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For ex. I don't like the Zionist Jews who believe that the settlements should be in the west bank, and I don't like Zionist Jews who think all of Israel should be for them. I believe in 50/50 , that all should live in peace, have 2 states, and finish all the crap that goes on. Am I anti-semetic? Sorry if I can't even spell it. I just see so many accusing others of being this. When all I see is people wanting peace.

2007-09-19 01:55:31 · 13 answers · asked by HopelessZ00 6 in Travel Africa & Middle East Israel

ZK: wowow, actually I have many Jewish friends in Toronto, Canada who feel the same way I do. Are these Jewish people also anti-semetic?

2007-09-19 02:15:24 · update #1

I don't like George Bush because of going in and getting the "chemical bombs" which were never found, and now full out war with more than 1800 dead last month alone. Many more that I don't like, for all those who are saying I;m anti this or anti that, tell me plz do you like the Palestinians? You might not like them but do you hate them? aha, its a far cry saying that you don't like someone to saying that you hate them. Come on guys, you make it confusing.

2007-09-19 16:58:43 · update #2

Also I don't like my neighbor because she plays her music too loud and I can't agree with her lifestyle. I don't hate her, I'm not anti-neighbor. But I do also sit with her and have coffee and hope that one day will be a good time to bring up the music and maybe she can compromise on the time at least in which she can turn it off.

2007-09-19 17:02:21 · update #3

13 answers

I began to read these answers and stopped after two...here's the deal, if you believe that you hate Jews, then fine, you may be anti-Semitic.

But what I read so far is a load of crap...within Israel we have people arguing for and against all of the statements that you made...two state solution, Israel only for Jews, even the existence of Israel as the entity that it is today...

You can't not like a person for having an opinion, the opposite, you and everybody else, need to respect each person for what they believe, then you need to build on that.

An anti- Semite is nowadays considered a person who hates Jews. Period.

However, just fyi, a Semite can technically be both Jew or Arab. Over the past 150 years or so, this term became an anti- Jew term.

You can't be an anti- Semite for having a political opinion...there are Jews in Israel that don't even consider us to be a state, and the identify more with the Palestinian Authority than with the Israeli government, yet they are still accepted.

I am a proud Jew and Israeli, but that doesn't mean that I need to believe in certain things to be that. I am me, my opinions and beliefs may or may not be acceptable to others, I don't know or care, I am who I am.

You are who you are. If you hate me for being born Jewish, then you may well be an anti- Semite. If you have political opinions, that makes you opinionated, not hateful.

What I do see is that your way of expressing yourself in words may imply to some that you have opinions much stronger that what I see from your question...that is probably the cause of all these negative responses.

Do you not like the Jews that you were speaking of just because the are Jewish, or is it their opinions that turn you off?

Consider your wording, it really does make all the difference for some people.

2007-09-19 10:38:18 · answer #1 · answered by Saffy 2 · 3 0

Your question isn't stupid at all.

I'm Jewish, and I'm also a zionist, in that I support the existence of a Jewish state.

I also support the existence of a Palestinian state - the Palestinians have had a really rough deal for a really long time and it's time they too had a land of their own.

That said, both states MUST be secure and safe. The Palestinians MUST reject terrorism and accept Israel's right to exist.

The Israelis will also have to compromise and this may well mean returning to the 1967 borders.

As for your question about anti semitism: sadly there is still a lot of it around. Sometimes, people claim they are 'pro Jewish, just anti zionist' but when you actually listen to them for long enough, it's painfully clear that it is Jews they have a problem with!

This is not always the case, though. Most Jews are very reluctant to accuse anyone of anti semitism, but we do of course know it when we see it or hear it.

At the moment on Palestinian TV there are some horrific programmes that are repeating the most false and hideous lies about Jews - this sort of thing must stop.

I agree with you that peace is paramount. All decent Muslims and Jews desperately want peace. It's just now a question of getting rid of extremists on both sides.

2007-09-19 06:23:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Here is the problem. You don't say 'I don't agree with the Zionist Jews...' or 'I don't agree with Zionism', you say 'I don't like the Zionist Jews'. I wouldn't label you an anti-semite based on this, but maybe you should think hard on what you actually feel. Anyway, anti-Semitism is the disparaging of Jews as a racial or religious group. Making negative blanket statements about the Jewish people are almost always anti-Semitic. Conspiracy theories about the Jews are also anti-Semitic.
"The Jews control the media"
-this is obviously a negative conspiracy theory, and is thus labeled as anti-Semitic.
"Some Jews seem to influence the media"
-this is not neccessarily anti-Semitic, as it doesn't say anything about the Jews as a group. However, if this statement appears in such a context, then it would still be anti-Semitic.
"Zionist Jews are evil"
"Zionism is evil"
-The jury is still out on this one, and you'll have to call based on the staters beliefs more than the statement itself. On the surface, Zionism and Judaism are two different entities, and calling one evil does not reflect on the other. On the other hand, an overwhelming number of Jews are Zionists, and most of those include Zionism as a subsection of their Jewish belief. Depending on who you're talking to, this statement can be considered anti-Semitic.
"Israel's response to terror is too aggressive/harsh"
-Absolutely fine. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
"Israel is comitting a genocide against the Palestinians"
-Also fine, even if entirely incorrect.
"Israeli soldiers are like Nazis/Israel is like Nazi Germany"
-Big no-no. Comparing the Jewish State to the political group/movement that personally tortured and executed over 6 million Jews in inhuman ways has to be considered anti-Semitic. I personally cannot think of anything more offensive than this.
These are just basic guidelines, but I hope you found them informative.

