Well because its ridiculious! To believe we evolved from a monkey, due to changes that happen over and over again. If that were so wouldn't we be extint by now? Or wouldn't some type of animal show signs of "going through the evolutionary change", Even a monkey there should be signs of a monkey turning into a human! They can't even talk for Christs sake! come on, give me a break!
I believe the Bible 100%, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth! Thats it!
2007-09-18 04:27:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is no problem with adaptation. All living creatures have the ability to adapt. Why should some from a species change into something else while the others thrive happily for millions of years? So you mean to say that humans will turn into something else in a million years from now? What does the theory project?
Paleontology forms the bedrock of the theory of evolution. This is what the late Stephen Jay Gould, Professor of Geology and Paleontology at Harvard University had to say:
"The history of most fossil species includes two features inconsistent with gradualism: 1. Statis. Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear… 2. Sudden Appearance. In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and 'fully formed'. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils."
How do you expect a creationist to accept evolution when the evolutionists themselves have difficulty accepting it?
2007-09-18 05:22:44
answer #2
answered by Andy Roberts 5
I can't do the explanation any justice by writing just a few lines here. If you are willing to watch it, there is a series of videos that I would recommend: "Incredible creatures that defy evolution" (I-III). You can find each video for about $10 at walmart.com or for less on half.com. It explains how certain creatures could have not evolved because in the "transition" stages they would have been dead and therefore extinct. As I said, I am not doing it any justice, but if you're really interested, that would be a great starting point.
God bless (even if you don't believe in Him)
2007-09-18 16:52:54
answer #3
answered by navide 3
I'm a Christian.
I don't doubt evolution. I believe that we can look around and see examples of evolution occurring today. The Cyprian Bee, for example, which has evolved to be able to strangle its hornet enemy since its stinger can't penetrate the thick outer skin of the hornet. Clearly evolution is taking place right under our noses.
However, I don't believe that everything started out as amoebas and then turned into fish and then grew legs and walked out of the water and then turned into apes and then suddenly turned into man. Human beings are the only creatures within the realm of our knowledge to posess reason. For this reason, I do not believe that humans evolved from everything else. I believe that human beings (and everything else) were initially created by intelligent design...by God. God is a God of order, and he created the universe in an orderly fashion (a solar system looks just like a molecule). Evolution leaves a lot to random chance.
What's wrong with that theory? Well, for us Christians, it's contrary to what we accept as the Word of God. However, I certainly don't disrespect you for believing that theory, and I'm not out to disprove the theory. As I said, I believe evolution occurs even today. We just probably disagree on how the universe was initially created.
2007-09-18 04:31:16
answer #4
answered by Scotty Doesnt Know 7
What do you want explained? Sort of a vague question I must say. If you want evolution explained, there are many references in your local library and even on the internet. Wikipedia has some good articles about evolution. I would assume you would already know about evolution if you went to school.
2016-05-17 13:37:34
answer #5
answered by ? 3
First of all, man studies the earth and creatures in it that God created for us. Because God gave us free will and man falls short of the glory of God, he chooses what he believes in even if it is wrong. Man makes mistakes all the time and man does not live a perfect life like Jesus did. Evolution is something that man studies and hypothesizing. There are many errors that are caused by man in the study of this "evolution". Man also tries to redefine the origin of life but he was never there in the beginning. God was. He already designed us to think and worship God. So many people died because they believe that Jesus is King. Why would they want to die if Jesus was a lie? There is more to life that what we actually see. God Bless you!
2007-09-18 04:38:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Creationist and Christians may argue each point of view they have and still miss the entire point in the nature of reality due to the beliefs they possess.
If one has the idea they possess the answers to "life" and the creation of All That Is, reconsider the demands you place upon yourself in such Spiritual-infancy.
Each discipline, Creationist or Christianity is deeply entrenched in their grounded views of what is real and what is not real.
From this point can one see how each deep trench obscures ones view of Truth?
Yes, we can say "science" is correct, look, we have fossils to proove evolution and we also have a shaky "Bible" full of contradictions to further support this; this is logic working.
What is being left out of each argument is You. You, fail to look at you and how you alone creat and co-creat the very environments you reside in.
I cannot go into great detail as the complexities are huge.
If one were to step back , away from the very ideas of "time", space one might see that "God", is a concept placed by Man as a "Being", or "one Creator"; Christian Religion teaches that this is so as this is One interpretation of countless.
