Don't sell Ernie Chambers short. He is a brilliant atheist. I am not sure what he is up to with this. But you can bet there is a reason for it. Chambers has been a member of our State Unicameral for over forty years. He is a black man who is a strong defender of rights for the people of North Omaha. He is loved in the Black community and has strongly defended whites who have been oppressed. I am not fond of all he does, but he doesn't act without a reason. So I will be watching this carefully.
Pastor John
2007-09-18 04:13:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
"some idiot just sued god? what the hell is this world coming to?"
Oh, gee, there's no least in the United States...against being an idiot. Happily, or there'd be even more millions in prison. I agree with you, lad. Imagine! Next thing will be some idiot suing Santa Claus. To sue something which doesn't exist!
2007-09-18 03:55:16
answer #2
answered by Yank 5
Is he suing a church but telling the media he's suing God or is her really trying to sue God? For any good lawyer would have to tell him that it's impossible to sue God but u can sue a church of God.
I would also like to know what reasson he's using to sue the church other wise he just sounds like a real horse's rear end.
2007-09-18 03:53:40
answer #3
answered by missgigglebunny 7
Who is gonna deliver the subpoena?
At least he believes there is a God. Decent first step. Maybe he can be saved.
2007-09-18 03:52:46
answer #4
answered by jesussaves 7
Totally! That's just a little less dumb than putting God on the money.
2007-09-18 03:52:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
He's being ironic, attempting to make a point about the idiocy of certain parts of our legal system. I agree, it's rather silly, but it does make an interesting point.
2007-09-18 03:51:04
answer #6
answered by N 6
He did it to prove a point that anyone could sue anyone and that it's all ridiculous. If you read the article you might have understood that.
2007-09-18 03:52:57
answer #7
answered by Glitters15 2
They are trying to prove a point that anybody can sue anyone. Everyone is Sue happy.
2007-09-18 03:52:14
answer #8
answered by Warlof 4
He was trying to prove a point regarding frivolous lawsuits.
2007-09-18 03:52:30
answer #9
answered by Keltasia 6
What, are you scared they will arrest god!?
It's a joke anyway, what could be the consequences of this? Nothing!
2007-09-18 03:52:44
answer #10
answered by larissa 6