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I'm in my mid teens. I just wanted to know your opinions on the following things

1) Gay marriage- my opinion: It doesn't hurt anyone, so comparing it to murder (which many people I have talked to have done) is absolutely ridiculous!?!?!
2)Hell- I don't believe in it or Satan
3) religion in general: 100's of thousands of people have died in RELIGIOUS wars, the war in iraq, is partly over religion! If god exists that's great, but instead of trying to convert people and worring about people, shouldn't you worry about yourself, and hope tha's enough for whatever devine power may exist?

I just think it's ironic that there has been so much persecution in the world over something that's supposed to be such a peaceful 'being'.... whew...

So any opinions are welcome.
(I'm not being hateful or biased, I genuinely want to hear your opinions) and I know that was a mouthful!

2007-09-19 05:48:43 · 13 answers · asked by savywoods 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

ok, gay marriage: i dont have a problem with anyone being gay, altho it isnt the way our Father created us.. i dont believe ppl are born gay either. if a gay couple wants to live together, have children(adoption of course), get insurance benifits, and tax benefits, thats fine... just dont call it "marriage" because God made marriage for man and woman. an whether you believe in God or not, the def of marriage is a union between man and woman.

hell: to be honest, im not real sure about that myself... i go to a baptist church and they seem to think so... and it does speak of hell in the Bible as a firey pit... it doesnt say "like" a firey pit. so i take that to mean an actual pit of fire.
religion: well, that i agree with yo on..... Jesus was against religion. and i dont like it much either. because after a while, your just a label, not a follower of God. thats when ppl start losing site of why they are here.

i can see why you thik the way you do about religons being persecuted... but really, the only faith that hasnt really been persecuted yet is chrisitans....i know a lot would disagree with that, but we have seen nothing even close to persecution..... in the future we will...

but doesnt it send up a red flag in your head when you see these things predicted in the Bible are actually coming to pass?? i can already see that we are getting very close to the end... look at all the things that are happening that the Bible said would happen! and its just gonna get worse.. do you realize we are on the brink of financial disaster?? most ppl dont realize how serious it is.. our american moeny is wroth almost nothing!! because we print more of it than we have... and as soon as everyone catches on, we are gonna be in BIG trouble... thats when the persecution will come in.
i dont think all wars are because of religion alone, but i do believe it plays a role... but the iraq war is nothing more than the greed of a heartless oil tyrant. eventho he would likeyou to believe differently.

but to your question about converitng ppl: eventho you are not sure, think of the fact that heaven and hell are real.... now, as a christian, i am supposed to love everyone, soi dont want someone to eternally suffer. if someone goes to hell because i didnt at least tell them about Jesus, then i am partly responsible for it... i dont want to be responsible for something likethat.

2007-09-19 05:59:06 · answer #1 · answered by heather b 5 · 0 2

I agree on the first two.

My only issue with 3 is that there is no such thing as a religious war. All wars are for money and greed at the highest level, religion is just the way to make the normal people get behind it.

Youre a smart kid--just dont become a sheep.

2007-09-19 06:07:24 · answer #2 · answered by Showtunes 6 · 1 0

Persecutions are often done in the name of some religion; but this is purely human - persecutions are not what God does, it is what people do. The marriage institution evolved over many cultures and many eras - it is humanly sacred in the sense that stable families make for stable cultures, and are the root and basis for stable civilizations. Loyalty from one spouse to another results in family loyalty to one another. God certainly loves all of us; but persecution in God's sight is the evil and immature choosing of people.

"...There is always the great danger that religion will become distorted and perverted into the pursuit of false goals, as when in times of war each contending nation prostitutes its religion into military propaganda. Loveless zeal is always harmful to religion, while persecution diverts the activities of religion into the achievement of some sociologic or theologic drive.

Religion can be kept free from unholy secular alliances only by:

1. A critically corrective philosophy.

2. Freedom from all social, economic, and political alliances.

3. Creative, comforting, and love-expanding fellowships.

4. Progressive enhancement of spiritual insight and the appreciation of cosmic values.

5. Prevention of fanaticism by the compensations of the scientific mental attitude.

Religionists, as a group, must never concern themselves with anything but religion, albeit any one such religionist, as an individual citizen, may become the outstanding leader of some social, economic, or political reconstruction movement.

It is the business of religion to create, sustain, and inspire such a cosmic loyalty in the individual citizen as will direct him to the achievement of success in the advancement of all these difficult but desirable social services. ..."


On the evolution of the Marriage institution:

A. The Evolution of Marriage:

B. The Marriage Institution:

C. Marriage and Family Life:

2007-09-19 06:09:34 · answer #3 · answered by Holly Carmichael 4 · 0 0

There are a lot of sins that don't hurt anyone in so far as obvious damage, but are will keep you out of Heaven; homosexuality is ONE of them, but by no means the ONLY one.

Not believing that Hell exists will do you about as much good as an inmate on Death Row not belieiving that electric chairs, lethal injection, etc. don't exist.

I am also not being hateful, bigotous, or anything else (although I'm sure that there are many who will disagree) ; I'm just trying to make sure that you know what you need to know to make sure that you're right with God while you're still on this side of your judgement day.

2007-09-19 07:54:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1) You're profoundly correct (as long as the natural incidence of homosexuality in homo-sapiens is less than 100%- at which point we have to start pondering human extinction).
2) Well, there can be hell on earth from evil people.
3) Partially correct. We have to look out for each other and not be self-centered. Self-centeredness causes war (as President Bush's self-centeredness led him to lie and start his war of choice).

2007-09-19 05:55:54 · answer #5 · answered by ideogenetic 7 · 0 0

You are a bright person!

1. Gay marriage should be fine..
2. Hell is like the boogey man, meant to scare small minds.
3. Religion is poison, it kills many people.

My opinions!

2007-09-19 06:04:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You're well ahead of many adults. Good on you for being such a smart young lady.

2007-09-19 05:56:14 · answer #7 · answered by glitterkittyy 7 · 1 0

Gay marriage may not hurt anyone you say but it still is a sin. Just as murder ( and to God sin is sin no big or little ones) Hell is real and so is Satan even tho you choose not to believe ( years ago no one believe the world was round, didn't make it flat) you have the right to be wrong. I'm not trying to "convert" anyone because i cant. Only God can. But i sure can warn you that if you die in your sins rejecting Jesus you will certainly go to hell. Sad to say when you finally believe its real it will be too late. And eternity is along time to be wrong.

2007-09-19 05:58:48 · answer #8 · answered by jesussaves 7 · 0 3

Being gay is okay, I mean faith won't be able to administration human beings we do not stay interior the 1600s anymore so faith might want to no longer administration those who do not favor to hearken to it, so certain this is okay

2016-10-20 01:53:12 · answer #9 · answered by sicilia 4 · 0 0

you impress me with your insight at such a young age. stick to your guns, sweetheart!

2007-09-19 06:07:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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