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The true church of Jesus follows him thru Spirit and truth.

2007-09-18 02:51:28 · 14 answers · asked by Fisherofmen 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

I believe and when we ALL finally unite many others will wonder what what "IS GOING ON".

2007-09-18 03:01:17 · answer #1 · answered by Cheryl 5 · 1 0

When you ask this question about others; that follow Jesus; do you mean being spirit lead by the Holy Spirit of Jesus or do you mean we follow the spirit?

The true church of Jesus Christ is lead by the His Holy Spirit to wittiness to those that are broken, troddened, sick, dieing, addictions of many things, widows, orphans, depressed, and etc... We are His church, because we carry what the people need, to be set free and know the truth in the way He leads us to tell them. We are His hands, mouth, ears, eyes, and feet.

We are connecting to one another to form a body that will be made up of human God fearing, righteous believers, that loves God and hates sin; as Jesus was lead to select the disciples to go out in pairs to deliver and set those that were lost free; with His truth.

We do not follow Jesus through the Spirit; we follow His guidance with His Holy Spirit; because He lives within us. This is the true body; that is being connected through His spirit; that He is calling His church, for the future of bringing in all those sheep; that are truly His. I truely believe He is using and has been using those; that are lead by His Holy Spirit to connect and form His true church for these last days.

2007-09-18 11:56:14 · answer #2 · answered by † White-Eagle Prayer Warrior † 3 · 0 0

Obviously there's ONE CHURCH undefiled, cleansed by His blood, and covered with His robe of righteousness.

We are all falling short of the glory of God. Let's not find faults in each other. The enemy is not a man.

We wrestle against other-worldly principalities and dangerous spiritual powers that lead humans "made in God's image" to stumble and fall (like a sweet baby attempting first steps); but God loves us all, and desires that we love each other too!

We are the church...His "Body" until He returns...and apon this "rock" He will win the lost.

Christ is the head of His church, not the pope nor top guy in my protestant denomination. He alone is worthy of glory!!!

Jesus is connecting us, His church, together through the work of the Holy Spirit. Praise God!

He is triumphant, even in this!

2007-09-18 10:04:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Me, I believe it , because I see it in the Spirit. He has been doing it for awhile. Only a few want to grow in the Lord and all the rest just want to go to church and be left alone.

2007-09-18 04:05:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Unfortunately no (He would like to).
Most Christians pick and choose what they want to believe and tell other Christians they have to believe what they believe.God doesn't care what Christians (or anyone else wants to believe).His word is 100% true and correct.The reason there is confusion is people and groups having "their" beliefs.A person needs to read and study God's word and believe it for what it says not what they want it to say.For Spirit lead christians to be connected they would all (100%) believe the same things.God is not confused and doesn't give confused messages.He will tell them all the same thing if they would study His word and listen to His voice.

2007-09-18 04:48:52 · answer #5 · answered by robert p 7 · 1 0

Spiritually we are the Church of God in Christ. The Holy Spirit that stay in us that we walk and talk in fact for we are the bride of the Lamb interior the physique of Christ, the good Shepherd Father God. God Bless

2016-10-09 09:49:40 · answer #6 · answered by crihfield 4 · 0 0

Your questions are always such a delight, as you always point ppl to thinking, really thinking.. Not about their own thoughts, but reminding them to believe and think in the spiritual realm. Its not our thoughts that matter, its what the Spirit is telling us. The spirit brings truth and life and power to the situation where we will just KNOW what is truth and what is not. And , by the HOly spirit power, we can say No to sin, count it all as Joy, as we are receiving Gods desires for our own desires, and will have no desire to sin.
1 John 3:9 says that those born of God, BORN AGAIN, cannot sin. we may sin and not be aware of it, but the SPirit will show us. revelation comes when we are seeking the spirit, and hearing and receiving and obey the Holy Spirit. Yes we do follow Jesus thru the spirit and the truth. Without that, we have nothing at all. We were sent the HOly Spirit to be able to lead and guide us and convict us, and to tap into that power of the spirit to do as God commands us to do.
So, back to the question.... Do I believe that the Holy spirit is connecting His church together in the spirit??????
Answer is a resounding Hallelujah, yes yes yes , and amen.
IF we will seek the spirit for truth, for power, for annointing, for guidance, for all that comes from the spirit, we will always know whats truth and do it. Right now , the world is getting so dark, as ppl are drawing further away from God , that will be lost. That wont follow the full teachings of Jesus Christ, which God says is the one true Church. Those that obey as well as love, are the true church. As the world is becoming darker, it is because God is removing more of the Spirts power and protection from those who wont receive Him. BUT, oh Glory.... God is making the lights brighter to those that have recieved Him and answered the call to LOVE and OBEY, and to walk in the council of the HOly Spirit. GOd sends this latter day rain, that those of His light , of His spirit, will continue to know and obey, and go thru to the end living a victorious Christian life. And, its awesome, as we are all finding ways to just meet each other and get to know each other, holding each other up. God is so good, and we are all growing and learning together in these truths of God.
With the world so dark and getting darker, Gods ppl will be letting their lights become even bigger, more power and shinning brighter than ever before, to pentrate this darkness we see around us today. When we are in the spirit, the darkness cannot enter in to those that are Gods, no matter how hard they try. No weapon formed aginst Gods true ppl, that are His church, will ever pentrate. The spirit kills that fiery dart of darkness, and we continue to overcome .
God calls us to holiness, purity and righteousness, so He will call us HIS. Seek God, Seek the HOly Spirit who is also God. Pray, stay in the word of God, watch it come alive, and see what happens to you. OH Glory, I cant explain it, I jsut pray for you all to experience this power from the HOly Spirit.
We are all called, but only a few will answer.
I see some of my Chritian friends on here are leaving, so tired of the dark stuff from the non believers.
BUt , come on folks.
Ours lights are brighter than any darkness. LEts let them shine, like a giant nuclea power plant that just radiatest power and brightness, and even heat.
We are on fire for God, lets show it. Lets all get plugged in and connected, as God is connecting the true church, His ppl, ao that we may radiate and bring fire to the darkness. we dont have to flee from it or fear it. Just stand folks. Just stand, and watch what happens. Dont walk in fear, walk in the boldness of God and HIs spirit with full Bible truths. If we fully tap into the full power of the Spirit, God could change this world overnight. But so few will answer the call. KNow who you are in Christ, and then jsut GO and do all HE calls you to do. ITs worth all we have to give it, and God will bless us to overflow.
You will be blessed fishers of men for the questions you ask on here, that lead to God and the fullness of the Spirit. Part way just isnt enough. Fulness, completion, nothing broken, nothing needing to be fixed. Wholess with God. oh yeah...

2007-09-18 04:29:23 · answer #7 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 1 0

he is most definitely connecting his church together through the spirit. i believe.!!!

2007-09-18 06:29:21 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

There are not many people who truly walk in the the spirt. Many think they do,but really are not.

2007-09-18 03:08:19 · answer #9 · answered by christians power 2 · 3 0

I belive no one is walking in the spirit, that is why they need all these different versons of the bible so they can read it. It just shows that the Lord is not with them in spirit. Maybe by the blood, but not with strength. For if the Lord was walking with them in spirit, there would only be one bible, and you would understand threw his spirit.

2007-09-18 02:56:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

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