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The word of God has two dividing assunders: Hebrews 4:
- dividing assunder of soul(first Adam) and spirit(last Adam)
- dividing assunder of joints(Adams) and marrow(Christ)

As in "Adam" all die... would include Jesus(last Adam)
In Christ(in him there's no law = no sin & death) all live.

Temporal life of temporal salvation is in Jesus(last Adam)
Eternal life of eternal salvaton is "through Jesus-->Christ".

Christ(the end of the law) is neither OT law nor NT law.
To wit, that God was in "Christ" reconciling the world;
Notably by NOT law imputing their sins unto them: 2Cor5.

2007-09-19 04:07:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Albeit the second man (Adam) is the Lord from heaven, heavenly; But let us consider three things rather than two:
3. Christ: seated in heaven above
2. Jesus: right of heavens on high
1. Adam: earthy

3. No more a servant, but Son
2. Servant of righteousness
1. Servant of sin

3. No more children
2. Children of God
1. Children of the wicked

2007-09-26 00:34:59 · update #1

11 answers

There are different distinctions of "the law": The Ten Commandments, which were written by the finger of God on tables of stone; the ceremonial laws, which dealt with sacrifices and bodily impurities and the ritual cleansings, as well as the system of sacrificing sin offerings (bulls, lambs, etc.); the civil/moral code, which consists of various laws regarding treatment of servants and animals, forbidden incestual relationships (a man laying with a close relative such as a sister, mother, aunt, etc.), forbidden practices such as divination, witchcraft, idolatry, consulting demons, etc.

There was no further need of sacrificial offerings when Jesus died on the cross and fulfilled the sacrificial obligations by giving His life as the ultimate sacrifice for sin, superceding all other animal sacrifices that pointed towards His sacrificial death.

The 10 Commandments are still as applicable today as they were back then.

We cannot legally enforce them, but we can observe them according to the basic underlying moral principles because we want to demonstrate our love for God and our neighbors.

2007-09-19 04:25:13 · answer #1 · answered by snichols1973 1 · 2 1

I Corinthians 15 v 22. I'm not quite sure where you're coming from here. Christ is in all things the antithesis to Adam. Through Adam comes death, through Christ life Adam brought sin into a sinless existence, Christ came sinless into a sinful world. Adam was conquered by death while Christ conquered it. I don't see the relavance of Hebrews 4 v 12, it refers to God's word in the Bible dosen't it? I don't understand what you mean by stating that there is no law in Christ, yes there is no sin and death but law and justice is that which God Set down in the commandments (Exodus 20). For me the reason that our trespasses are not impute upon us (II Corinthians 5 v 19) is that God's law still demands a sacrafice for sins, and someone to take the punishment, both of which Christ did at Calvary.
Can you elaborate further?

2007-09-19 04:36:35 · answer #2 · answered by wilde4ever 3 · 2 0

1 Corinthians 15 gives us the contrast between Adam and Christ.

1Co 15:22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.
1Co 15:45 So also it is written, The first man Adam became a living soul. The last Adam became a life–giving spirit (the last Adam is Christ)

Jesus Christ was the bridge so that mankind may be brought to God again. Through Christ, we will be raised with incorruptible (resurrected) bodies far much greater than our corruptible (frail) bodies.

2007-09-19 04:25:59 · answer #3 · answered by Jay R 2 · 1 0

Rethink what you said and you will see that you are wrong. Look first at 1Co 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
And again 1Co 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
Adam wass a mere man and through his disobedience to God sin entered the world and Death took root in man. But Jesus came from Heaven and made atonement for the sins of all mankind, Read also Rom 5:15 But not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For if through the offense of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. And again Rom 5:17 For if by one man's offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Rom 5:18 Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. NO OTHER religion can offer right standing with God for Jesus is the only way.

2007-09-25 11:52:36 · answer #4 · answered by cowboy_christian_fellowship 4 · 0 0

Adam grew to become into the 1st ideal guy to stroll the earth. He sinned, screwed up each little thing for each individual and then Jesus got here. He grew to become into the final ideal guy to ever walk the earth and so, the final Adam or final ideal guy. i'm unsure what translation of the Bible you have however the hot international version says, "'the final Adam, a existence-giving spirit." As a existence giving spirit, we've greater advantageous possibilities for existence by using Jesus.

2016-10-05 00:11:53 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I am not a theologian by any means but I like what you wrote and in my former bible studies I look at it from the fall of man perspective.
Adam and Eve, the first humans died to sin, separated us from God himself and thus the world and us becomes a fallen world.
Gods loved us that much that he created for us the sacrifice to bring us back to him in full circle, only at our choice. For Abraham and Isaac he provided the ram and so on.
Mary becomes the new eve in so many ways because she said Yes to God at the annunciation and obeyed. Jesus becomes the prophecy fulfilled in the OT in the line of David as promised and becomes the sacrifical lamb God as himself provides. Isaiah. 9:5 A child is born us, a son is given us they name him God-Hero. Jesus has two natures, human and divine. Thomas the apostle declares "My Lord and my God in John 20:28
The reality that God himself became a man for our salvation- what is called the Incarnation (literally, becoming flesh)- is at the heart of the Christian faith. Denial of this truth has been the hallmark of many heretical sects
Jesus declared himself, :the Father (that is, God) and I are one" John 10:30
So indeed Jesus would be the fulfillment of the sinful nature of Adam and thus the new Adam only much more important.

