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I just read a question once again for the billionth time about how Christians try to shove their faith in a non-believers face. The man asked about prayer in school. Answer me this, according to this link, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17879317/site/newsweek/

90% of the American people believe in God. the make up of America is, 82% Christian, 9% Muslim/Jewish. That leaves 9% Atheist. Did you catch that 82% Christian. This is my question, I have three sons in School, and I am forced to pay through my property tax to support these schools. That is not an option I have. Each son spends 12 years earning a diploma. In those 12 years, they will be taught about Islam and Mohammed, Buddha and Buddhism, they will learn of Darwin and evolution. They will be taught of Ceaser, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Castro and Mason. They will not be taught one thing out of the bible, either as history, poetry, or theology. They will not be taught of the origins of their Christmas Vacation, their Easter Vacation (now called spring brake) they will not learn the meaning behind Thanksgiving. They will learn of Kwanzaa, and Ramadan, and just about everything else that you can name. And you say we shove our religion in YOUR face in school? PROVE IT IF YOU CAN. This is not a rant, just the facts. For once could you people be honest. And I did not LIE about these number follow the link So if the 82% of us want to say a prayer asking God to bless our children at Graduation, can you people not just be quite for 30 seconds out of 12 years? Would it really kill you?

2007-09-18 09:30:32 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

I really agree with you....I go to school and they threaten if i read my bible silently or i pray silently and they say i can't talk about Christianity and my religion and all that when i have to hear about all the other religions and about homosexuality but i'm forcing my religion on people by me reading my Bible and praying.......people get offended if i say Christmas break but when we mention Hanukkah and Kwanzaa they don't care

2007-09-18 09:40:32 · answer #1 · answered by Jesus is Wuts up^ 3 · 2 3

Well, sir, I had the privilege of substitute teaching a 6th grade class last May that was learning about Chrisitianity as part of their culture studies. In a public school, I hardly think that there should be such a thing as religion class (the type one would find at a private school).

Seems like your statisitics regarding your percentages is a bit shakey. 90% believe in God?
82% Christian plus 9% Muslim/Jewish equals 91%. You leave out the possibility of other religions. Why? You leave out agnostics. Why?

I just read the article that you refer to. Time magazine had a similar poll several months ago. The article is basically about politics.

Don't we now call prayer at public events a moment of silence? What's wrong with that?

And don't you have some responsibility for teaching your children your culture? And if they are really curious they will find out anyway.

Why are you so upset? Would it really kill you?
What's that about?

And if you are a property owner, you will pay property taxes. It's no big deal.

You may be unaware that this country was founded on secular principles. Those founding fathers (revolutionaries) were basically what would be called Deists.

48% of the population (+ or - 4% for poll error) reject the theory of evolution according to the poll. I don't know if you, sir, fall in that category, but that is quite an astounding figure. When the empirical evidence is greatly on the side of the theory of evolution, it seems strange that about half of the folks in the U.S. have these views.

Oh, yea, I believe in God, but not your anthropomorphized one of the Old Testament.
God is so much greater than anything that we mere mortals can imagine.

Spring brake?

2007-09-19 01:47:30 · answer #2 · answered by Iconoclast 3 · 0 0

Ok I send my children to those same public schools. They do not learn ANY religion there. They should not have to.

You can say any single prayer that you choose any time and place that you choose. That is your right as a US citizen. No one can or will try to stop you.

What we DID stop was the practice of public school teachers teaching Christian prayers to their classes and insisting that the children learn and recite those prayers every single day. No other religions. Just Christian prayers which the teachers read from their Bibles. If THAT isn't shoving a religion down anyone's throat I have no idea what could be.

So can't you people not just be quite (sic) for 30 seconds and allow ALL citizens to have equal rights? Would it really kill YOU?

BTW all 82% of you are perfectly free to say a prayer at graduation or any other event. You simply have to do it on your own. How hard could that be?

2007-09-18 09:43:51 · answer #3 · answered by t_rex_is_mad 6 · 6 0

Up until this year the schools here held an assembly at school that ALL 5th grade students were REQUIRED to attend where the local Gideons would come in and hand out a bible to every student. They only stopped after the ACLU threatened suit and the state sent out word to all schools to stop that practice. It was also in at least 5 other school systems near that I know of.

My children bring home fliers from all the churches throughout the year for camps or religious events or sponsored events.

Yes Virginia Christians here shove it down our throats.

As long as it is a STUDENT wishing to say a prayer at graduation I could care less. If the school wants to say it or bring in a preacher which happened in Paragould not too long ago I say HELL NO!!

Resident of Arkansas.

2007-09-18 09:49:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Ask your children if they have ever had anyone talk about the Bible in school. I promise you, they will tell you that they have heard about it at school. Though church and state are supposed to be seperated, they are not. Everyone at school believes everyone else is a Christian, and that no one will care if they pray in class, but I've had classes where we prayed. I personally have been sent to detention for not saying "under God". Where's the justice in that? It's not like I publicly said "God's not real!", but if I had, you know I would get a negative response. However, I've had plenty of people come in and write "Jesus loves you!" on the board or ask everyone personally (The FCA sponsors this) to pledge to love Jesus. No, it's not right, not at all.

ALSO, if your children are going to a public school, more than likely they will learn "World History" and "World Geography", in which they learn about major religions of the world, including Christianity. If you're not happy with just being mentioned in passing, put them in a Christian school.

2007-09-18 09:45:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

So maybe you all could get some Christian Studies elective classes included in the school curiculum.
Just for the record, the Jewish kid and I did go out in the hallway every morning while the teacher-led Christian prayer was recited. Try explaining that one to your class-mates when you are in the first grade. It made the Fish on Friday kids OK with most, though.
Why the ongoing need for public displays of piety? I pray for my kids every day. I don't have to do it as a public performance. Excuse me for not wishing to be subjected to yours.

2007-09-18 09:47:22 · answer #6 · answered by tuswecaoyate 4 · 3 1

America was founded on the freedom of worship and the separation of Church and State to protect the masses from people like yourself.

If you don't like things the way they are, run for office and make changes. Its called democracy --- and yes I know, since we live in a free country you absolutely have the right to sit there, complain about everything and do nothing to make society better.

2007-09-20 03:46:06 · answer #7 · answered by cl_freemason 6 · 0 0

Here's a solution. How about Christians take the tax money that is being used to fund public schools and use it to fund our own schools. And let those who want public schools use thier own money to fund public schools. How about representation by taxation. After all it is our tax money we are supposed to have a say in how it is spent. It's not my intent to force anything on those who don't want to however there is an imbalance in the way funds are being spent. It seems government doesn't believe in separation of church and state when they take Christians money.

2007-09-18 09:54:58 · answer #8 · answered by Edward J 6 · 1 0

Actually, your rant is not "the facts." If kids in school learn anything about any religion, they learn about at least the major world religions, including Christianity. There is no discrimination in the neutral treatment of religion in schools. You know good and well that you are completely exaggerating to try to bolster your point.

The government cannot in any way promote any one religion. Period. It's in our Constitution. Just get the hell used to it already. Trust me, you don't want government involved in religion.

2007-09-18 09:46:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I went to a public high school, and I did learn about the Bible as history, poetry, and object theology. I also learned about the others.

Also, if you're in America, you should realize that it's not that simple that "majority rules." This is the land of opportunity, meaning the minority shall not be subjected to inferiority.

2007-09-18 09:40:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

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