2007-09-19 02:24:21 · answer #3 · answered by Michael J 5 · 8 0

"I don't like the Zionist Jews who believe that the settlements should be in the west bank"
Got it. So, you believe that the West Bank should be Jew free and for Arabs only.
And not only do you disagree with their viewpoint but you actually DON'T LIKE THEM. You seem to make it personal.

And for the record, you may want to ask yourself how many of the people who post anti Zionist rants on Yahoo Answers actually support a peaceful two state solution as opposed to what it usually is, irrational Israel hatred.

2007-09-19 15:12:53 · answer #4 · answered by BMCR 7 · 2 0

Kind of. If you DISAGREED with the Zionist Jews instead of hating them, you wouldn't be. Do you disagree with the Arabs who want to push the Jews into the sea? If you hated Israel just because it was a Jewish state and tried to make up reasons to hate it, then you would be anti-Semitic. On the other hand, though, if you were critical of Israel just as much as you were critical of any other government, then you are definitely NOT anti-Semitic. Critics of Israel because of the things its actually done are not anti-Semites. Critics of Israel because it's Israel are.

2007-09-19 11:07:54 · answer #5 · answered by LadySuri 7 · 2 0

Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Akkadian, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Phoenician, Maltese, Tigre and Tigrinya - these languages are semite languages - all who has origins of them are simite.

anti-semitism - is hostility towards or prejudice against Jews.
sometimes also torwars other simite origins but not commonly used.
so are you anti-semitic? No. you don't prejudice and are not hostile.
you just don't like certain zionist jews and other jews as you stated you like and you even like other jews that are zionists because you like people that want peace which most zionists want.

and about the people that just want peace and being called anti-semitics, and you see people accusing them it's probably for a reason, give me an example and we'll see.

2007-09-19 03:52:59 · answer #6 · answered by hamarker 4 · 4 0

Anti-semitism according to the Oxford English dictionary is: "Theory, action, or practice directed against the Jews. Hence anti-Semite, one who is hostile or opposed to the Jews; anti-Semitic"

Therefore someone who hates Jews is anti-Semitic, Anti-Zionism is often but not always thinly disguised anti-semitism. If anyone singles out Israel for vilification and international sanction compared to all other parties who regularly commit far worse Human right abuses (e.g Darfur, Myanmar, China, most other states in the Middle East) then that person/organisation is anti-Semitic. If that person/orgnisation condemns other states equally then it is not anti-Semitic (e.g Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (HRW) are not anti-Semitic because they condemn other countries just as much or more than Israel).

2007-09-19 02:30:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Maybe before you start hating certain groups, you should become more cosmopolitan. That, and learning to spell never hurts: "anti- semitic"
You want two states? Too bad. The time for that has come and gone. 1947 UN partition plan: Jews agree to a two-state solution. Arabs reject it. If the Jews are so EVIL, why did they offer a two state solution, they cut away parts of their historic right to give you land, and hence, peace. And you rejected this two state-solution? Whose fault is is this "crap that's going on" now?

2007-09-19 04:11:09 · answer #8 · answered by Uzi Commando 2 · 3 1

you are anti-semitic. Why? Because while you "don't like the Zionist Jews who believe that the settlements should be in the west bank" you have nothing to say about Arabs who don't want any Jews living among them.

Why not a few settlements? What do those people do to you that is so horrible? All they want is to live, grow vegetables and prosper, what is so horrible about that?

They are not launching Kassams, they are not linching Arabs for simply wandering into their towns, they don't produce suicide bombers, they don't teach their children hatred for Arabs or Muslims.

You are a Jew-hater.

Why is that Israel has Arabs in it, and Palestine refuses to have Jews?

"I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse..."

remember those words, they have always been truthful.



you know, I hear this "many Jewish friends" bullsh*t a lot. I don't believe you. There are, however, some self-hating Jews out there, and you might know one or two of them.

2007-09-19 02:07:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

No. on a similar time as some Arab counties may well be, that has no longer something to do with them being Muslim. that is (jealousy?) and hatred mixed with politics. did no longer the Arabs lose the conflict? this may well be a shocker, yet Jews and Christians are seen interior the Qu'ran as "human beings of the e book." "and don't dispute with the followers of the e book [Jews & Christians..] different than by what's maximum suitable, different than those of them who act unjustly, and say: We have self assurance in that which has been printed to us and printed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him can we positioned up." Prophet Muhammad even had a Jewish spouse- Safiyya. particular, some Muslims are anti-semitic. some Christians are too, i might think. unquestionably, the Muslims I easily have individually met (me being a Muslim) experience closer to Judaism and Jews considering our religious teachings are comparable. that is merely the place Israel gets in, actuality learn. "you could inform you have created God on your guy or woman photograph whilst God hates a similar human beings you do." @Cher: the city of Jerusalem is commonly used in Arabic as Al-Quds or Baitul-Maqdis ("The Noble, Sacred place"). Jerusalem grow to be in actuality the 1st Qiblah [course for prayer] for Muslims even earlier Mecca.

2016-10-19 02:19:09 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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