2007-09-19 04:28:48 · answer #6 · answered by Amanda M 1 · 1 1

For since death came through a human being, the resurrection of the dead came also through a human being. For just as in Adam all die, so too in Christ shall all be brought to life, but each one in proper order: Christ the firstfruits; then, at his coming, those who belong to Christ;

2007-09-19 04:13:16 · answer #7 · answered by wigginsray 7 · 3 1

Here is some additional information that you may find useful so you can better understand the connection between the first and the last Adam. (Ad'am) (Earthling Man;Mankind;Humankind;from a root meaning "red"} The Hebrew word occurs as"man," mankind," or earthling man over 560 times in the scriptures and is applied to individuals and mankind in general. It is also used as a proper name. In Genesis1:26 God said"let us make man in our image." What a historic pronouncement! And wahat a singular position in history Adam, the "son of God," holds- the first human creature! {luke 3:38} Adam was the crowning glory of Our Creator's earthly creative works, because he was " in God's image he created him (Genesis1:27) This is why the perfect man Adam, and his degenerate offsprings to a much lesser degree, possessed mental powers and abilities far superior to all other earthly creatures. Made in the likeness of his Grand creator, Adam had the divine attributes of love, wisdom, jstice, and power; hence he possed a sense of morality involving a conscience, something altogether new in the sphere of earthly life. In the image of God, Adam was to be a global administator and have in subjection the sea and land creatures and the fowl of the sea.(Genesis1:26) For this reason and many others ( read Genesis 1) Adam was under obligation to love, worship, and strictly obey his Grand Creator. However, the Universal lawgiver, Our Heavenly Father, spelled out for Adam the simple law of obedience. He fully informed Adam of the just and reasonable penalty for disobedience:"As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you POSITIVELY will die."{Genesis 2:16,17 and Genesis 3:2,3) Not withstanding this explicit law carrying a severe penalty for disobedience, he did disobey. This lead to mankind's sinful state. (Adamic sin). Genesis 3, gives futher details of this} However, this was a tragic start Adam gave to the human race. Paradise, happiness, and everlasting life on earth were all forfeited, and in their place sin, suffering, and death were aquired through disobedience. Romans 5:12,14} However, God in his WISDOM and LOVE provided a "second man," "the last Adam," who is the Lord Jesus Christ. By means of this obedient "Son of God" the way was opened up whereby descendants of the disobedient "first man Adam" could regain Paradise and everlasting life, the church or congregation of Christ even gaining heavenly life." For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in Christ all will be made alive." Read John3:16,18; Romans 6:23; 1Corinthians 15:22) Jesus was not a sinner, he was a perfect man who gave his perfect life in proof of love of God and for imperfect humans, he let himself be"brought just like a sheep to the slaughtering,'' submitting to trials, being slapped,hit with fists. spit on, scourged with a whip, and finally, nailed to a stake between criminals.{Read some accounts at Isaiah53:7; Mathew26:67,68; Mark14:65; Mark15:15-20; John19:1) Therefore Jesus can be called our redeemer or re-purchaser beacuse he bought back life for all mankind by replacing his perfect life with the life Adam lost for his offsprings. How grateful should humans be for the wonderful act of God, for sending his son. Jesus, willfully came down to earth, born to a lowly Jewish girl, Mary, he keep his integrity to to his Father and proved to all mankind that even in the face of opposition and trials, with Gods help we too can conquer Adamic sin and keep our integrity. Sadly most humans have lost track of the fact that we have a creator who loves us and we owe so much to him.I guess the answer is simply because most people do not understand the all time question.. If God really cares why does he permit suffering? This anwer is found in the Bible in the Book of Genesis. It began in the Garden of Eden, When Satan the Devil, tempted Adam and Eve into disobedience. God said you positivily will die. Notice however, Satan's reply at Genesis 3:4. If your next question is Why does God permit suffering I will be only too happy to use God's Words the BIBLE to help answer it.

Thank you for reading this answer and I hope you will research the informaton. It is worth your while. Thanks.

2007-09-19 05:45:54 · answer #8 · answered by DTrini 1 · 0 0

Yes, He is. He is God Creator who came to rescue us from
the sin of the first Adam. Jesus Christ paid for all the sins of
all mankind and will come for the church and we will always
be with the Lord.

2007-09-19 04:12:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Too deep for me.

2007-09-26 09:31:26 · answer #10 · answered by smkeller 7 · 1 0

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