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-What does the name Kenneth mean?

-What does it mean in other other languages?

-Where does it come from?

2007-09-18 16:03:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Languages

6 answers

fire-head, bonfire, handsome one, royal oath.
Meaning in Japanese: Sword.

Make use of Google/Wikipedia.

2007-09-18 16:08:17 · answer #1 · answered by Keever 2 · 0 0

In Scottish The meaning of the name Kenneth is: Handsome.
Rev. TomCat

2007-09-18 23:19:11 · answer #2 · answered by Rev. TomCat 6 · 0 0

"It is an anglicized form of either the Pictish name Ciniod or the Goidelic name Cináed, and could mean "fire-head" or "born of fire." Other names have also been anglicized as Kenneth, including the Irish Gaelic Coinneach ("handsome one") and the Welsh Cenydd or Cennydd (the name of a Welsh hermit saint who traditionally lived in the 6th century). The Old English Cyneath may mean "royal oath" but may also be one of the earliest Anglicizations of the Scoto-Pictish name."

2007-09-18 23:10:32 · answer #3 · answered by Beardo 7 · 1 0

The boy's name Kenneth \k(e)-nne-th\ is pronounced KEN-eth.
It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and its meaning is "fire born; good-looking".
(While "Ken" is Japanese & means "Strong, physically healthy")
Info on this name: Kenneth Branagh, actor-Kenneth Clark, Art historian
Favorites Count: Kenneth is on 618 favorite name lists
This Name in Songs: What's the Frequency Kenneth - R.E.M.

# 128 on latest SSA List *
* U.S. Social Security Administration ranking for babies born in the last reporting year.

Kenneth has 5 variant forms: Ken, Kennet, Kennett, Kennith and Kenny.

2007-09-18 23:11:49 · answer #4 · answered by Emocide Organ 3 · 1 0

Origin: Irish
Meaning: Handsome

2007-09-18 23:08:13 · answer #5 · answered by fl_grkgrl 4 · 0 0

Anglicized form of both COINNEACH and CINÁED. This name was borne by the Scottish king Kenneth (Cináed) mac Alpin, who united the Scots and Picts in the 9th century.

COINNEACH: Possibly means "handsome" from Gaelic. It is often Anglicized as Kenneth.

CINÁED: Means "born of fire" in Gaelic. This was the name of the first king of the Scots and Picts (9th century). It is often Anglicized as Kenneth.

2007-09-18 23:08:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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