Protestants have a wide variety of views.They reject the pope and many of the catholic teachings (Mary mother of god,rosery,praying to Mary and elected saints,etc).Many believe the bible is the word of God.Many believe Jesus is the only way to salvation.Some liberal protestants deny about anything biblical (some support Homosexuality).
Catholics believe Mary is god's mother (not just a virgin Jew picked by God to have the Messiah).They believe in baptizing babies (not taught in the bible).They believe anything the pope says is the same as god.
Catholics and protestants both have high percentages of members that oppose abortion (some liberals support it).
2007-09-18 16:31:15
answer #1
answered by robert p 7
The protestants came out of the Catholic church when
Martin Luther found a bible and read it. The Catholics
really don't want their people to read the bible for themselves
but believe whatever they choose to tell them.
Unfortunately, the protestants brought a lot of the traditions
of men with them when they left the Catholics and still
practice them today. Martin Luther learned that it is contrary
to God to pray to Mary, or to any other man, to intercede
for them. He also learned that the ONE mediator is Jesus,
not a pope.
The protestants were a part of the Catholics, at first, but the
true church was never a part of the catholics. The true
church had to hide from the catholics or be murdered, so
it stands to reason, that would have been impossible, and
be a part of them.
The true church is the 7000 men God reserved unto himself
and the New Testament's remnant; the few, who have never
bowed the knee to a false god.
2007-09-18 20:57:12
answer #2
answered by TruthSeeker 4
Ever heard of the ecumenical movement? The promoting and fostering of Christian unity throughout the world... For years there has been a strong and growing sentiment in favour of a union based upon common points of doctrine. To secure such a union, the discussion of subjects upon which all were not agreed, however important they might be from a Bible standpoint, must necessarily be waived.
2007-09-18 20:52:57
answer #3
answered by sky 3
Catholics have many repetitious prayers that are repeated time after time after time...catholics have placed Mary, Jesus' mom, upon a throne as the queen of Heaven, which is not scriptural. Catholics pray to their saints as though they believe that they have special powers given them by God. (The saints that is) Which is also not a biblical teaching, but simply a catholic tradition.
I mean no offense, I am only giving my answer as truly as I see it. Catholics are just as big a false teaching given by satan as Islam is and neither know the power of God given through His son Jesus christ.
2007-09-19 05:29:44
answer #4
answered by Jimguyy 5
They both believe in God and Jesus. The difference isn't in faith, but in dogmas.
Examples of Catholic dogmas that Protestants do not follow are the Pope, nuns, monks, saints, childhood communion, rosary beads, ornate cathedrals, priests cannot marry, not allowing women to be priests. One sect. All traditional.
Examples of Protestant dogmas that Catholics do not follow are adolescent communion, plain churches, married pastors, and women are allowed to be pastors. Also, some Protestant churches allow homosexuals to be pastors and conduct homosexual weddings. Numerous sects. Some traditional and others liberal.
2007-09-18 21:00:15
answer #5
answered by bikerchickjill 5
Basically the following:
Protestants believe in sola scriptura or the Bible alone as the sole infallible guide to Christian doctrine and practice.
Catholics believe divine revelation is transmitted in three ways: Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Church. Divine revelation did not stop after after the Bible was published. God continues to speak to the Church he founded.
Protestants believe in sola fide or it is by faith alone that we are saved.
Catholics believe we are saved through faith acting again and again through love and good works.
2007-09-18 22:08:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Simplified: The Roman Catholics are of one church and leader. The protestants are of as many churches and leaders as can get people together and collect money.
2007-09-18 22:07:44
answer #7
answered by Terry 7
Well I'd say that Protestant beliefs continue to diverge. Catholic beliefs are still the same.
2007-09-18 20:46:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
protestant church believes in symbolic bread and wine
catholics believes in the true pressence in the bread and wine.
We believe the church has already intrepreted the bible
protestants beleive they can intrepret the bible
catholics believe we must obey the 10 commandments
protestants believe there saved by faith not the laws
any more questions?
2007-09-18 20:36:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Basically the Protestants do not accept the Pope as their Holy leader. Nor do they accept intermediaries.
2007-09-18 20:35:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous