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against the Catholic Church that the Catholic Church has compiled and presereved?

2007-09-19 03:21:54 · 26 answers · asked by The Asker 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Father K, that's what Bible-fundies call themselves, so I am using the only term that they can understand. sorry, if calling those Bible-fundies 'Born Again' offend you.

2007-09-19 03:30:46 · update #1

PaulCyp, okay, I stand corrected, the SO-CALLED BORN AGAIN then. thank you. :)

2007-09-19 03:33:46 · update #2

by the way, to non-Catholics, don't hate me, I am not Catholic. I'm really just wondering why you're using the Bible that the Catholic Church compiled. hating the Catholic Church with all your heart yet use the Book that they preserved and compiled really baffles me, and to top it all, use that very same book against that Church.

2007-09-19 03:39:42 · update #3

26 answers

Actually you mean the so-called "born again". Being born again is a genuine teaching of the Catholic Church. Otherwise it wouldn't be in the Bible that the Catholic Church compiled. However, the Catholic Church takes this teaching, like all biblical teaching, in its true sense as Jesus taught it. When Jesus was asked what we must do to be saved, He replied, "ye must be born again". When further pressed to explain just what He meant by that term, He said we must be reborn through water and the spirit, in the holy Sacrament of Baptism. Baptism is to spiritual life what birth is to natural life. Therefore all Catholic are born again since they are baptized. However, the novel modern Protestant traditions concerning what being "born again" means are completely unscriptural.

It should be apparewnt to any thinking person that nothing in the Bible can contradict Catholic teaching. Of course most Protestants have no clue regarding the history of the Bible and how it came into existence. They seem to think it floated down from heaven ready-made. In fact, the 73 divinely inspired book of The Holy Bible were laboriously compiled by the bishops of the Catholic Church, for the sole use of the Catholic Church. They examined, studied, and discerned nearly 200 different texts before selecting these 73 as the written Word of God. Can you imagine these bishops, who had traveled to North Africa from all parts of the known world for the sole purpose of finalizing the Canon of Scripture, saying, "well this text conflicts with the teaching of the Catholic Church, but what the heck, let's include it in our book anyway". NOT likely. The FIRST criterion the Holy Spirit used in leading the Catholic bishops to finalize the Canon of Scripture was total agreement with what the Holy Spirit had previously revealed through the teaching of the Church Christ founded, the Church which the Bible calls "the pillar and foundation of truth", the Holy Catholic Church. The Holy Spirit did not alow anything to be included in the book that was contradictory to the foundation of truth.

2007-09-19 03:30:05 · answer #1 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 2 2

Are Protestants not Christians? Protestantism believes that the Bible is the sole authority for God word. That the bible interrupts itself. Other Christian denominations believe differently. For example, the Catholics believe in a written tradition and an oral tradition that is govern by a hierarchy headed by the Pope. The key word is belief, belief that the bible is God's word. Martin Luther is the first to break ranks with Catholicism and lived. The notion of "born again" starts there. Knowing the history does not lead to belief. Being Protestant does not mean you are born again; some denominations are not bible fundamentalist. Answer: What bother you the most, being born again or being bible fundamentalist? Both are Protestant beliefs.

2016-05-18 04:55:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Now, be nice. Don't say "ridiculous". Say instead, inconsistent.

After all, they're the ones who took the books Catholics put together as the Canon of Scritpure and decided what parts of it were to be literally taken and what parts would be symbolic and what parts would be ignored as they contradict what the "Born Again" types have decided is true.

I personally find it screamingly funny that they insist on the accounts of creation found in Genesis being scientifically accurate but take the very words of Christ as merely symbolic.

What is less amusing, however, is the insult they do to Jesus and to His sacrifice by their attitudes and preaching. After all, HE said that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church He set up through the Apostles and under Peter's direction. If that's so, then where do they get off saying that the Church fell into error within a generation of the Resurrection and stayed that way until THEIR founder came down the pike with his/her bright ideas about fixing it? Seems to me to believe that you gotta believe that Jesus either lied through His teeth or he was a nutball, because if the Church fell into error then the gates of hell most assuredly DID prevail against it and for more than 3/4 of its history, to boot!

