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Ecstasy or Acid?
Don't worry Im not planning on taking any this is purely academic :p

2007-09-19 03:59:54 · 4 answers · asked by Jess. 4 in Health Other - Health

4 answers

both can cause you real problems
i speak from experience
e cstasy and acid are vastely different in their individual highs
but both change the chemical reactions in your brain .
causing you to percieve reality differently
its a really dangerouse game to play because you can never ever be sure of what went into the pill or paper to make the drug in the first place . there is no way to test before ingestion so its always a game or russian roulette

2007-09-19 04:07:42 · answer #1 · answered by matt culling 4 · 0 0

IT depends, i have taken both and honestly. I would say E-bombs have a DRAMATICALLY huger impact on your brain and it will make you go CRAZY, LITERALLY... Acid although is still WAY strong and FUN as hell, i would not do it again it simply was not worth it. E-bomb is a better high, but way more impacting on your body and mind. I would highly reccomend none of you guys here EVER take these drugs, you do NOT want to go through what i did.

2007-09-19 11:05:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges. How strong either one is depends entirely on how much is taken in.

2007-09-19 11:04:49 · answer #3 · answered by essentiallysolo 7 · 0 0

Ecstasy is made with meth and chemical variations of mescaline. MDMA - 3-4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

In the 70’s a popular drug was
MDA 3-4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine also known as STP (Serenity, Tranquility, and Peace.) STP was very popular, and the true STP was DOM 2,5- dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine. Most people gave MDA and called it STP, then started giving more dangerous combos of drugs and calling them STP, so it lost its popularity for awhile. Now we have Ecstasy with the same high as MDA from the 70. Some pills of X can have more Meth so are “Speedy”, and some pills have more of the Mescaline so are “Smacky”. I would have to say meth is way more intense and lots of addicts would call ecstasy a high school or kiddy drug.


Most amphetamines and their derivatives are simple drugs that are relatively easy to manufacture, even in a rudimentary home laboratory. The drugs differ from one another in their potency, speed of onset, duration of action and their capacity to modify mood with or without producing overt hallucinations. Because of their relation to the well-known drug mescaline, the potency of these new variants is often described in mescaline units.
Very few of these drugs are in popular use, and some are very toxic.
PMA, for example, was often passed off as MDA between 1972 and 1973, but caused a dangerous rise in blood pressure and temperature and could result in convulsions. The drug caused a number of deaths in the U.S., and ten fatalities in Australia before it passed out of use. In 2000, it resurfaced in Canada labeled
as Ecstasy. When two young men in Toronto died after taking it, Health Canada declared PMA one of the most dangerous hallucinogens in the world.

Ecstasy is a hallucinogenic amphetamine. It is technically known as 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA for short. It is a synthetic (man-made) drug and in its pure form it does not contain any amphetamine. However, what is sold today as Ecstasy varies hugely in purity. It tends to be one of the most adulterated drugs on the market.

It can be cut with anything from L.S.D., morphine, speed (amphetamine), caffeine,anti-histamines, paracetamol, cold-cure powders and even strychnine.

Because of this, it is a very unpredictable drug and therefore very dangerous. There have been some Ecstasy tablets which have been contaminated with heroin or methadone (a heroin substitute) and sold as "White Doves". Ecstasy comes in the form of an innocuous-looking tablet, which can range from brown or white to pink. It can also come in clear or yellow capsules , and trades under such names as "Love Doves", "New Yorkers", "Disco Burgers", "Mad Bastards" and "Dennis the Menace".

Beliefs about Ecstasy are reminiscent of similar claims made about LSD in the 1950s and 1960s, which proved to be untrue. According to its proponents, MDMA can make people trust each other and can break down barriers between therapists and patients, lovers, and family members. There is a thriving industry being built around the Ecstasy culture, especially in the areas of fashion and music.

How does MDMA / ecstasy affect the body?

Ecstasy usually takes between 30-60 minutes to take effect and produces a state of euphoria. Many problems users encounter with MDMA are similar to those found with the use of amphetamines and cocaine. They include:

* Psychological difficulties, including confusion, depression, sleep problems,

* drug craving, severe anxiety, and paranoia - during and sometimes weeks after taking MDMA (even psychotic episodes have been reported).

* Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, involuntary teeth-clenching,

* nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness, and chills or sweating. Increases in heart rate and blood pressure, a special risk for people with circulatory or heart disease


MDMA - 3-4-Methylenedioxy methamphetamine or X

acts mainly on Seratonin and on different parts of the brain than Meth. Meth ( MDA 3-4-Methylenedioxy amphetamine)
effects mainly dopamine.

They are both CNS stimulants, but they are not the same in chemical compound nor reaction.

Mescaline is organic from peyote buttons. Mescaline or 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine is a psychedelic hallucinogenic drug and entheogen of the phenethylamine family. It is either synthesized (as mescaline sulfate) or extracted from the peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii), the San Pedro cactus (Echinopsis pachanoi), or the Peruvian Torch cactus (Echinopsis peruviana). It is also found in a number of other members of the Cactaceae

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), most commonly known today by the street name ecstasy, is a synthetic entactogen of the phenethylamine family whose primary effect is to stimulate the secretion of and inhibit the re-uptake of large amounts of serotonin as well as dopamine and noradrenaline in the brain, causing a general sense of openness, empathy, energy, euphoria, and well-being. Tactile sensations are enhanced for some users, making general physical contact with others more pleasurable; but, contrary to popular mythology it generally does not have aphrodisiac effects. Its ability to facilitate self-examination with reduced fear has proven useful in some therapeutic settings, leading to its 2001 approval by the United States FDA for testing in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Acute dehydration is a risk among users who are highly physically active and forget to drink water, as the drug may mask one's normal sense of exhaustion and thirst. Also the opposite, "water intoxication" resulting in acute hyponatremia has been reported. By far the biggest danger comes from the fact that other, more dangerous chemicals (such as PMA, DXM or methamphetamine) are either added to ecstasy tablets, or more often simply sold as ecstasy. Long-term effects in humans are largely unknown and the subject of much controversy —particularly with regard to the risks of severe long-term depression as a result of a reduction in the natural production of serotonin.

Both Ecstasy and Meth are dangerous, and harmful to the human brain. Several recent studies are finding out that Ecstasy is not quite as harmless as was first thought... (Meth we KNOW is harmful to the buman brain.)

The Vancouver RCMP analyzes confiscated drug samples from across Western Canada. Their results are that 70% of what is sold as Ecstasy (pills) contains traces of meth and other drugs as well.

Someone mentioned that some capsules are more speedy than others - this is definitely true from my conversations with a variety of dealers. Most will tell you that their customers do NOT WANT just Ecstasy - they want something more speedy (meth). Most dealers are happy to comply, as they feel that meth is indeed more addictive - creating steady or daily customers as opposed to weekend ravers (if there is such a thing anymore

2007-09-19 11:43:47 · answer #4 · answered by rosieC 7 · 0 0

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