Remaining far outside the box one may find themselves in now, one might further see , and Consider, that "God" is ALL things, yet, as a multi-demensional Personality has the same ability as you, to enter a physical body and take up an Identity as you have and view "reality" from your very position.
Consider the reality you "live" in now is one of many lives you live "now". Your perceptions from your viewpoint are grounded in "the now"; 2007, September. This is your "point of view" as this is your agreements.
As you argue with a percieved opposition each fails to see the obviouse possibilities around them due to thier pre-occupation of Validating their very existence.
Reality, in the physical world is a prop, a stage and you are the actors living the life of choice for reasons belonging to you alone. For your Spiritual developments you have agreed to this; yet, the agreements, and prior knoweledge of "self" can be lost and often is upon grounding ones beliefs in narrowed paths.
If you Consider that you lay out the very foundations of existence based on your own beliefs, in the physical sense, a stage builder, one might see how evolution can collide with Religions and it's beliefs systems.
Consider that Reality is much more than physical and that physical matter is a tool you use and creat.
Faults in "Theory" are based on perceptions.
A creationist shall argue Anthropology while a Christian will Argue Adam and Eve.
While one argues Spiritual distortions as the Garden of Eden was a metophorical-symbolism in truth; the Scientist shall argue bones and fossils as base evidence and the train wreck is on.
Consider that we creat our past to support our perceived futures as a rule; further consider that "Atlantis" has not yet been discovered by Archeologist as our future selves have not yet placed it in the past.
This is the complexity of the true nature of reality.
2007-09-18 08:55:43
answer #7
answered by Adonai 5
Two things: Biblical and Science. I'll start with the Biblical.
Genesis 1 describes the creation (or recreation) of the earth in 6 days. Each day is described as "An evening and a morning". If each "day" represents - say - 100,000 years, for instance, then that means that in any one place on the earth, it would be dark for 50,000 years followed by 50,000 years of continuous sunshine. That would mean that the earth was moving extremely slowly, contrary to geophysicists who believe that the earth was spinning FASTER than today.
Furthermore, if God had NOT created Adam specifically, then there is a problem with death as being the results of sin, and so the death of Jesus would be meaningless.
Scientifically, Darwin based his theory on a mistaken notion about the living cell. He thought it was the smallest part of a living being (animal?).
He used a bit of "logic" to go from the "undifferentiated 'ambiotic fluid' " (as he referred to the contents of the cell) while inside the mother, that could be re-"designated" as a result of extremes in the external environment, and somehow jumped to the conclusion that animals have "evolved" from less complex to more complex.
First of all, entropy and the laws of thermodynamics (the laws that describe energy distribution in a closed system) state categorically that we are moving from order to chaos - from complexity to simplicity, contrary to Darwin's theory.
Second, Darwin was dead wrong about the contents of the living cell. He didn't know about the nucleus, proteins and protein synthesis, RNA, the helixical double-stranded DNA, the mitochondria, nor the way the cell converts raw materials into usable energy within the cell.
As any logician will tell you, if you start with a faulty premise, your conclusion will be wrong, and Darwin was EXTREMELY wrong in his conclusions.
There's not nerely enough space here to describe how a cell replicates, or any of the other amazing events that take place within the cell, but suffice it to say that it is absolutely impossible for this kind of thing to happen by a string of accidents. That would be like saying that the computer you are using right now to read this was the results of a series of accidents in a warehouse with all kinds of raw materials. And yet your computer is child's play compared to the DNA inside every cell in your body.
So, whether you look at it Biblically, or scientifically, or even logically, evolution gets 3 strikes against it.
2007-09-18 04:35:09
answer #8
answered by no1home2day 7
The argument I find most funny is the "numerical odds" argument against evolution.
As if the odds of life evolving over hundreds of millions of years is worse that some infinitely more advanced supreme being popping out of nothing getting bored and creating everything.
2007-09-18 04:29:11
answer #9
answered by sprcpt 6
You will not get a clear answer from anyone who believes in creation and opposes evolution. The two main reason for their objection to evolution is the idea of having a common ancestor with apes and it goes against their idea of believing in the bible, which to them is literal and based on facts.
The above statement is my opinion.
2007-09-18 04:24:31
answer #10
answered by Imagine No Religion 6