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So where is the massive opposition to DIVORCE ?

Christians are not allowed to divorce unless there has been infidelity (NEW TESTAMENT), so where is the outcry against Divorce like there is for homosexuality ???

Where is the outcry against adultery and fornication ????

All sins are equal or just cherry picking as per the desires ???


2007-09-16 11:29:55 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

You got it: cherry picking which "sins" they want to go after and persecute people for.

Another example of that is: there are more references in the bible against obesity than against homosexuality. So why aren't the republicans trying to make laws outlawing food for fat people? Why not just refuse to let them have the right to marry? Why not make laws that make it a crime for them to snack in the privacy of their own homes?

Answer: cherry picking, cherry picking, cherry picking which scriptures they will use to persecute people they already decided to hate.

Star for you.

2007-09-16 11:34:26 · answer #1 · answered by Acorn 7 · 4 2

a sin is simply anything that comes between you and the spirit of Gods guidance. when you let adultery and lust. pride. greed .attachments. anger. etc etc get in your way of being connected to and guided by the spirit then even over doing eating can get in the way.a sin is that simple.nothing more nothing less.stay connected to the spirit in whatever you do.of course if your cheating on a spouse that would be disconcecting from the holy spirit, we must be spiritual in our ways .ALL of our ways.I asked a question the other day here about shouldn't the states make adultery illegal,and i asked about why Christians don't eat well as the bible says to, eat of the seed bearing plants and fruit bearing trees and it doesn't say a thing about honeybuns and all those other junk foods.white flour products are terrible for people to eat.Peace

2007-09-16 18:39:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

all sin is sin, but i don't think all sin is equal. other christians will disagree, but this is why i think what i do;

'Jesus answered, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.” ' John 19:11 (NKJV)

''But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.'' 1 Timothy 5:8 (NKJV)

see the comparisons? that's why i don't think all sins are equal- ''greater'' and ''worse'' are relative terms.

the massive opposition against divorce came thirty years ago or so, back when there was a low divorce rate. right now, gay marriage is a hot topic, so there will be some protest. it won't come from me though. i'm sitting here enjoying a nice menthol cigarette (smoking is a sin, since i've allowed my body to be ''mastered''), so even if i *did* want to cry out against it, i'd have to ''remove the plank from my own eye'' (or cigarette from my own lips) before i could do that.

2007-09-16 18:53:16 · answer #3 · answered by That Guy Drew 6 · 2 1

Oh, dear.

You should read the bible again. Christians are under a new covenant. We are no longer under the old Jewish laws.

The teachings of Jesus are divine. Paul was just a man, every bit as fallible as you and I. The teachings of the living Jesus are in the gospels only. Nowhere in the gospels does Jesus declare homosexuality a sin. He makes comments about Sodom, but the sin of Sodom was inhospitality, not homosexuality. (All the men of the city gathered at Lot's place and told him to send out the visitors so they could have sex with them. *All* the men of the city. No gay man is that horny, so wouldn't we have to consider that attempted gang-rape?)

Call this cherry pickin if you like, but at the judgement I would rather be able to say that I followed Jesus Christ, than any other, including Paul.

Be well.

2007-09-16 18:40:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

First, as to the question of whether all sins are equally bad, that is a misinterpretation. A clear refutation is in I John 5:

If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that he should pray about that. All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death.

This is not cherry picking; it is just common sense. Telling a white lie is not in the same class of actions as mass murder. Catholics have developed a moral theology that distinguishes venial sin, which injures your relationship with God, from mortal sin, which destroys it.

Divorce may or may not be sinful. Jesus taught that divorce and remarriage is adultery, a grave sin. But a woman who divorces an abusive husband is doing something prudent, not sinful. For example, shouldn't O. J. Simpson's wife have divorced O. J. rather than sticking around to be murdered?

Homosexuality, meaning men performing sex on other men, or women performing sex on other women, is condemned in the strongest terms throughout scripture. The ancient Hebrews called it "toevah"--an abomination. Toevah is also used to condemn incest and child sacrifice.

What's wrong with men performing sex on other men? The Hebrews were unique in the ancient world for reserving sex for marriage. Any sexual relationship outside of marriage makes a person less capable of the sexual exclusivity of marriage. But homosexual coupling does more: It changes the person's sexual orientation, making the establishment of a mating relationship vastly more difficult.