HELLLOOOOO! Anyone else see the problem here!?

2007-09-19 03:33:57 · answer #3 · answered by Granny Annie 6 · 4 0

What is the difference between the Born Again Protestants and Roman Catholics? The former have been zealous in studying the word of God in the Bible whereas the latter had not delved into studying the Bible but remained ritualistic in its approach. However, the Catholics are realizing some errors in its rites and beliefs that the Protestants have pointed out, such as altars full of statues, and they have silently complied and persevered in the arguments lodged against them. Yes, it is ridiculous but we are to help fellow Christians understand our faith better.

Adherents of the Catholic Church are learning and have been conducting Bible study to learn more about the word of God like the Protestants do. And this is a good sign. Especially with the advent of the Internet, people can learn more about, and understand better, their faith. They may raise questions on what they do not understand, like here at Yahoo Answers, and be clarified. Many websites are also available to be perused. The final decision what to believe still rests upon the individual.

2007-09-19 04:08:55 · answer #4 · answered by Peace Crusader 5 · 1 2

What did Jesus say in John chapter 3? In order to enter heaven "You must be Born Again". The Church had the Bible before the Catholic Church came into existence.(After 350 A.D.) At the turn of the 1rst century ,the early church fathers like Pappias etc. wrote letters back and forth quoting all most all the New testament.The church of Rome broke away and decided they were the "Be all" and everyone should bow to them.That is not how the church was set up by Paul.

2007-09-19 03:37:18 · answer #5 · answered by AngelsFan 6 · 1 2

Interesting that the word "Catholic" means UNIVERSAL.
While the church may have helped compile and preserve Holy Scriptures, they did so early on, prior to the papacy being defiled with nepotism and the breaking of vows.
Born Agains are entirely appreciative of the preservation of scriptures, but the church was merely a tool through which God preserved His own Word.
Here's the bottom line: The Church is not your Savior. Mary is not co-Redemptrix as proclaimed by the last Pope. The saints are not mediators between mankind and God.
Jesus Christ gave His life for us. He alone is our Redeemer, and He alone (according to scripture) is our mediator.

2007-09-19 03:33:55 · answer #6 · answered by Bobby Jim 7 · 1 1

The Church as a whole compiled the Canon of Scripture. It was certainly NOT done by the schismatic patriarch of Rome and his schismatic followers. If any modern organization can lay direct claim to being the same group who compiled our canon of Scripture, it would be the Eastern Orthodox, not the schismatics of Rome, who abandoned the Church in the 11th century. Rome is not the original Church. It split away from the original Church. The Protestants then schismed from schismatics.

2007-09-19 03:30:00 · answer #7 · answered by Hoosier Daddy 5 · 2 0

Rationally, I always found it a bit odd that many Christians put so much trust in the Bible without putting trust in the Church that through its teaching authority chose and declared which texts are and which are not the holy Scripture (i.e. the Church now split in Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and other Eastern churches).

2007-09-19 03:38:59 · answer #8 · answered by juexue 6 · 1 1

In the Dark Ages (Middle Ages) those who were caught reading the Bible were burned at the stake or thrown into dark dungeons to rot until they died. This was done at the hand of the Catholic church! Millions sealed their fate because they refused to bow down to the decrees of the Catholic Church, because they dared believing the Word of God instead of man-made dogmas like the infallibility of popes, the immortality of the soul, purgatory, indulgences, the cult of Mary and the intercession of so-called saints! Many of the teachings of the Catholic Church were borrowed from Paganism! The book of Revelation has a lot to say about the Catholic Church. There are many sincere, honest, born again people in that church. But the Lord says to them, "Come out of her My people."

2007-09-19 03:51:53 · answer #9 · answered by sky 3 · 1 3

Anyone who doesn't think the Catholic Church compiled the books of the Bible (New Testament at least!) knows nothing about the history of the Bible.

2007-09-19 03:26:40 · answer #10 · answered by Vernacular Catholic 3 · 4 4

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