Well, technically, we all choose whether to ACT on our sexual impulses or not. Christians suggest gays should not act on those impulses.
2007-09-18 06:27:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Actually, with God's help you can change who you are and what you are like. God helps those who sincerely which to change their life and call upon God.
To read some fascinating stories of those who once were practicing homosexuals, but changed, see http://www.stonewallrevisited.com/
I do not doubt that most of those who have a same-sex attraction have always felt that way. On the other hand, most heterosexuals can remember a time when they were not sexually attracted to the opposite sex. Normally we do not feel a sexual attraction before puberty.
Just because you feel a same-sex attraction does not mean that you are doomed to commit homosexual acts, or to be compelled to dwell on your attractions. Heterosexuals also must learn to control their thoughts and feelings. It is part of what makes us responsible human beings, and not just animals.
God does not punish you for what you can not control, but many claim that “the devil made me do it” when in fact they just willingly gave in to the temptation.
Same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior can be learned, and therefore it can be unlearned, though the unlearning process is very difficult once the behavior pattern has been established. In ancient Greek times the custom was to take boys out of the home at the age of six and for older men to court them and indoctrinate them into homosexual behavior. It worked very well in converting boys who would have otherwise been called heterosexual. See, for example, The Story of Civilization, by Will Durant.
2007-09-18 06:51:54
answer #2
answered by Doctor 7
We were born under a curse of both body and mind.
This should not surprise anyone. We also were born
with an innate good or desire for good, though not
perfect in any way.
A portion of homosexuality stems from abuse
and this includes verbal and sexual abuse, but not
all of it. It is still sin, we were born into it.
I have seen someone I know change from
homosexuality and has a very happy marriage
to someone of the opposite sex. There are
many things that are the cause and the
healing is real. I am not against civil unions,
only against gay marriage - marriage is a union
before God - always has been religious.
I would perfer to abolish government marriage
license since marriage is a religious sacrament.
And, no, this can not be compared to inter-racial
2007-09-18 06:29:04
answer #3
answered by Nickel-for-your-thoughts 5
>so when god punishes homosexuals, isnt he really punishing them because he made them that way?
God doesn't punish homosexuals. God doesn't punish anyone, any more than the Easter Bunny does. Why? Because God doesn't exist.
>isnt that a bit unfair?
Christianity isn't about fairness. According to the Bible, it doesn't matter how bad you've been, so long as you repent and accept Jesus you're okay, whereas even if you're very compassionate and moral, if you don't repent and accept Jesus you're doomed to eternal torture. There's nothing fair about that, but christians like to pretend that it's somehow fair and that somehow their God, despite punishing people for eternity in Hell, is benevolent.
2007-09-18 06:35:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Even if God is real then his prohibition about homosexual behavior applies on to his people and nobody else.
That's a really easy statement to prove.
The great openly homosexual culture of the Greeks existed currently with the
Biblical culture in the Middle East.
If Gods' prohibition against homosexuality applied to people's other than his own , He could have easily removed the poytheistic Greek Culture from the face of the Earth. He didn't . In fact he not only didn't remove them from the face of the Earth but he let them flourish. The only reasonable explanation to explain that absence of action is that since the Greeks were not Gods chosen people he didn't care what they did.
The irony of it all is that without that homosexual practicing Greek culture our culture wouldn't exist
2007-09-18 06:54:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Every person is who a heterosexual made that choice to be that way the first time they engaged in a heterosexual relationship. Each homosexual made the choice to be homosexual when they first engaged in a homosexual relationship. Unless their first sexual encounter was a rape or molestation, then it was a choice. What part of that is so hard to understanding?
A person is not judged on the desires they have, but on the actions they perform. If a person has a temper, but he controls it, he should be applauded for overcoming his desire to be angry. That is a virtue usually referred to as self-control.
Science as found a lot of evidence that shows that many people are born with a natural tendency towards alcholism. But we would not excuse them drinking drunk because they "were born that way". Being born with a desire does not excuse you for sinful actions based on that desire.
As for the ability to change who you are, people do it all the time. They make a decision to change their physical body through diet and exercise, Or to change their mental abilities through education. They learn to overcome addictions and desires through AA or similar groups all the time.