2007-09-16 20:42:23 · answer #5 · answered by Bruce 7 · 1 1

I note that I can agree with what most every one here says, even some of the most divergent views, if I pick and choose my definition of "homosexuality". As is often the case the "devil" uses improperly understood words to confuse rather than clarify. Even Paul understood the need to "divide" intellectual concepts in order to arrive at truth.

There is great political motivation to "unify" gay, lesbian, transgender, victums of hate crimes, racial discrimination, and soon the obese. Unfortunately, if you are trying for understanding rather than political action, then we need to start taking things apart and considering different aspects of the issue.

Applying this principle to the question at hand, I would distinguish at least three different levels or distinct types of sin associated with the broad aspects of "homosexuality" which is in itself multifacted as well.

There are three levels.

First level is the inborn tendency toward homosexual desires. This is no different than an inborn tendency for promiscuous heterosexual sex for example. This should be considered part of the human condition for some people.

Second level is homosexual intercourse. Particularly male homosexual intercourse. The Bible specifically speaks of "man having sex with a man as with a woman" being an abomination. (According to the O.T. point of view a woman has to have sex with an animal to be as disgusting as a man having sex with a man. Identical standards for the sexes is a modern concept.) While technically this is no worse than adultery, thievery, murder, etc. it does have a certain sense of perversion that the other sins lack.

The third level is the active effort to redefine homosexual acts as acceptable and normal. When the homosexual community went from wanting the right to practice a sinful lifestyle in private in the form of "civil unions" to wanting gay marriage they crossed a line to this third level. The fact that the gay community didn't see that this would generate such an irrevocable backlash only illustrates how ones sexual desires can completely cloud reason.

2007-09-17 00:37:33 · answer #6 · answered by skip 4 · 0 1

if you are interested in the truth, it is simply this:

1. you are correct in saying they are equal sins. all sins are... in God's eyes. man has trouble seeing as God does.

2. divorce is much more complicated than homosexuality believe it or not.

a) homosexuality, as Biblically defined, is "the lifestyle associated with homosexual acts and relationships, and the condoning thereof, fueled by the temptations of biological homophilia, rebellion to God or natural order, an insatiable sex-drive, righteous apathy and/or the like". so basically, the personal fix for homosexuality is simple: believe it's wrong, don't indulge in it and don't condone it. simple

b) divorce is different. divorce was invented by Moses as a temporary fix for a problem, or potential problems. as God's Law was established, Israel agreed that marriage was " 'til death do us part", and so logically, a wife had to die in order for you to be rid of her. It was permitted by God because, as a death penalty, it does deter or suffice for some sins and temptations. for example, it kept down domestic violence and the murder of women. however, Biblically, divorce is not enocuraged as we know it has increased in the amount of damage it causes. Christ teaches that the only grounds by which a divorce is acceptable is if one party has committed adultery, thereby breaking the covenant of marriage. and of course, adulterers (and especially adulteresses) were stoned.

divorce isn't easy to get rid of. if all divorce is abolished, we have more domestic violence. if divorce is abolsihed under all grounds exept adultery, domestic violence and civil violence will go up. if divorce is kept, the current trend stay with each generation, increasing usually.

and of course, as explained, it is hard to see homosexuality and divorce as equal sins through man's eyes. people simply will not accept that. another major reason that homosexuality is opposed is simple: sin should not be made law.

infidelity? adultery.

there's plenty outcry against fornication. you know how much we hate porn. you know how those who wish to keep looking at it are spoken to. adultery? that's a problem that deals with itself.

2007-09-16 18:52:50 · answer #7 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 0 1

Yes, homosexuality is another sin, but sadly, contemporary society places too great of an emphasis on that particular sin.
As long as we have the heart of repentance, which means having the desire to completely turn away from that sin, everything is forgiven through Jesus Christ.

2007-09-16 18:39:13 · answer #8 · answered by Disciple 1 · 1 0

A number at our services are just as upset about divorce, adultery, and fornication as they are about Homosexuality. I see very little difference in them. We are NOT told that they are equal in the BIBLE but that they are all sinful. Have a wonderful week.


2007-09-16 18:45:57 · answer #9 · answered by Eds 7 · 0 1

Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is because of the hardness of hearts that God allowed divorce, however, it is not listed as an abomination.

Why the outcry? No divorcee is advocating divorce as a "lifestyle" or being "born that way". Neither is anyone foisting divorce into the Public Schools as being "normal".

However, all sin is black in God's eyes. There is not shades of gray. That is why we need a Savior. That is why Jesus died.

There is only on way for sin not to be cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, and that is to establish it as being, OK.

2007-09-16 18:35:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

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