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All born-agains I talk to say that before they found God, or allowed the Lord into their hearts, they were on a horrible path, very unhappy, ill, a horrible person,etc.

But I've known people through this journey. And they weren't horrible people before.

I don't mean to be disrespectful, and I'm sure this will offend some, but do you think that the church or the Christian community convinces these people that before they knew God everything was horrible and He is the only answer?

This honestly creeps me out.

Don't get me wrong- I understand some people become Christian when they really are going through something horrible, but that's not what I'm referring to.

Also, once people have that mentality, is that how they look at everyone else? Even though I'm doing good, would an average born-again Christian see me as sick, a bad person, and unhappy?

2007-09-19 05:25:31 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

CJ- apparantly everyone is after too. That's not what I mean.

2007-09-19 05:28:39 · update #1

No Derek, I'm fine for me. I enjoy life, and I am really figuring myself out.

2007-09-19 05:35:44 · update #2

31 answers

"All born-agains I talk to say that before they found God, or allowed the Lord into their hearts, they were on a horrible path, very unhappy, ill, a horrible person,etc. "

Pathetic, isn't it? Funny how well-adjusted atheists are.

2007-09-19 05:30:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 7

In order for someone to even desire to be born again....they would have to recognize their need to be so. No genuinely sincere person pursues a relationship with God for no reason. Upon coming into the knowledge of the truth these people have thus realized that the wages of their sin is death. Even if they were smooth sailing in life and everything appeared to be "a ok." There is a self-fulfillment that comes from God alone that no one can brainwash you into believing but only you can experience when you allow God to move into your life.
That's why He's called a personal Saviour. Because He's done something for you personally no-one else can relate to the things you've come out of as far as how you and you alone have experienced it. Whatever it may be.
That's why the word says " Each heart knows it's own bitterness and no one else can share it's joy." (Prov. 14:10)
There's a song that says " You don't know like I know...what the Lord has done for me." It says that for this reason.

Oh and no when people get saved they don't look at everyone else in that capacity. They more or less view so many different situations in people's lives where they may see these people need help in this particular area. (Even when things might appear to be great) And if you see something that you know will lead to ultimate destruction in a person's life...you are grieved. Because you see that they don't always know it. Temporary pleasures are always fleeting. That's why the word says..."there is a way that seems right to man...but in the end...it leads to death." (Prov.14:12/Prov.16:25) And nothing in this world is long-lasting without God - is something they've come to realize for themselves. And anything you've come to realize for yourself is not anything anyone has to "make" you believe.
That's generally the outlook any true Christian would maintain regarding their former lives and the lives of the unsaved people they may encounter. But no-one's judging you or categorizing you as a sick person. maybe one that could have a better life if they surrendered their will to Christ. But that's the same for everyone. Including Christians as far as how they feel about themselves. What I'm saying is...a real Christian won't judge you, they'll love you...and they'd recognize that the same God they are telling you you need? They need Him also.

Be Blessed today my friend
I hope that I have helped answer your question. :)

2007-09-19 05:52:29 · answer #2 · answered by BLI 5 · 0 0

Nope!!!! We as a Christians, we have no right to judge anyone, only God can judge....

You are just curious... that's all... to tell you the truth - YES, He is the answer to everything... with Him, everything is possible...

Even though I was brought up in a Christian family, it doesnt mean that I'm not naughty. Everyone is not perfect.. we tend to do mistakes and so on... even now, am making mistake too...

Before being born again - It depends on the person.. how they face the situation or problems...some may think (view) that their probs of are difficult to solve or think that it's horrible for them... some may think it's still okay...

Until they are new born, they found out something meaningful in his or her life... it's the LOVE of God...
For me, I know why I'm created by Him...everyone has a purpose, reasons why we are here on this earth........

It's not true that ppl become Christian just to solve their probs, which means they use God... but we have the choice to choose to follow Him or not.. He did not warn us that if we do not follow Him, He will send us to hell - that's no no... some Christians use the wrong idea.. It' all about Love that we - Christians are experiencing, which is God' Love....

We are not here to judge...we are here because of Him... who gave life to me/us...God loves non Christians and Christians too.. indeed, everyone else..... including you and me..

~~God blesss~~

2007-09-19 05:47:21 · answer #3 · answered by Serena 2 · 0 0

What people have known for centuries is if you can convince some one that they are bad or evil in some manner then they are more susceptible to whatever you want them to be or to do. Also, most of the street corner Evangelists know that if you get them when they are down and out, anything that looks like up will look good. Most born agains will tell you that they were on their last legs and what difference did it make if they turned christian or not, they were on their way out anyway. There are many intelligent people who are hard core christain, but very few "born agains" had it together before they became born again.

