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I'm not talking about immigrates who are trying to come here and live off the taxers or commiting crimes. I'm talking about immigrates how are willing to work hard.

Please don't say "They are coming here to take our jobs away" Thats an excuse..... there are americans (born & rised)who have been on welfare all of their life and are not trying to work.

2007-09-19 03:56:05 · 25 answers · asked by Akasha 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

The goverment has made it not harder (harder is fine) but more expensive to come in legally. Those in illegal activites can afford it more then the families who are trying to improve their lives.

2007-09-19 04:08:16 · update #1

Zanbar Province- don't tell me what I can and can not say! Its my question and can narrow it down however I want. And for anyone less my question doesn't state if I for or againist it, maybe I'm trying to understand and see how I feel about it!!

2007-09-19 04:14:31 · update #2

OUTSOURCING- a lot of companies are doing that for cheaper labor anyway explain that. That effect jobs the last time I checked.

2007-09-19 04:17:28 · update #3

25 answers

We're not against "immigration"...we're against "illegal aliens"...those who criminally defy our immigration laws, steal identities, use fake social security numbers, avoid many taxes and avail themselves of our tax payer funded services, such as free public school education. These people do NOT have permission to be in this country and have jumped in front of all of our waiting LEGAL IMMIGRANTS for their own personal benefit.

These people aren't "immigrants" they are thieves.

2007-09-19 04:02:43 · answer #1 · answered by Lori K 7 · 4 3

Most of these people just don't like change of any kind, and haven't bothered to think through the consequences of life without immigrants. They look for every piece of evidence that immigrants are causing problems, without looking for the same evidence from American-born people, and they ignore the fact that the vast majority of these problems are a direct result of the immigration laws, and that these same people wouldn't commit any crimes if they were allowed in legally. They point to occasional cases of immigrants collecting benefits, and conclude that the problem is immigration, and not the welfare state.

They are angry that jobs are moving overseas, and then angry when immigrants come in, and do those jobs cheaply enough to keep jobs from moving overseas, saving not just the low end jobs, but the high end jobs in management and design that go with them. However, they never complain that the consumer products they can afford now, because of lower costs of labor, are too cheap.

They are usually completely ignorant of past immigration history in the United States. When looking to criticize the current generation of immigrants for not assimilating, they ignore two key facts (1) the American model has always been one of integration, not assimilation - that is, certain societal norms should be accepted, but it's acceptable and even desirable for new generations of immigrants to enrich the nation by retaining some of their old customs, foods, cultural activities, etc. and (2) past generations of immigrants integrated no more quickly than the current one.

As an American of Italian ancestry, these attacks bother me perhaps more than most. Nearly everything of which the Mexican immigrants are accused, rightfully or wrongfully, was also said about Italians, and these things have been equally true in both cases. The integration pattern of Mexicans in America is uncannily similar to what it was for Italians 100 years ago. All these things are traits of both groups: a strong work ethic, but a low respect for education in the first few generations; strong family ties, big families in small houses; an overall very low crime rate in the community, sometimes overshadowed by the actions of some very vicious and "successful" organized crime groups; a pattern of the immigrants not learning very good English, and settling in ethnic neighborhoods; sending money back home.

100 years later, I think we've seen that Italian Americans have contributed a lot to the United States. I think a little patience and perspective will allow us to see the same will be true for Mexicans.

