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So if you suspect someone of being illegal you better make sure huh?

Did you also know you can be sued?

2007-09-19 01:52:39 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

DHS will not let you file a report without giving YOUR name and address.Been there done that. And with the racial profiling that's been going on yes you'd better make sure or you could be subject to charges.Call DHS they don't mind talking to people about it.

2007-09-19 02:04:47 · update #1

The police don't care and my names not Nimrod.

2007-09-19 02:06:11 · update #2

Skidoctor...so what about the LEGAL person someone has ASSUMED is illegal ? You don't think organizations are going to jump on that?

2007-09-19 02:15:27 · update #3

Sure pay the $10 and they send you a report and nothing is done anyway because the agencies can't do anything unless it's a proven fact.I wonder how many citizens that reporting agency has ripped off.I think I'll have it looked into by DHS.

2007-09-19 02:30:04 · update #4

My agenda is to keep some poor person who believes everything they read on here from getting in a jam.I've dealt with DHS on an illegal alien and know for a FACT what they put you thru.How many of you can say that?

2007-09-19 02:33:43 · update #5

Geno...it didn't "backfire"on me.If anyone wants to report more power to them.They're the ones who it might backfire on.Then who are they going to blame?All you guys who said do it.

2007-09-19 02:43:37 · update #6

This sounds like a scam to me.from their own website.

Reporting Illegal Aliens and Illegal Employers Helps Law Enforcement

Reporting illegal aliens ('undocumented immigrants') and illegal employers is a necessary step in enforcing our laws and provides information vital to law enforcement.

No Guarantee of Action and No Status

Enforcement of U.S. immigration laws is inadequate and government agencies will not provide follow-up status. Thus, ReportIllegals.com can not guarantee that reports will be quickly acted upon nor can we provide status after a report has been filed. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of these agencies to enforce the law and investigate reports that report illegal aliens and illegal employers

2007-09-19 02:52:45 · update #7

No I wasn't breaking the law.I TRIED to report an illegal alien for your information.But was told I'd BETTER have strong evidence or I'D be arrested and charged.So for all of you who THINK you know what my motive was you are sadly mistaken.This is actually how I found out our laws are so broke we'll never see enforcement.

2007-09-19 03:15:11 · update #8

28 answers

I wonder what is the purpose of this question.....hmmmm..

Is it to discourage people from reporting a crime? or Illegal activity and Illegal aliens?

I have also reported a Restaurant Owner in Massachusetts for hiring undocumented workers, they were dealt with swiftly and experience made several other in the business community correct their business practices.

It is for the greater good you take steps, yes you just can't report someone on basis that you don't like what they look like.

2007-09-19 02:50:51 · answer #1 · answered by Thomas B 5 · 2 0

Yes, it is a crime to file a "deliberate" false report with the police or any agency; however, it is not a crime to be mistaken. Note: You are acting like a Nimrod with your belligerent tone. I assume you got reported for dealing or possible illegal alien.

Are you aware that the law requires that employers file reports on suspected illegals who apply for work? This is a requirement from Homeland Security.

As for being sued? Well, some Jack off Senator from the Midwest is suing God! BFD.

I have been sued before and shot at a couple times. I spent five years as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer so go ahead come Jack me around and see how far it gets you.
As Junior partner of a major construction employer I have caught seven illegals on Identity Theft from using false documents, stolen SSNs, ETC. All seven are doing time in a federal pen. When they get out they will be deported. Three more individuals came back with false positives from government background checks on SSN's They were victims of ID Theft and did not even know it, Did I get sued NO, Good Faith portion of the law is in effect. If you make a report in good faith reporting what you suspect or have reason to believe to be true then you can not be held liable. Person suing can get a reaming cause they have to pay all legal fees in such cases. That is the law!

2007-09-19 02:53:08 · answer #2 · answered by Coasty 7 · 3 0

All you have to do is report the reasons you think or believe the person might be illegal and what raises your suspicions. That's it.

Perfectly within the law.

As for being sued? Not likely.

Actually filing a lawsuit is easier said than done. You would have to find an attorney who agrees that you really have a case. Then, you gotta write a big check to get started.... not fun and certainly not something a lot of illegal aliens are prepared to do. Then you have to prove your case in court... All this can take months and even years..... Yeah, good luck with all that.

2007-09-19 02:10:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

The purpose of this entire "question" is to try to scare people away from reporting illegal aliens. This person is has an agenda, and it's NOT what's best for the U.S. or its citizens. Don't let it stop you.

If you legitimately suspect someone of being an illegal alien, report it. If you legitimately suspect ANY crime of being committed, report it. It's your DUTY as a patriotic American. As was said, don't report it to the police, it's not in their jurisdiction.

2007-09-19 02:27:38 · answer #4 · answered by toe_crap 3 · 5 0

Filing a false police report is a crime. But you don't need to "make sure". That's the authorities responsibility. If you SUSPECT a crime, no matter what it is, report it. Period.

If you see what you think is someone breaking into your neighbors house are you going to "make sure" it's not someone they authorized to enter their house for some reason or other out of fear of being sued?? NO. Call the cops, that's THEIR RESPONSIBILITY.

BTW, you don't report illegal aliens to the police anyway. It's not in their jurisdiction.

2007-09-19 01:58:56 · answer #5 · answered by whiz 4 · 7 0

You go summermoondancer!!! Good for you!!!

Perhaps something good will come from this post huh??

It appears it did "backfire" on you if your purpose was to dissuade people from reporting illegal aliens...

If even ONE illegal alien is reported and deported as a result of this post, it was extremely worthwhile!! I speak for the rest of America when I say THANK YOU heartlessdorothy. You did something FOR America today, whether it was your intention or not....

2007-09-19 02:50:25 · answer #6 · answered by ProUSA2 6 · 3 0

Looking at this posters other questions and answers it's obvious "she" is an illegal alien sympathizer. "Her" agenda is protecting illegal aliens, NOT keeping people that report them out of "trouble".

Report all the illegal aliens you want regardless of what this person tries to tell you!!!!

To the original "asker" thank you for bringing this out into the open so people now know it's ok to report illegal aliens and who to report them to, as above posters gave information on. Too bad it "backfired" on you...LOL.

2007-09-19 02:34:37 · answer #7 · answered by Geno 4 · 5 0

Thank you so much for everybody's input. Now I know it's safe to report illegal aliens and who to report them to. After reading the original question, I was concerned, but you all helped me realize it's safe and most of all THE RIGHT THING TO DO as a patriotic American to report illegal aliens.

Again, thank you all SO MUCH!!

I will now go report all the illegal aliens I know!!!!!! This post was a blessing in disguise.

2007-09-19 02:44:25 · answer #8 · answered by Yoda 4 · 8 0

Okay, you also asked the question about if reporting the Mexican neighbors of yours was racial profiling. So, you obviously have some issues with these people next to you. Why would you file a false report?? The key is, don't complain if you don't know. People deserve to be sued if they are wrong and bring wrong-doing upon others.

2007-09-19 05:33:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2


2007-09-19 02:01:08 · answer #10 · answered by Fuzzy 5 · 0 0

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