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I've just been thinking about these points and was wondering if someone could further explain them?

-why are there so many branches of christianity? there are literally like a hundred and every one says the other one is the wrong one

-if we say that we should only worship god and only god, then how come at church we pray to jesus?

I just have been wondering this stuff forever and no one really answers it for me.

2007-09-19 04:02:20 · 16 answers · asked by ~)~) 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

ok CJ then which sect or branch is the 'right' one?

2007-09-19 04:11:13 · update #1

this is what i mean people, no one answers my questions....it's just 'there is only one truth and one god' well I KNOW THAT! I'm just wanting some answers which branch or group does the bible hold true if everyone wants to shape the religion to their liking and come up with a bunch of branches? And didn't even Jesus say to not pray or worship him that we should worship God?

2007-09-19 04:14:53 · update #2

i've been raised protestant all my life, but now i'm starting to wonder because Jesus never said he was God, he always talked about God as his father, as another being, not God being himself. He told people not to pray to him either, because people tried doing that when he was around...which is basically what we are doing today and he told them not to! I think Jesus was saying he was God's son in a metophorical way. Just as we are all God's son's and daughters.

2007-09-19 04:21:45 · update #3

16 answers

Yes,i agree with u linsay s....there is not a single unequivocal statement in the complete bible where Jesus himself said 'I am god" or where he said "worship me"...Jesus HIMSELF never said that....In bible,Jesus HIMSELF(i mean himself) never said that he was begotten son of god...other prophets are also referred in the bible calling them as sons but christians only take Jesus to be the begotten son,i duno why...some christians pick the verse John 3 16,and say that in this verse it is said that jesus was god's begotten son,but the christian scholars say that this verse has never been said by Jesus himself and it is also clear when u go to the context of the verse that this statement is not of Jesus...for more information regarding john 3 16,click on the below link

Jesus has clearly said in the bible "my father is greater than I","My father is greater than all","I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me"and many other statements as well...This clearly shows that Jesus never claimed divinity...
I know there r sum statements in the bible which the christians pick and say that in these verses Jesus has claimed divinity e.g,"I and my father are one","I am the way,the truth and the life","he who has seen me has seen god",but if u go to the context,u'l come to know that these statements mean,what jesus says is the same as what god says;in order to know truly god or in order to follow what god has said,follow the way of Jesus.he who has become aware of Jesus' teachings has become aware of God's teachings bcoz what God says,jesus says the same....the latter statements will contradict with the former statements if u take them in the sense that Jesus claimed that he was god..however if u go to the context of these verses,it will b quite clear that jesus didnt claim he was god...
there is also trouble among the christians concerning Jesus' crucifiction and resurrection...for knowing the truth lets take THE SIGN OF JONAH:
"Matthew 12:39. An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign; but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

we all know that jonah was alive in the belly of the fish,so according to the above xplanation in the bible,Jesus has to be alive in the heart of the earth..If he is dead(crucified),then bible is wrong and if not then the common christians are wrong...And no crucifiction,so obviously no resurrection........

2007-09-19 23:49:29 · answer #1 · answered by sam 3 · 0 1

You are on the right track. There is nothing wrong with your questions. Jesus did come to earth to spread message of GOD. After he was crucified, people started to pray to him.
It has happened to many other religions as well.
Rather than asking people what you should do, I would suggest for you to read religious books. Read books not only written by Christian authors, but read other holy scriptures as well. You will have a broader sense of religion in that way.

There are many branches of Christianity because in the past people didn't agree on some main points about Jesus. Some said that he was the GOD. Some said, Mary was also God, and some said, both were God. There are other differences as ell. So people argued on these points and the result is many sects in Christianity.

2007-09-19 04:11:15 · answer #2 · answered by angelsoqt 5 · 2 1

There are many branches of Christianity because each branch has a slightly different interpretation of each slightly different Bible.

Most Christians will tell you that Jesus is God. God is like a cookie with different ingredients. Jesus is the main ingredient.

2007-09-19 04:12:54 · answer #3 · answered by Kharm 6 · 0 0

You might try doing a little research on church history. The reason there are so many branch offs, stems back to the middle ages. Constantine had declared Christianity to be the state religion, and a lot of people were forced to convert to Christianity, meaning that a lot of pagans were a part of the church. This was never Christ's intention. A lot of pagan ideas crept into the church through this. Hence, Roman Catholicism developed, and many pagan men got positions of power in the church. The Bible was stripped away from people so that they would not know what it actually taught. This way men were able to keep control of the people through religion.

Man is basically a religious creature, and has a tendency to follow (that's why Jesus called us sheep). People went along with the doctrines introduced by the Catholic church, many which not biblical at all. Finally, a monk named Martin Luther came along, and as he was reading the scriptures, recognized that the church was not doing what the scripture said, but had in fact made up their own rules, including requiring men to earn their salvation through works, rather than through faith. He posted his rebuttal on the door of the cathedral, which the commoners read, and many of them began to question the catholic authorities. Hence, the Reformation.

Luther didn't intend people to follow him- he just wanted reform in the church. But it ended up starting the Lutheran church. Martin Luther did not want to capitulate on the issue of infant baptism though, which was also a heresy taught by the Catholic church. Many people after Luther did additional scriptural study after the printing press made Bibles available to everyone, and began to take issue with some of the doctrines in the Lutheran church, one of which was infant baptism.

During the middle ages, many philosophers changed the theology of the church which caused the church to go off into other directions that weren't scriptural. Each time this happens, God always seems to raise up someone else who will proclaim the truth of the Word, and another sect would split off. There will always be a remnant of people who follow after truth. The problem is, if people learn something wrong, it is very difficult to change one's views, because people are stubborn. When one leader arises out of a group and says 'this doctrine is wrong' and the church won't listen, they tend to gather followers, and start their own branch. Unfortunately, it keeps happening over and over, because people refuse to seriously look at all of their doctrines. They maintain that they are correct in everything, which of course is not true. They are partially right, but partially in error. Hence, multiple denominations.

As to your second question, Jesus is God- the one and only God. That's why we pray to Him.

2007-09-19 04:21:59 · answer #4 · answered by Dawn C 5 · 1 1

Branches: People have many ideas about faith. If they don't like one they will start another. Thats freedom of religon. Jesus shed his blood to cover our sins. God cannot look upon sin unless it is covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus is our intercessor. We pray to God through Jesus. Remember Jesus is God in the flesh, one third of the Trinity.

2007-09-19 04:15:22 · answer #5 · answered by JES 6 · 0 0

-why are there so many branches of christianity? there are literally like a hundred and every one says the other one is the wrong one

If they truly are Christian, they have the same set of core beliefs. It then becomes a matter of finding a group you feel comfortable worshipping with. Some like to worship loudly, some prefer to be more quiet.

-if we say that we should only worship god and only god, then how come at church we pray to jesus?

Because Jesus is God.

UPDATE: Not only did Jesus not say not to worship him, he accepted worship from Thomas:

John 20:27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust [it] into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. 28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed [are] they that have not seen, and [yet] have believed.

Note that instead of saying don't worship me, worship God as the angels did when people tried to worship them, Jesus told Thomas that those of us who believe in him without seeing him physically are blessed.

2007-09-19 04:14:19 · answer #6 · answered by Rossonero NorCal SFECU 7 · 0 0

Why you ought to doubt... a million) while is the final time you have seen a speaking snake? 2) Even a woman with the two aspects could no longer get herself pregnant, hence why might desire to you think that a woman can do it from an invisible being? 3) God can strike down devil at any time. So what's he waiting for? 4) The earth is supposedly basically six thousand years old, yet technology has shown the existence of gadgets on earth to be plenty older than that. 5)The little holiday talked approximately as Christmas is an instantaneous scam from the custom of yule, a Pagan dinner party in late december it particularly is had to rejoice the wintry climate solstice. in addition they exceeded out gives you to one yet another. 6) Hell grew to become into invented as a gadget to regulate inferior human beings. 7) God grew to become into ever so nicely-known while he grew to become into speaking to all and sundry. Why does not he consult with each physique now? 8) The "ideal" God made numerous blunders and supposedly knew he might lead them to. Adam and Eve, Lucifer, destroying human beings and supposedly making plans to do it lower back. 9) God is the clarification a good number of folk have died interior the previous. greater human beings have killed interior the call of God than for the different reason. 10) he's the author of the biggest ongoing blackmail in international history. You obey, you boost right into a pawn and pass to Heaven. You disobey, you don't get resurrected and you experience his wrath. right this is ten motives to doubt. quite of the ten commandments.

2016-10-05 00:11:43 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Jesus and God are one, "my father and I are one" cant get much clearer, as well as when you pray, if you ask these things in my name (Jesus speaking here) then it shall be.

the branches of christianity, are due to mans stuborness, and inability to get along. sorry but thats the truth. If we would all just read the book, instead of reading books about the book then there would not be a problem

2007-09-19 04:15:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Many of us have opinions of God that we hold dearly to be the truth.

We have the Bible to guide us - but again, many of us still interpret it by our experiences, the culture we live in, etc. We are all fallible.

I can live with the differences as long as we agree that Jesus is God (John 1:1) and that He died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, and rose again in three days and that salvation is by Him alone............the rest, don't stress over.....

2007-09-19 04:09:18 · answer #9 · answered by fanofchan 6 · 0 1

i am not trying to be mean cuz it is a valid question but the truth is that you will NEVER get the answer because regardless of what anyone says they don't even know the truth. they base it on what they "believe". You just have to believe what is right to you.

2007-09-19 04:26:17 · answer #10 · answered by ~NIKKI~ 6 · 0 0

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