He died for our sin,,,true
He asks that we follow Him.
We choose to follow or refuse to follow
So.......by rejecting the plan, people condemns themselves, God doesn'r condemn them
2007-09-16 14:33:22
answer #1
answered by kenny p 7
There are two places; the presence of God, and the abode without Him, Hell.
People are all sinners, the Bibles states that, and the fact that we go to hell is of our own choosing. People are not unhappy that they aren't going to heaven to be with the God they don't want to obey anyway, they just don't want to go to hell because they think it a nasty alternative, which it is.
Hell is the correct answer for people bent on rebelion against God, and since they won't bend the knee to Him (the One who holds their very molecules together and provides their next breath) they really suck and deserve hell. They get what they deserve and what they show they want by their refusal to do right and be holy.
Here's the hitch, God loves His punk creation anyway, so He Himself comes in the person of Jesus Christ and says, "rather than going down the highway to hell, how bout taking the stairway to heaven? Take my hand" is essentially what God is saying. If people still refuse to accept Christ, it's really on their own heads, not God's. Since He is holy and just, He must satisfy Justice by punishing sin. Because He is merciful and a God of love, he takes the punishment so we don't have to.
And you are still complaining?? He has done everything and you still gripe that it isn't the way you would do it, or that it's His fault that you stink at being a perfectly good person.
You are right that you can never tell if someone who claims to have taken God at His promise and become Christian has actually become such, but you aren't the salvation inspector, God is. He is not fooled, and other people are not your business. You are your business. Do you receive what God provides, or do you die and go to your damned reward, whining about how it all came about?
Jesus is your life raft. He is the Savior, not the damner. You are the damner, He is peace with God, freedom from law, forgiveness from sin, and eternal heaven. It's a dang good deal, don't you think?
2007-09-16 22:14:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Behaviour IS the indicator. This same question was posed to Jesus by one of the apostles and Jesus replied with "By their fruits you shall know them." What that means basically is that you have to look at what people do, because you cannot believe what they say. There is forgiveness, but God will not be used. That's in the Bible too where it says you cannot test God and that God will not be mocked.
2007-09-16 21:35:40
answer #3
answered by Emily Dew 7
Who says everyone doesn't go to heaven? Who do you know who went to Hell? I mean, God wants us to love each other, correct? Jesus died for all of our sins, but who is the ultimate judge? That would be God. He chooses who is allowed into his kingdom. Not you or I. Everyone who committed vulgar crimes could await in Heaven with their soul being saved. God sacrificed his son, but I believe many people take advantage of what Jesus did for us. Those people who crosses the line probably are those who is sentenced to Hell. In my opinion, Rapist, Murders,etc should reside in Hell, no matter what Jesus did. We have the Ten Commandments that we should follow, and following those proves your undieing love for Jesus and our Lord.
2007-09-16 21:41:32
answer #4
answered by Mrs♥xoC 3
Ok - hold on a minute!
You're mixing apples with oranges, at best. At worst, you're tearing down the straw men of your vain imagination!
First, it IS true that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins, but we need to personally procure it.
Illustration: Somebody buys you a complete Disney World vacation, ALL expenses paid, bar none. While you sit at home enjoying looking at the tickets, the expiration date is running out. It does you NO good if you don't personally act on it.
God, as Judge, can not wisely hand out pardons to unrepentant sinners if they refuse to come into line with God's requirements. Mind you, this doesn't EARN us salvation, anymore than going to the airport and getting on the plane earned you the Disney World vacation package. Both are free and fully paid for, but until you follow the directions, neither one will do you one bit of good.
With the Disney vacation, you need to pack your clothes, call a cab to take you to the airport, board the plane, etc.
With salvation, bought and paid for by Jesus Christ, God wants us to acknowledge our sins, turn from them (repent), and allow Jesus to be the Lord (boss), letting Him take His rightful place on the throne of our heart.
In each situation, if you do not take advantage of the free offer, if you do not act upon it, whose fault is it?
Jesus said it like this: Basically, Jesus said that whoever believes that God sent His Son into the world will NOT be judged (condemned). But whoever does NOT put their trust in the Son of God is already judged anyway. Why? Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But the wages of sin is death. That is to say, sin pays us back by sending us to hell!
Jesus said, "When God sent His Son into the world, it wasn't to condemn the world, but to save it." Jesus doesn't condemn. He said "I came that they might have life, and that more abundantly."
God even cries out in His Word, "I do NOT delight in the death of the wicked" and again "I do not want ANY to perish (spend eternity in hell), but that ALL should come to repentance!" and finally, He cries out, "Please choose Life that you might live!" (Jesus said, "I am Life.")
To say that Jesus condemns you for not believing in him is kinda like if you had a terminal illness and the doctor gave you a prescription, then you say that the doctor condemns you for not taking the prescription he gave you!
I have shared what the Scriptures say on these things.
You may not LIKE the answer, but it IS the Truth based according to God's Word, the Holy Bible.
It's up to you if you choose to take it or leave it, but if you choose to discard it, you only have yourself to blame.
2007-09-16 21:45:41
answer #5
answered by no1home2day 7
You got it. I wish most so called christians did> God will reconcile ALL things unto Himself,but each man in his order. He will save ALL,not one will He lose. That is why when the 99 are found,He seeks after the one that is lost till He finds it. You are on the path. You are correct.
2007-09-16 21:37:56
answer #6
answered by prophet of restitution 3
I used to ask this ALL the time. I was taught that Jesus gives you a second chance, and that right before you die you are given one last chance to choose your path....I don't really know. Some people believe that no one goes to hell.
2007-09-16 21:35:52
answer #7
answered by mandy 3
The greatest friends you can have are friends who don't tell you what you want to hear, but who are willing to take a stand for the truth.
However, we are not to condemn, but only to warn and pray for you.
2007-09-17 05:31:10
answer #8
answered by Dr. Timmy 2
Jesus died for everyone if they live for God,,he offers you life,
if you choose not to accept ,then you chose hell,that simple.
2007-09-16 21:36:38
answer #9
answered by elaine 30705 7
I hope I never say this off of the internet: You have a point there, Fish Stick Jesus.
2007-09-16 21:33:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous