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I'm a 22 year old male, about 180 lbs, 5'11". I'm not in terrible shape, but I could stand to lose a little weight so I've started working out. I do about 20 minutes on an elliptical machine every other day, running at about 7 to 9 mph. The machine calculates my heart rate, when active, at about 170 up to 190, the highest I've seen it get is 197. I'm pretty sure this is high and I don't know what to do about it. The only thing that I can think of that would cause my heart rate to be so high is the Adderall I take for ADHD. Is it just this causing my high heart rate, or could there be something else? I know I'm supposed to drink more water than I do, and i wasn't sure if that could be a factor. Any information about this will help me out a lot, tips to reducing my heart rate, etc. would be great.
Also, I started taking a fish oil pill to get more Omega 3 in my diet, not realizing that it contained both Omega 3 & Omega 6. Should I stop taking this and get a pill with just Omega 3?

2007-09-18 07:38:39 · 3 answers · asked by TMN2K 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

3 answers

Actually during exercise that heart rate is probably right. As you exercise more and your body becomes more accustomed to it, you will notice that your heart rate wont reach such high numbers. The main thing to watch for is chest pain. If you arent suffering from any chest pain, I would say dont worry about anything right now...

2007-09-18 07:46:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

220 - age (22) = 198

198 x .70 = 139

198 x .85 = 163

So your range for vigorous physical activity is from 139 to 163 beats per minute.

In all honesty I would bet on the machine not being calibrated correctly before I would assume you are beating at 190 beats per minute.. and I suppose Adderall could have some effect... but I believe it is more of a neural stimulant than a physical one... though you would have to check with a pharmacists to know for sure.

again.. it's probably just the machine not getting it right... but check with your doctor if you truly believe you are beating at that rate and see what he has to say.

2007-09-18 07:52:20 · answer #2 · answered by pip 7 · 0 0

well when you work out your heart rate will increase cause you are making your heart stronger and healther and as far as you taking med for adhd it should not touch you heart rate that is why they check you for problems while you are on it . and don't take anything just viteminse and that will help you and you should not be to worryed about your wight cause it also goes by your hite and you are tall for you wight so just keep going and if you are still worryed then go see your doctor.

2007-09-18 07:50:21 · answer #3 · answered by Kerrie M 2 · 0 0

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