2007-09-19 05:32:10 · answer #2 · answered by Thomas M 6 · 0 0

America doesn't discriminate to only one race. They have the requirements as every other country as well. Some countries want more fees to have proof given that immigrant foreigners aren't there to live off of their government programs. Example - try Australia who asks for a 100,000 dollar good faith fee for the government to hold onto for a year or so. Then when you prove that you are capable of providing for yourself and family will they return you that money. So what's your point! And why should America be any different in it's requirements! Policies don't force anyone to do anything against the laws. That seems to be a moral, and characteristic issue of what a person chooses to do. Rather than should do. Edit - Hate to point this out to you as well as I have others... but it's the never ending amnesties that they come for. Before NAFTA, CAFTA, and the other free trade agreements even came into place, illegals were here in the country. From 1986 on there has been 7 amnesties granted to illegals. Even when 1986 amnesty was to be the one time only amnesty given to all the illegals within the country at that time. So it isn't the free trade agreements between the countries that cause the illegals to come. BTW - Americans are more entitled to insure the survival of their families and their loved ones. As well as themselves. Just because this is the "land of opportunties", that doesn't always ensure them to be extremely successful. or any less poor. Especially those who are poor. The ones who do work, and acquire the poverty level of $20,000 dollars and less a year. The old (those now living into their 80's, 90's, and sometimes 100's), and the retired, the newly retired all on fixed incomes. Do you also take in the account for the medical costs these people incur? How about the American families without insurance, yet struggle to pay those medical bills? And the government estimates that number to be close to 47 Million Americans. Even though I suspect millions more. I find it rather sad, and inconceivable that anyone (fellow Americans to boot) would over look the fundimental values of fellow Americans, and those who came and come legally, as not having the same rights to insure their own survival, as well as their families. That their lives are less important, and they should stand aside and allow other countries, and their illegals to be treated as first class citizens, and above them at and on every level. To dictate to Americans as to how our policies will be run. Rather implicated to favor them. The outside countries, and their citizens. Especially when these Americans are within their own country. While the illegals are not.

2016-05-18 05:16:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

US has one of the most tolerable immigration regulation as compare to other countries. I am a legal immigrant and a US citizen now. US wants me to stay here because of my skills, degree and education background. I got my green card in less than 1 year using special talent category. If you were an olympic gold medalist, you can get your green card in less than a year. If You don't have special skills, well, sorry, you may not be able to survive at anywhere. Job market at USA is a very competitive. Since we are moving into a global job market, everyone needs to train themselves to survive in the world. If you cannot survive at your own country, what makes you think you can survive at US? Just because you think you can work harder?

The salary at US is higher because the living standard is high here too. I've seen so many legal immigrants coming to USA and struggling here. It is not an easy task being an immigrant and don't dream of American dream without preparing yourself. If you cannot survive at your own country, you won't be able to survive at USA. If you were hired by USA company because of cheaper pay, and purely labor, you won't get a job once you become a legal immigrant. They don't want to pay you that much.

Basically, US want people with certain skills that they don't have enough at US territories. If you are qualified for it, They welcome you come to US. If you don't have skills that US need, why make you think you can have a good life here. I think the same rule is applied to all countries in the world.

I've been there and know all the struggling immigrant can face. The American dream is real, but you need to earn it. The competition at American is high if you want to move up. If you just want to do the pure labor job, your life at US would be miserable.

2007-09-19 05:51:56 · answer #4 · answered by Stephen 2 · 0 0

The U.S was founded by colonists not immigrants. The colonies fought for independence from the King of England and won.
There were several waves of immigration beginning in the 19th century, but the vast majority of those people were thoroughly documented. If they were found with communicable diseases, they were deported. If they were fugitives from justice, they were deported. The majority of them wanted nothing but to become Americans. Some of them had the equivalent of $20 in their pockets but they didn't come to live off the gov't teat. Furthermore, there was a complete moratorium on ALL immigration for 40 years to give the newcomers time to assimilate - learn English and become taxpaying citizens.
What we are witnessing now is nothing less than an invasion by people who don't care about our laws, they don't care about our language and they don't want to become Americans. They just want to make money which they turn around and send back to their country of origin. It's roughly $12 BILLION per year now just going to Mexico. It's isn't staying here improving OUR economy, tax base or investment capital. In other words, even if they aren't technically leeches they aren't contributing like citizens do. They aren't immigrants, they are invaders.
And you're right, there are citizens who live off of the rest of us as well - but NOT 10s of millions of them.

