I'm a 22 year old male, about 180 lbs, 5'11". I'm not in terrible shape, but I could stand to lose a little weight so I've started working out. I do about 20 minutes on an elliptical machine every other day, running at about 7 to 9 mph. The machine calculates my heart rate, when active, at about 170 up to 190, the highest I've seen it get is 197. I'm pretty sure this is high and I don't know what to do about it. The only thing that I can think of that would cause my heart rate to be so high is the Adderall I take for ADHD. Is it just this causing my high heart rate, or could there be something else? I know I'm supposed to drink more water than I do, and i wasn't sure if that could be a factor. Any information about this will help me out a lot, tips to reducing my heart rate, etc. would be great.
Also, I started taking a fish oil pill to get more Omega 3 in my diet, not realizing that it contained both Omega 3 & Omega 6. Should I stop taking this and get a pill with just Omega 3?
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