So your three main arguements
"Its not a choice", "I was born that way" and "You can;t change" have no basis in fact or reality.
2007-09-18 06:32:38
answer #6
answered by dewcoons 7
Well I dont know about the God thing but I thought science was trying to prove in the 90's that homosexuality was not a choice but they couldn't and now the trend, at least for science, is that homosexuality can be attributed to continuous mental stress's, tram as, ect... as much as anything to do with genes or whatever they thought a homosexual may be born with.
2007-09-18 06:27:30
answer #7
answered by Deno S 2
Yes it is a choice. More so for men.
The male appendage is capable of taking pleasure from any being. Just as the Male is capable of admiring any being (the female is to, but he's male so im putting it in his backyard so -to-speak) I have love for my male companions. and they have love for me. We express it in a traditional way, like telling jokes and razing on another. Many "homosexuals" buy in to all that egalitarian garbage of "Its not a choice!" and the are really hetero, but they think that just becuse they have feelings for their friends (feelings of caring and brotherhood) it makes them homosexual. which is also influnced by our cultures reaction to homosexuality and homophobia. Infact intolerance and hate only fuels homo sexuality as a unrealism.
In truth all beings are bisexual. If you are getting pleasure from something your body dosent determine between male or female giving the pleasure. I could enjoy being with a guy just as much as You could being with a woman.
Truth is that all beings are capable of being either or. As such it is not "in your DNA" to be ONE over another. There may be pschological reasons why a person is gay. However psycology is not a realm of truth and fact but of random data. For every thing they say in psycology there is a counter to it becuse man has freedom of choice.
So Homoesexuality is a choice. Dont belive the egalitarian garbage. They'd have us in huts wearing fur thongs. Becuse that is the only way they can achieve there goal of "Pure equality". The good must be brought down to the level of the bad. and the strong to the level of the weak. becuse you can not make someone better then they have the potential to be.
about your religious Q, I answer with a question. Do you want to be a part of a religion that belives that you are evil when there are religions that wouldn't hate you fo being gay?
2007-09-18 06:38:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The concept that you are asking about is in Romans 9. To pick on homosexuals alone though is unfair. The message of the Gospel is that whoever trusts in God through Jesus Christ will be saved. He left out the homosexual part, but did leave in the sinner part. Those who KNOW they are sinners have the ability to ask for forgiveness.
Those who do not think they are sinners do not have that ability: What do they need God for? They did nothing wrong!
So the homosexual along with the murderer ( for which we are ALL guilty according to Jesus) , are forgivable through the turning of the heart to God through Christ.
Yes. God did make some people to die. They will die in their sins and God knew it all along. Romans 9 is plainly stating this with examples.
14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,
"I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." 16 It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.
God decides! He always has.
2007-09-18 06:27:13
answer #9
answered by Christian Sinner 7
Who says they were made that way? I've heard of men going into jail and never being gay but, since they had not had sex in years they start to look at other men sexually. Explain that to me? Also, there are gay bars with men who are harley davidson bike riders and these are the most manly men you have ever seen. How are they born gay when they like women too? Explain bisexuality? I believe that everyone is mistaken. People experiment through sin and are given over to more sin. That is where homosexuality and bisexuality comes from. It is not from God.
2007-09-18 06:26:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Actually God made everyone heterosexual-- he says in Genesis that the reason he made a man and woman is so that they may become ONE flesh. Leave their father and mother and become one. He purposed for man and women to be together, not women and women or man and man. He also shows us that when this happnes it is an abomination in His eyes-- in Leviticus and Romans and 1 Corinthians, it shows us how this is not right in His eyes. How it is a sin.
So therefore this is definately a choice someone makes, for God made us ALL to be with the opposite sex. Sin is what has made man want to be with the same sex. Deceit! If you are feeling something towards the same sex, this is from the enemy NOT from God. Just like the serpent was used to deceive Eve and Adam in the garden, so he uses homosexuality to deceive as well, making people think its ok when it is not. And what is more important, what man thinks to be true or what God SAYS is truth? What is more important, going by man's standards or living by God's standards?
2007-09-18 06:25:40
answer #11
answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6