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I just signed a 5 year contract for the Army. My MOS is 31b (military police). I am leaving next week to fort leonard wood missouri. Any advice before i go?/?

2007-09-19 06:37:29 · 15 answers · asked by Raymond G 1 in Politics & Government Military

15 answers

Don't bring a lot of stuff and bring your bank info so you won't have to open up a new bank account for direct deposit purposes.

2007-09-19 09:38:25 · answer #1 · answered by Nikki 6 · 1 0

A good question from a good young man. Here are some tips that will assist you in making your five years worth your time and that of the Army.
1. Keep you mouth shut for the first two or three years. Learn to listen and observe. Let those with more experience take charge. Learn-learn-learn.
2. Rank is everything. The higher your rank,the more responsibility you have. The greater your opportunity for advancement is. And, the more money and Bennies you get.
3. The further you can be stationed away from the flagpole the better. The closer to your headquarters the more likely you will have to deal with those of higher rank who are always looking to advance their career on the backs of those from the lower ranks.
4. Attend every school that is offered to you or that you can apply for. The more schooling you have the better your opportunities will be while on active duty.
5. When confronted with someone of higher rank that is truly "dumb." Always remember that that person will soon be out of your military life. Just say yes to the dumbies and wait for your next transfer.
Just some comments about the Military Police. That MOS, which used to be 91B opens up Language School to you. It also opens up the Criminal Investigative Course down the road. Also, the Polygraph School is available to you once you complete the CID School.
Should you choose to leave the Military after your 5 year hitch, you will have preference at any civilian police department for a position as a patrolman.
And, finally, if you are offered an overseas assignment, take it. See some of the world.

2007-09-23 01:05:01 · answer #2 · answered by johny0802 4 · 0 0

I just went through basic training last year, and believe me you have nothing to worry about ,that is if your not fat and out of shape, even if so your going to be OK. They start your PT off at a slow and easy pace, and gradually build you up to where you need to be. Just keep your moth shut unless required otherwise, never volunteer for anything, and basically just become a "fly on the wall." Never believe any of the horror stories you hear from other soldiers that have been in for 10 or so years, because the Army has changed drastically, but don't get me wrong its still challenging. As for your AIT(31B School) I wouldn't know what to expect for you, because I went 21E(heavy equipment operator). But most generally AIT is much more laid back than Basic Training. Best of luck to you, and try not to stress over it too bad, because your gonna have a blast.

2007-09-19 13:56:58 · answer #3 · answered by EngSupCo 3 · 4 0

Advice for when you get there. Beware! Reception is like false advertising. This is where you in process, get all your gear, etc. The NCOs will be KINDA nice, you'll get some time to yourself, etc. Once the Drills come and pick you up, it gets about 100% more intense. Expect to spend the first day doing stupid tasks that you can not complete. My platoon spent that first day trying to arrange our entire company's duffle bags by middle name, which WEREN'T stenciled on there. Then we went and did "Drop the Bomb" which is where everyone had to hold their duffles over their heads and when the Drills yelled "Drop the Bomb" they all had to hit at the SAME TIME or we had to hold them up longer. Any time someone dropped a bag, we waited longer.

The sooner you get everyone working together, the easier it will be on all of you. This is A LOT harder than it seems.

Just keep your mouth shut and do what you're told the first week, try not to make a name for yourself as a trouble maker.

The Drills WILL lie to you to get what they want. Our Company Commander, that first day, asked who thought they made a mistake by joining the Army. When no one volunteered she said this was the one chance they had at amnesty, to speak their minds. Those that volunteered got sent to the sand pit afterwards. Brutal.

Just take it all in stride. Remember that it's not the end of the world, that you WILL make it out and that it WILL get better.

it is what you make of it. I ACTUALLY enjoyed basic and consider those 9 weeks some of the best in my life. You're attitude is 90% of the battle.

Good Luck Soldier. And THANKS for signing up!!


2007-09-19 13:52:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Pack your bags in such a way as so you know where everything is. Unpacking is usually done in mere seconds.

Keep quiet. Play the 'gray man' and the instructors won't target you as often.

Most importantly, don't give in to temptation. Too many recruits take chances and quietly do something an instructor will be looking for. On my first night, quite a few recruits were busted for using their phones during bed time. Don't get caught lying by not lying in the first place, it's better to get roughed about for messing up than it is to get administrative punishment for lying.

2007-09-19 14:30:08 · answer #5 · answered by Gotta have more explosions! 7 · 2 0

Keep your mouth shut, do what you are told as quickly as you can, remember that the it is the Drill SGT's job to yell at you and make you a Soldier, it is not personal, have fun (push ups help you with your PT)...I had fun in Basic...it was the one of the easiest things I did in the Army...

Also remember when you are a MP and you are off duty, you can still get your butt kicked for talking trash and you are whatever rank you are always...so if you are hard on say an SSG's wife and he hunts you down in the PX and makes you do flutter kicks till you puke...he can...=)

2007-09-19 13:58:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I say hug everyone you love and have a little fun before you go. Hang around all your favorite places at home and take lots of photos to take with you. You will get "shaken down" lots of times so don't bring alot of stuff you will have a chance to purchase what you need on base. The most import thing to bring is your bible (if you are Christain), family photos and good running shoes. Talk to your parents and remind people to write you that helped me. And take a long bath because thats the last one you'll get for awhile. Thanks for joining us and have fun. Don't ever quit!

2007-09-19 15:09:48 · answer #7 · answered by niki 3 · 3 0

Best wishes, good luck, and you're just going to love Fort Lost in the Woods!!
Seriously, if you're going there for basic, ears open, mouth shut,.work together as a team and do your best. You'll be fine!

2007-09-19 15:06:36 · answer #8 · answered by TedEx 7 · 1 0

Thank you for your service this is very important to have people who volunteer. I will say this that that person is correct you should say goodbye to folks and tell folks you love that you love them you may not have another chance and it is always nice to say certain things prior to dieing. I would also suggest that you tell them you will be back do not be to ominous most do return in fact this war is the least casualties we have ever had I believe most do not die or even get wounded.

2007-09-19 13:48:03 · answer #9 · answered by Curiam 3 · 2 0

make the most of it.

great time to save money, make sure you do the GI bill. take some classes for college if you can. Don't get into trouble and If you have to go into the fight stay safe and watch your friends back.

Good luck

2007-09-19 13:46:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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