2007-09-19 05:57:24 · answer #4 · answered by bocasbeachbum 6 · 1 0

Hi there i take no offence at your thoughtful and honest question.I've been born again for over three years and i admit it's a continual struggle to seperate judgments on individuals from knowledge of others state of condition apart from the Lord.This knowledge of other peoples sin only reminds me of how i am without the Lord in my life.
Every Born again Christian should remember that Christ said we are to live in this world and be an example to those who are perishing,we must never judge the sinner but if we love those around us,judge the sin and help them realise that everyone has sinned,explain the penalty of that sin and and then explain Gods remedy for it(Christs sacrifice)
When this duty is mixed up with being offensive and judgemental then thats the fault of fallible mankind not the Gospel

2007-09-19 05:39:36 · answer #5 · answered by Wonderwall 4 · 1 0

Unfortunately there are bad examples in everything and some churches do make people feel terrible about themselves. These are the types of churches I run from as Christianity is about love.

As far as people claiming terrible things about their prior life, most are not going to show that part of themselves to you so odds are you never knew they were addicted to porn or had terrible thoughts, etc..

As a Christian I never see anyone as "bad" or "sick". I may see something they are doing as bad but it is never good to hate a person. It is best to hate the sin.

Finally, after salvation many look back and see the path they were on as the path to hell and to them it is a horrible path to be on. If a Christian isn't dealing with you in a loving and caring way then odds are that they are not on the right path and may be absorbing bad teaching.

2007-09-19 05:37:36 · answer #6 · answered by m_c_m_a_n 4 · 3 0

Good question. The answer is that the born-again Christian is giving the God honest truth of what was going on inside of them. They can now see sin the way God sees it. There were a bunch of things that I did not see as wrong until I became born-again. My motives, ambitions, inner thoughts were all wicked according to God. When I say wicked I simply mean selfish. If everyone was honest with themselves they would see that they are driven by selfishness. As a born-again Christian I now recognize this behavior. Even now I see my selfishness. Born-again Christians are simply being honest with themselves, God and others.

2007-09-19 05:39:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I can't speak for spice, but I can try to answer the question for you. To understand what happens when being saved, I think we need to understand two theological terms: Justification and sanctification. Justification happens in the blink of an eye. When a person is saved, his or her sins are "covered" immediately and completely by Jesus Christ's death. From God's perspective, they are holy and without sin. Some people remember what "justified" means by saying it's just-as-if-I'd never sinned. This view that God has of us is true at the moment of salvation and for the rest of our lives. Even when we sin (and we will!), Jesus' death covers it. Sanctification happens from the moment of salvation and lasts as long as we live on this earth. It's the process, over time, of becoming more and more like Jesus, of having our hearts conformed to His will for our lives. This is what the Bible refers to as "working out your salvation." Sanctification doesn't control whether a person is saved or whether they go to heaven. It's a natural outgrowth of the change that occurs at the moment of salvation. If a person does not exhibit behavior consistent with sanctification they probably aren't saved in the first place--even if they say they are! I hope this helps.

2016-05-18 06:12:22 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

It is just a new out look on life. Alot of people come to Christ during tough times, because when you are at the bottom, it becomes easier to look up and see the truth. For me, Jesus is all about future, not past. I see people, hopefully, more on the inside now. As a speaker, i've had a chance to travel the world talking with people, mainly teens, about a relationship with Christ. It's not about religion, religion has done nothing but hurt people since the beginning. So, it does change your outlook, and it spurs you on to tell others. As I look at my past, it wasn't horrible at all. I see Gods fingerprints in my life before I ever knew it. Even in my dark times, I see now where he was. As Switchfoot says, "The Shadow proves the sunshine"

2007-09-19 05:40:02 · answer #9 · answered by heismanu 2 · 2 0

I know what you are saying, for me though I was a good person who started making bad choices in life, which carried me down a bad road. I tried so many times to change the direction I was going, but nothing helped me. After losing everything I had, including my family, I finally turned to God. After I did, that is when my life turned around. I praise God everyday for what he has done in my life. As for what others think of you either a Christain or not, the ONLY one you need to worry about is God.

2007-09-19 05:44:27 · answer #10 · answered by mad dawg 3 · 0 0

No, I tried mormonism, wicca, and I was even an atheist, still in all three ways of thinking or religions, I was suicidal, when I got saved, I no longer wanted to kill myself. You have to realize to, mormons think they are christians, but I now know they are brainwashed, so at the time, I was suppose to be a happy-go-lucky mormon, but I just wanted to end my life.
The atheist on here seem to claim that christians plague them, but when I was an atheist, I was free from brainwashing (mormonism) and mind control and indoctrination, so I was not sure what they were talking about, plus, I did not have christians bother me, they would pray for me, but I still had mormon missionaries knocking on my door once a year to see if I was coming back and those Jehovah witnesses.
As far as I am concerned, if you want to be a free thinking atheist, be free, don't do the mormon persecution mania thing, if you have a question, ask, otherwise, I will leave you alone.

2007-09-19 05:40:49 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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