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I weed really as bad as people say it is... alot of people in highschool do it..so can anyone tell me if the schools r filling our minds with lyies or if weed is that bad?

2007-09-19 05:15:06 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Other - Health

28 answers

Weed makes you lazy...don't do it.

Also, there is a reason that it is illegal. People aren't telling you not to do it just because they want to. It has ramifications if you use it. Not to mention, what other doors that it opens. Trust me...I know what I am talking about.

2007-09-19 05:23:35 · answer #1 · answered by Slipped Halo 5 · 6 60

Weed is an illegal drug, so yes, it is bad in the since that you COULD get in trouble with the law for smoking it. But other than that, it is a harmless drug as long as it is used in moderation. It's less harmful to the body than smoking tobacco or consuming alcohol. So NO, weed is not bad for you, but YES, it can get you in a lot of trouble.

2007-09-21 14:41:00 · answer #2 · answered by xlaurenk 2 · 32 2

Just as most experts agree that occasional or moderate use of marijuana is innocuous, they also agree that excessive use can be harmful. Research shows that the two major risks of excessive marijuana use are:
respiratory disease due to smoking and
accidental injuries due to impairment.
Marijuana and Smoking:A recent survey by the Kaiser Permanente Center found that daily marijuana-only smokers have a 19% higher rate of respiratory complaints than non-smokers.(1) These findings were not unexpected, since it has long been known that, aside from its psychoactive ingredients, marijuana smoke contains virtually the same toxic gases and carcinogenic tars as tobacco. Human studies have found that pot smokers suffer similar kinds of respiratory damage as tobacco smokers, putting them at greater risk of bronchitis, sore throat, respiratory inflammation and infections.(2)
Although there has not been enough epidemiological work to settle the matter definitively, it is widely suspected that marijuana smoking causes cancer. Studies have found apparently pre-cancerous cell changes in pot smokers.(3) Some cancer specialists have reported a higher-than-expected incidence of throat, neck and tongue cancer in younger, marijuana-only smokers.(4) A couple of cases have been fatal. While it has not been conclusively proven that marijuana smoking causes lung cancer, the evidence is highly suggestive. According to Dr. Donald Tashkin of UCLA, the leading expert on marijuana smoking:(5)"Although more information is certainly needed, sufficient data have already been accumulated concerning the health effects of marijuana to warrant counseling by physicians against the smoking of marijuana as an important hazard to health." Fortunately, the hazards of marijuana smoking can be reduced by various strategies:

use of higher-potency cannabis, which can be smoked in smaller quantities,
use of waterpipes and other smoke reduction technologies,(6) and
ingesting pot orally instead of smoking it.

2007-09-19 05:26:17 · answer #3 · answered by c_crum 4 · 22 7

i have been around a long time...a product of the seventies mind you and i can tell you now that alcohol (which is legal by the way ) is way more harmful than weed...i would rather see a person smoke pot than drink any day....i don't smoke so please don't label me or think i have a bias because i indulge in the herb....i just have seen way too much damage caused by alcohol

2007-09-19 05:25:10 · answer #4 · answered by jazzy l 4 · 47 3

It is not near as bad as some would like you to believe. It can make you lazy, and harm short-term memory. Besides that it is almost harmless. Just don't get caught because the law disagrees with me.

2007-09-19 05:21:00 · answer #5 · answered by allknowing 4 · 53 2

i used to smoke weed alot when i was at school, but not just joints....i used to have buckets n pipes, it never really used to do much just relax's ya n makes u feel like u've had a drink but i had a bit too much one day in my house and blacked out... it wasnt a nice experience, everything went black and all i could see was a darker outline of my friend then i started to see again and the music went really muffled, ever since then i cant smoke it..... it makes me feel like i'm not even there, i get quite panicky and feel stupid, also it can make you very paranoid later on.
having a few off a spliff with ya mates isnt so bad but dont make it a regular habit as it really isnt that good 4 ya.

2007-09-19 05:30:32 · answer #6 · answered by mybabyefe 3 · 15 11

In The Netherlands, weed (cannabis) in small amounts can be bough quite openly and legally in licenced so called coffee shops, which btw don't serve coffee. For causing heart and vasculair problems, it is just as bad or maybe worst than smoking cigarettes, in a recent paper in The Lancet (a very respectable UK medical journal) there were more people developing psychosis after using weed, which does not automatically proves causation, but still is quite worrying.
This is the titel of the paper:
Cannabis use and risk of psychotic or affective mental health outcomes: a systematic review
Theresa HM Moore, Stanley Zammit, Anne Lingford-Hughes, Thomas RE Barnes, Peter B Jones, Margaret Burke, Glyn Lewis
The Lancet - Vol. 370, Issue 9584, 28 July 2007, Pages 319-328

2007-09-19 05:31:26 · answer #7 · answered by Haje 4 · 2 17

It really isn't that serious...you get a little high from it...sometimes you'll get higher than other times...but alcohol is much worse...although i do both...the side effects of weed are hungry, happy, sleepy. Weed really isn't the killer that people say it is.

2007-09-19 05:20:18 · answer #8 · answered by manda2788 2 · 68 3

look, anything is bad if you dont moderate your intake of it. if you can smoke a little here and there and still be good, then ok. but if youre spending all your money on it and cant function without it, then youve got a problem.

remember: it may not by physically addictive, but it IS psychologically addictive. your brain will trick you into thinking that you need that high, and then you become addicted.

2007-09-19 05:35:25 · answer #9 · answered by mistressnef 1 · 4 12

those who say alcohol and cigs are worse than weed make it seem like its ok to do... but the reality is that even though it may be true... all three are not good for you. best advice.. try it.. see what the big deal is, and move on... no one needs weed or alcohol to have a good time. thats why i dont do it. ill take all the brain cells i can get. i dont need to have breathing problems, and i dont need to open the door to new highs... what it all boils down to is... the law is the law. weed is not legal and just couse cigs and alchohol are legal, dosent mean they need to be

2007-09-22 20:40:36 · answer #10 · answered by rebel_devil2003 2 · 1 15

I'm going to be real about it. It isn't bad if it is occasional.

The major problems occur when it becomes something used daily.

1. Short term memory loss is a major side effect. That means that you may have a date with the best looking person you have ever met but you wont remember it. If smoking continues for long enough, the damage could become permanent.

2. Paranoia can cause you to do stupid things that may cost you. You may loose friends and/or family.

3. Infertility in men and women

The major problem with smoking weed is that you develop a tolerance to it, requiring more and more weed to get the same high. That's why many people turn to harder drugs to get the same high/

2007-09-19 05:31:05 · answer #11 · answered by ladyluck 5 · 7 20

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