2007-09-19 06:12:01 · answer #5 · answered by mikey 6 · 0 0

Hi- Here's my $0.02... Many people are not 'against immigration', rather they are against individuals coming to this country illegally. There are rules that must be followed for individuals to stay in our country legally, and if they are not adhered to, where does it stop? When is it ok to break the laws, when is it not (and who diffenciates between the two??). It's a slippery slope.

I agree that many immigrants work VERY hard, and it is this labor that has been the foundation for future growth and prosperity. My grandparents immigrated here legally, and I am so lucky that they went through all of the legal channels, and navigated the process correctly. While it took many years, both arrived in the US, worked very hard, physical work, and each generation after them has been better for it.

2007-09-19 04:12:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The US was not founded by immigrants. The colonists did not allow immigration. What we are against was the 1965 immigration law change that we, the people had no say in. This is a population issue - we don't have the room or the resources. And tell your jobs excuse to someone who spent tens of thousands of dollars on a degree in computer science only to lose their profession to cheap green cards and h1-B's from the third world. Notice all of our immigration comes from third world countries and not first world countries - they are being brought in to replace American workers and reduce wages. I guess you are not our in the work force yet.

The problem is - no one in authority can tell if someone is coming here to work hard or to blow us up or to commit crimes.

2007-09-19 04:07:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't personally know ANYONE who is against >LEGAL< immigration.

I, myself am only 2nd generation native born American.
Although, parts of my family tree have been back and forth from Canada, to the US for as long as people have been here....I'm (In a small part) part native American.

The trouble I, and those people to whom I've spoken to, have....is with >ILLEGAL< immigration.

If you want in, do it legally, and properly.

It's what every other country does, Why is it such an issue with Our policy?
Try entering North Korea illegally!

People who break the law(s) are Criminals, plain and simple.

If you do so, you should expect to be pursued by the authorities, and have a penalty for your actions.


2007-09-19 04:12:31 · answer #8 · answered by electronic_dad 3 · 2 0

CRAZY isn't it?

If you think about it we are all descendants of immigrants, unless of course your a Native American; and we did a fairly good job of destroying them and their culture, not to mention taking their land. If anyone has a beef, it would be them wouldn't it?

I mean the way I look at it; men (people) draw lines, and separate this land or territory from that land or territory, it's not like God sat people down and said "OK, here's the deal; you live on this side, and you live over here"

For me it all breaks down to one thing and that's GREED, it's just that simple, the "haves" don't want to share with the "have not's"..............it's not like there is some type of cap on success.
These people are just like the rest of us (most of them, we all have our share of people who don't want to do for their selves) they want a chance at happiness, security and comfort. Is that wrong?........or is that human nature?

You know that the USA and Mexico is the only place in the world, where a 3rd world country directly abuts a county of wealth like ours, do we really think that people can see this and not want it for their selves or their children. Mexican families will work for years to save money to send a child to the United States; knowing the risk's of rape or even death to that child while en route, but yet they do it .
Human nature dictates the pursuit of
they are just human, just like us...................

*** The only reason our forefathers were not illegal immigrants, is because there were not laws set in place when the original immigrants came over here and took the land from the indians.

2007-09-19 05:35:40 · answer #9 · answered by mchlmybelle 6 · 0 0

I'm a legal immigrant and I have to renew my green card every 10 years. I have been in the USA for 17 years now, and I'm debating to become a US citizen.
I know 'Americans ' that belief, only they have the right to be here. I don't understand it either and you are right, everyone in America is an immigrant, unless your an Indian

2007-09-19 05:01:14 · answer #10 · answered by chris91068 3 · 0 0

You need to learn the difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants. There is a huge difference. This country was indeed founded by immigrants, not illegal immigrants. The legal citizens of this country don't hate immigrants, they hate illegal immigrants. Illegals are the ones that don't pay taxes to help the economy flourish. Illegals are also the ones that send their children to public school that they don't help support because they don't pay taxes, which causes more of a burden in the school districts. I could go on and on, but it wouldn't do any good to explain this to someone who doesn't know the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.

2007-09-19 04:10:08 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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