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Here is a list, but I like to hear your opinion!
USSR - 30 Million citizens under Stalin
USA - 16 Million Naitives
USA - 30 Million Africans (for each slave, 15 people died)
USA - 850,000 Iraqi civilans under Bush
USA - 5000 Panamese during the search for Noriega 1989

2007-09-19 05:41:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

16 answers

Don't forget Turkey, they killed appx.1,300,00 Armenians in the early 1900's, and Rwanda more than 1,000,000 Hutu's and Tootsie's, and also Bosnia I don't know the number of ethnic Albanians (muslims) that were slaughtered. Your general point is taken though, we are far from innocent in this arena.

2007-09-19 06:06:01 · answer #1 · answered by HP 4 · 5 0

Okay, so you think you know the answer to genocide? You think the US is this big evil country? What country are you from? Great Briton? Well maybe you should ask how many were killed by That country (Irish, Native Africans, Asians etc)

France? Look at what you did in the Congo.

Spain? Do I really need to talk about the native people of South and Central America, or the inquisition?

Show me how 15 people died for every slave in the US. Is that based on how many died BEFORE they got to the US while in the care of English and Portuguese slave traders?

How come you don't blame Germany for the MILLIONS who died as a result of WWII or EVERY European country that was involved in WWI?

How about asking what happened to The ARMENIANS in WWI. Or the Balkans in the 90's?

Did you forget the Taliban who turned soccer stadiums into execution grounds?

What about Pol Pot in Cambodia? How many died from his and his buddies?

I guess you also feel that Hussein was a Benevolent dictator also.

Stop trying to paint the US as evil. There are more people in this world that can point to The US for giving them freedom then any other country on earth!!!

You show me where the people of England, France or any other European power had as much freedom in the first 300 years of their existence as we do.

2007-09-19 13:06:38 · answer #2 · answered by joseph b 6 · 6 0

The USA, as a nation, prohibited the African slave trade after 18 years of existence (from the ratification of the Constitution). The African slave trade was in place long before Europeans ever arrived on the scene. The Arabs had a very effective system of slavery in effect for hundreds of years prior to the Portuguese arrival. The pan-Atlantic trade was mostly British-run, with the great logistical support from the Arab and Portuguese traders in Africa. The USA had very little involvement in the trade in the whole scheme of things.

The Iraq number is simply ridiculous. Show me one report of deaths in a single day that support that number. It should be easy.

Panama isn't even worthy of comment. The problems with the Native Americans is well-documented, although your number is overstated and, again, not solely the fault of the United States. The European colonization of the Americas is more to blame.

You want genocides? Look to the decimation of Africa via the European colonizations. Look to Red China for it's numerous purges throughout it's short history. Look to Spain for it's near extermination of the indigineous peoples of Central and South America. Look to the Germans for the Holocaust. Look to the Kmher Rouge for the millions in the killing fields. Look to the Japanese for the murders and enslavements of the Chinese and Koreans prior to WWII. Look to the Turks for the near-extermination of the Armenians.

2007-09-19 13:06:01 · answer #3 · answered by thegubmint 7 · 5 0

Native Americans - The number who died was probably closer to 95 million, but remember that these were mostly because of disease and famine. Furthermore, the deaths of native americans cannot be laid solely upon the US, since there were MANY nations involved in American Colonization.

Africans - the slave trade bought slaves from warring tribes. They did not kill 15 people per person they brought back, that's ludicrous. Even if people did die during the capture of potential slaves, it was more often by inter-tribal violence that still tears at the region today. You can't blame the USA for tribes killing each other.

Iraqi Civilians - are being killed by the insurgents and terrorists there, not by americans. Again, you're placing blame in the wrong place to force fit it into your anti-american agenda.

2007-09-19 13:36:22 · answer #4 · answered by promethius9594 6 · 3 1

two of your 'USA' stats are deeply flawed.

native americans were killed by all who colonized north america - that would mean that the british, french, dutch and spanish all had a hand in the destruction of native americans and NONE of them were interested in native rights.

to lay a blanket over this and just call it all american is intellectually dishonest.

same thing goes for the slave trade - again, a ghastly reality, but lay the blame where the blame should be placed.

prior to 1776 all slave states were part of the british empire AND all states employed 'indentured servants' saved from the gallows by working off a huge debt - a very high percentage of these forced servants (slaves, if you will) died.

also, the state of florida was spanish (therefore so was the slave institution in that place) when it was founded.

similarly, places like lower new york state and NYC were colonized by the dutch who also had indentured servant policies in place - to essentially get forced labor that was needed to start the colony.

similarly, i think it's high time that the fact that it was african tribes who initially 'sold' their enemies into slavery in order to solve local political issues was considered in this horrible equation - if this extremely primative practice had never happened, the slave trade may never have been economically viable.

both items are real issues and real problems, but the blame for them needs to be placed where it truly belongs.

had the southern brits, and spanish floridians taken a deep stand against both slavery and the destruction of native americans (the french as well for killing indians) the issue would have had a very different result in the end.

by the way, you forgot germany - who started WWI - 22 million dead and WWII - 55 million dead - that's where my vote goes...

2007-09-19 12:52:20 · answer #5 · answered by nostradamus02012 7 · 10 0

Soviet Union -- their purges, pogroms, and collectivizations killed far more than 30 million

Communist China -- nobody knows what the death toll is there, but even Mao Tse-Tung admitted that the death toll was horrendous.

The Holocaust, Germany's "Final Solution", is well documented to have killed more than 6 million Jews.

Hell, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge killed 3 million, which is far more than any death toll that can be attributed to the U.S.

Your numbers regarding all the US "events" are inflated by a few orders of magnitude. Americans did not kill 16 million natives, that was the Spaniards, who killed them by bringing smallpox to the new world. And it was not the Americans who started slavery in North America, but the ENGLISH, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, supported by their African friends. We have not killed 850K Iraqis. And we did not kill 5K Panamanians.

Get your head out of rectal defilade.

2007-09-19 17:11:00 · answer #6 · answered by Dave_Stark 7 · 1 1

If your gonna make statements, it helps to do a little google search so you dont look like a total a**.
You conveniently left out Hitler 11 million pppl
Khmer Rouge 8 million ppl, Rwanda 1 million, and Darfur 400,000+ and growing each day.

2007-09-19 13:25:19 · answer #7 · answered by Sailor's Girl 1 · 5 0

Your list is out in left field. Nazi Germany in WW11 murdered some 22+ Million. Genocide is a Global issue that continues today ie: Dafur and needs to be stopped.

2007-09-19 15:33:15 · answer #8 · answered by Debbie W 1 · 1 1

Genocide is by definition the DELIBERATE, SYSTEMATIC destruction of a religion, race, or nationality. Given that definition, it would be the U.S.S.R. under Stalin and the early American (they were actually Europeans at that time) slaughter of American Indians. The death of Africans, though certainly disgusting and contemptuous was not meant to wipe out the race, the other deaths were committed in war time, again though contemptuous, not a form of genocide. Almost every country has participated in some form of genocide, but even Hitler, the person most closely associated with genocide, fell way short of the early American and U.S.S.R. in terms of numbers, though his intent was certainly more clear and he made no attempt to hide his agenda. Of course, they're far from done with their work in Darfur, so we might want to wait to vote on this one.

2007-09-19 13:08:12 · answer #9 · answered by sheyna 4 · 3 2

Well done nostradamus... couldn't have said it better myself! Ya gotta love these humans that listen and gather a few facts and believe they're real without doing the full research themselves. I'm not sure if it's laziness or just blissful ignorance... clambake!!!

And just for the record... the majority of slaves from Africa were actually traded by their own tribes or a warring tribe trading prisoners. Still not our finest hour.

2007-09-19 14:58:46 · answer #10 · answered by MadMaxx 5 · 2 1

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