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What would you do?

2007-09-19 02:51:22 · 26 answers · asked by anil m 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

I come in direct contact with with the lord each day . that i pray; the bible tells us that God lived in us . that he is closer thanour heart beat thats a beautiful feeling his powerful spirit abide in us so you see each time you call on him he is here. yes we can see him with our spiritual eyes alone the bible say no one can see god; it is talking about seem him in the natural and we all know thats is imposible because no one can see god on live, so we know that god is a spirit so spiritual things go with spiritual. things and earthy things go with earthy thingsandw e are of the earth , so ia/m in contact with the lord evening and morning and noon i will pray. and cry aloud and he shall hear my voice. he has redeemed my soul in peace, . ,my heart is steadfast, o god, my heart is steadfast. i will sing and give praise. awake my glory! awake lute and harp! i will awaken the dawn. i will praise you o lord among the peoples i will sing to you among the nations, for your mercy reaches unto the heavens and your truth unto the clouds be exalted o god above the heavens, let your glory be above all the earth. --- be bless!!!

2007-09-19 05:39:27 · answer #1 · answered by Rosalinda 7 · 0 0

I am always in direct contact with the Lord since I carry Lord within myself.

2007-09-20 00:22:18 · answer #2 · answered by crewsaid 5 · 0 0

Revelation 1:17
And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:

Revelation 11:16
And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,

Revelation 7:11
And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,

I would be in total submission to the Almighty God.

I know of one man of God was has this testimony. After a very long fast the Lord appeared to him and gave him the revelation of Jesus Christ. He told how that when he appeared and touched him on the hands his body shook uncontrollably. This man said he felt that he was going to die. That the human body can not stand in the presence of the Lord.

2007-09-20 10:25:46 · answer #3 · answered by Old Hickory 6 · 0 0

The disciples knew Him in a physical way.. As this Godman walking the earth..giving of Himself freely as the Bread of Life.. the Living Water.. the Resurrection and the Life.. as the Prince of Peace and so much more. Yet they struggled to experience Him in His invisible presence. For this reason, after His resurrection, He tarried for 40 days .. appearing and disappearing, showing them that even though He resurrected and indwelled them, He was STILL there.. but in a different way.

Today we are just the opposite. We know Him only in an invisible way. We know Him spiritually and not physically. WE know and have experienced His speaking, His anointing and moving within our being. But for us to behold this Fairest One physically.. Brother!! I cannot fathom it. I do not have any images in my mind of what the Lord Jesus may look like..I am wary to open up my mind to that kind of imagination for the sake of preserving me from any kind of idolatary.. but I do yearn for the day to meet our Lord and behold Him face to face physically.
According to 2 Corinthians 3:18
' But we all with unveiled face beholding and reflecting like a mirror the Glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory even as from the Lord Spirit"

Today we behold and reflect Jesus in spirit .. TO think that the Face of Jesus is in our spirit is amazing.. but truly.. nothing can touch the real thing. Its like feeling a baby move for months in your womb and to finally lay hold and handle such a precious gift.

All i know brother.. that will be QUITE the day...
May we all endure until the end
ur sis

2007-09-19 14:24:04 · answer #4 · answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6 · 1 0

Then I would have to lift myself up to His expectations. It is good to love God with all my heart and it is better to prove that love in a practical way by becoming like the Beloved.

He too (because of loving me so much) would deffinitely want me to be worthy of being with Him all the time. One can be together only with one who is alike so when meeting God I would at least have to have the determined thought of becoming alike Him: truthful, selfless, beautyful, conscious, blissful... (Satyam, Shivam Sundaram, Cit-Anand....)

It takes 2 to make a couple....:).

2007-09-19 14:09:19 · answer #5 · answered by Forever Blessed & BlissFull 3 · 0 0

I'd have a lot of questions to ask him. I'd also need some real answers. IT would take a long time. Then depending on the answers, I'd thank him for his time, and tell him I hope to serve him better in the future.

2007-09-19 11:56:01 · answer #6 · answered by Uncertain Soul 6 · 0 0

Put my face at His feet and worship like it was the last time I would ever have a chance to! However, if we were face to face, I'd have to be dead because no man can look upon the face of the Lord and live so....Either way my answer stays the same.

2007-09-19 09:54:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I did that once... apparently it's true that no one can stand in His presence for long because I only saw him for a second and that one second was the hardest thing I've ever done. It's been two years but even thinking about it now bothers me.

"There is none righteous, no, not one" Romans 3:10

You have no idea how true that is...

2007-09-19 09:58:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Since He lives IN me, and lives His life in and thru me, I would say I come into direct contact with Him on a daily basis. What do I do? I politely "get outta the way and LET HIM LIVE the life He gave me".

2007-09-19 09:55:10 · answer #9 · answered by goinupru 6 · 2 2

Considering what happened to Isaiah, and John, I don't think I would be much different. They were pretty much floored, as I know I would be also.

2007-09-20 10:19:00 · answer #10 · answered by Jed 7 · 0 0

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