07:47:33 · answer #7 · answered by NONAME 7 · 0 0

The bible speaks of false preachers who will lead the Body of Christ astray as well as lead unbelievers to destruction. Those that preached false doctrine or theology will suffer for it and those who followed it will suffer in terms of how their 'following' affected their life. I know its tempting to say "well how can you blame the person-the preacher or the church led them astray.." but the ULTIMATE responsibility is for the person to take the Word of God for themselves and read it, and understand it.

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). That being true doctrine from false.

If you think that 'knowing what God meant in His Word and what Jesus said, and HOW you lived your life" is of no consequence or importance...then Christ didnt have to spend 3 years on earth as a man showing us HOW TO LIVE as believers.

2007-09-19 08:06:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God will not judge according to our theologies, but we will.

We cannot lie to ourselves and cover up what we did at that time. If a woman thinks she is going to purgatory when she dies, sure enough, she will. Esp. seeing her lifetime played out like a 4-D movie, (Which you do in a matter of earth seconds, as time there is irrelevant.) At the end of the personal movie, you decide for yourself where you need to go. If you know you have been forgiven, and everything is "covered," you'll go to an agreeable place. (That's why "Jesus" said, "Believe what I say, and you're covered.")

Once you drop your body of flesh, the laws of inertia and gravity are no longer relevant, so your travel is at the speed of your thought.

If, in her mindset, she can only be worthy of hell, at that point, she will travel to what she imagines as hell. If, in the future, she thinks she had enough punishment, and that she is "clean" now, she'll find her way out of that "hell" and go to where she thinks she needs to be, whether it is in a "probationary period" or her idea of "Heaven." (This is not usually the case, as people think that hell is forever, and that nothing can save them out of it. Again, Wallah!)

Thought is like, a Genie in a bottle, "Your wish is my command."

It can be, not so much where you want to be, but it's where you think you deserve to be, as we can be our own harshest taskmaster. Hell is a place, for as long as people think there is one. (Tibetens, think hell is frozen, so, if they think they "need" to go to hell, that's what they will have, "Bing!") It is all very much contrived, but very "real," because, like I say, gravity and other laws of this world and our flesh body do not apply after it's "death."

Just thinking, will make it happen. In heaven, if you want a dinner of just pepperoni pizza, in the wanting of it, you get it. No cleaning up either. It disappears, plates, spoons, table, everything. The mind is all powerful.

Thoughts are very real, people can't be propelled here by thought, because it takes too much power of the mind to overcome the laws of *Gravity, Inertia, and Friction.* They "rule" here. Unless...

Thought is more subtle then these laws. It takes a hundred times more thought power and focus than most people have, to overcome these laws of gravity and friction.

Hell can be here. It can also be a heaven of sorts. The mind has power, and focused collective minds, can make it happen faster. It is subtle energy, and effective, (because things and atoms are always in motion here.) Our DOubts and "faith in the negative," ALso hold power. These can counteract our POsitive "prayer." if we aren't careful. (Some may call this, "The devil at work.") Be a watcher of your own thoughts, and not your OWn accuser!

Our thoughts become more powerful, as we obey higher laws, which some say are God's laws. This place is much like a school, and we do get to graduate to 3rd and 4th grades, on up to high school and college.

As we learn how to use these Universal Subtle laws to work with us, and not against us, (as Christ did) and as we think more positively we become more and more in tune (vibrate) with the Universe, and it's subtle laws, and the gifts they bring.

2007-09-19 09:19:56 · answer #9 · answered by Blank 4 · 0 0

If you read the Gospel according to St. Matthew , chapter 23, you'll know how the Lord Will Judge us all.

2007-09-19 07:49:29 · answer #10 · answered by clusium1971 7 · 0 0

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