I saw in the news this morning that her plan for universal healthcare is FORCING every American to get coverage.
1) How does she plan to enforce it when the government cannot enforce people driving without insurance?
2) Did you know that if you cannot afford insurance you can pay a fine according to her plan?
3) Does she NOT realize that the reason why so many Americans does not have health insurance is NOT because they don't want it BUT because they cannot afford it.
4) How would you go about ensuring Americans receive universal health care?
My answers would be in the comments ... please wait until I have them posted.
13 answers
asked by
Business & Finance
➔ Insurance
1) She doesn't have a plan of enforcing it.
2) If you cannot afford health insurance, you will receive a fine, HOW the hell does she think we can pay the fine if we can't pay the monthly bill for health insurance.
3) I'm one of then and I make 45K a year.
4) I would FORCE all companies to increase their pay universally across the board (INCLUDING STOCK OPTIONS) ... if a CEO gets a 1% pay raise and 15% of that in stock options, then it should be only fair that the basic peon gets 16% increase as well -- after all they are the ones that does all the WORK, while the main management takes the risks.
04:21:48 ·
update #1
Hillary doesn't plan on enforcing this. Actually, I think she doesn't plan on it even going through - she's going to count on the congress to realize it's "pie in the sky".
I think she's using this as a way to get votes, with people who don't care enough to think the situation through.
2007-09-18 07:52:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous 7
I've had doubts, too, about the viability of a scheme like this. (how has it worked so far in Massachusetts?)
But I think that what she's really trying to accomplish is simply getting this question out into the open.
The other day she said something to the effect of "health care is a right, not a privelege" But she's wrong; it has not yet been established either way. The USA needs to decide, once and for all, whether health care is a right or not.
It's also pretty clear that liberals tend to believe it is a right while conservatives tend to think that it is a privelege. Of course they don't say that out loud, which gives a pretty clear notion of just where public opinion stands on this issue.
But I do applaud her and her party for, once again, bringing the question up.
Let's decide it. Choose your side.
2007-09-18 11:31:01
answer #2
answered by Robert K 5
Please take a look at what the government has done and failed to do for Social Security. It is going bust and they don't want to get messy fixing it. Personally, they invest more in the stock markets.
I won't say she is stupid, although I believe alot of the ideas ARE stupid! This is incredibly stupid. The government NEEDS to keep their hands out of health insurance. They will screw it up. They should make rules of what is wanted and then let private industry find ways of coming up with the solutions. Say what you will about private industry, but put several companies in competition we the consumer win and the companies win too.
Keep capitalism alive! Don't vote Hilary!!!
2007-09-18 11:47:09
answer #3
answered by Mark S 6
Hillary is about as stupid as a rattle snake.
That said , rattle snakes have a useful purpose here.
I will agree with MB,, hillary is getting votes, that is all she is doing.
The sad part is ,,she will get them.
2007-09-18 16:38:17
answer #4
answered by daorangejello 3
it is fascism. She is showing her true colors. People need to pay attention.
Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and other societal interests subordinate to the needs of the state, and seeks to forge a type of national unity, usually based on, but not limited to, ethnic, cultural, or racial attributes. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, authoritarianism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, collectivism, corporatism, populism, and opposition to economic and political liberalism.[1][2][3][4][5][6]
2007-09-18 11:24:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Is Hillary Clinton really THAT STUPID?
There are people that do not have insurance because they are young and prefer to buy a widescreen or car or go on vacation ect.
When you are young, you think you will never get sick.
2007-09-18 11:26:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, afterall she is a socialist. Oh I mean a democrat.
2007-09-18 13:28:06
answer #7
answered by justin c 2
They already have something like this. If your employer offers insurance and you do not have it else where you must take it, even if it will cost you most of your paycheck.
2007-09-18 13:13:13
answer #8
answered by mable3691214 5
I have never been a fan of hers, and for this reason, never will.
2007-09-19 17:40:00
answer #9
answered by njunprincess 4
a little stupid on this issue.
2007-09-23 12:10:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous