Adam,Noha,Jesus,Moses,David, Solemn,Muhammad and all other messangers of God, why they were sent.
What was the mission of all of them.
All the messangers of God come to tell only one thing
"Worship none but one God".
And every prophet at his time was the way to reach God.
like at the time of Noha, He was the way to reach God.
at the time of Moses, He was the way to reach God.
at the time of Jesus, He was the way to reach God.
But whenever there came a new messanger of God, He become the way to reach God and all previous revelations were canceled.
So what is the way to reach God now a days.
For this we have to check that who was the last messanger of God (because previous revelations are canceled) and to reach God we have follow the last messanger of God.
And when we check the last messanger, we find that Muhammad(PBUH) was the last messanger of God and Quran is the last revelation of God.
So to reach God now we have to follow the last messanger of God, Muhammad(PBUH).
Muhammad(PBUH) is the way to reach the god.
Jesus was the way to reach the God in his time, but after that God has sent another messanger and previous laws are not anymore applicable.
All the Messangers of God told onething and they all were muslims.
what the word muslim means
Muslim means a person who submits his will to God Almighty.
And all the messangers had submitted their will to God almighty.
So they all were Muslim
2007-09-24 06:42:03
answer #1
answered by Farazi 3
I, as a Christian, don't say that Jesus 'broke' the Mosaic covenant - and I believe it is wrong to say that he did. What Jesus enabled is a new covenant that didn't just cover the Jewish people but the whole of humanity. You are right in saying that Jesus lived and died a Jew, he even said that he hadn't come to abolish the law.
Early followers of Jesus were known as followers of 'the way' and met in their local synagogues to pray with other Jews. They would then meet in their homes to express the new understanding of their faith. It was only when St. Paul started moving out into the 'gentile world' that the first discussions about whether Christians had to first be Jews or not were held. The Jewish religion then started to tighten the beliefs at the same time that the new Christians wanted to express Jesus as Messiah - and so the two ways parted. It is true to say that Jesus didn't come to start a new religion. He came to show a new way to God, and the right way to have a relationship with Him.
All the above can be found by reading Acts and various letters in the New Testament.
To actually answer the question you asked; some people seem reluctant to acknowledge these facts because they haven't read the whole of the story of Christianity, they only read it in small sections which can give a very distorted view of what the message actually is.
2007-09-17 06:35:23
answer #2
answered by David B 1
Good! Someone noticed...the result of completing the Hebrew faith is to become a completed Jew and believe in the Messiah, as He fulfilled the prophecies. What Christ did do was to eliminate the need for animal sacrifice and mortal priests. Christ became our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek--to intercede for us with the Father because the failings of human kind were not enough to save us. The complete Jew followed the Way that Christ taught. The ungodly leaders of the nation called Christ's Way be derisive. The Judao-Christian sect was later (about 300+ years) corrupted by the Roman injecting paganism and man's traditions into it and substituting God's Law and the Sabbath, as well as many other selfish things many of which were based on greed. The pomp and pride of that group was a far cry from the humility and love that Jesus taught.
Whatever your religion is called, if you are a believer in God, you will have to understand that Jesus Christ is Yeshua Messiah.
2007-09-23 19:56:26
answer #3
answered by xyoob_lauj 4
I think some are reluctant to question their religion because of so much talk of hell. I think it's alright to question my religion, just not my faith. I know God exists, no question. I wanted to be a minister since I was about 15. I grew up learning my religion, and studying the Bible. As I went along, I began to find conflicts between the Old and New Testaments. I was deeply concerned and afraid that everything I knew about God was wrong. However the problem wasn’t with God, the problems were within the way the Bible was interpreted. Then I was taught by one of the major Christian religions that they believe when The Christ was born, the Old Testament passed away. All its prophecies were fulfilled, and now we are to follow the New Testament and forget the Old one. Part of the reason I can’t believe in the God from the Old Testament, is that S/he doesn’t even faintly resemble the God from the New Testament. Many entities can convince man that they are God. However with the birth of Jesus, even the need for the 10 commandments were made obsolete. There is need for only one commandment. Christ told us the greatest commandment is: To love the Lord your God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and love thy neighbor as thyself. In my opinion, if one follows this one commandment, it is not possible to break any Commandments, or to sin.
2007-09-23 02:36:53
answer #4
answered by Linda B 6
The Muslims go a step farther. They are ordered to follow a Command in the Holy Quran," Do not differentiate among the holy Prophets". Some may have been superior to another. But that knowledge is with Allah only. The Muslims understand that the basic, the fundamental teaching of all the Prophets from Adam on to Muhammad was similar. The gist of that teaching or preaching is: That There is One- Unique- Paramount- Deity with no partners, and that there is a Life after death, where we shall be judged on the deeds performed on the Earth.
2007-09-16 09:57:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Umm... sort of. Jesus said clearly that He came to fulfill the Law, not do away with it; but once the Law has been fulfilled, what do you do with it then?
He didn't come to start a religion, but to offer people a way to have an unbroken relationship with God; which He did first on the cross, and then by His spirit-bearing in mind that Jesus and the Holy spirit are both God.
Also, as pwwatson has pointed out the Bible tells us what religion truly is; and, when you consider that the writers of the N.T were inspired by the Spirit, Jesus DID start it.
2007-09-21 06:46:50
answer #6
answered by neil 4
I think you're right on. Jesus found fault with the way the leaders of that time were conducting themselves and perverting the truth set forth through Judaism but he didn't attack Judaism itself. Judaism was right in its conception and early years but was slowly perverted by its leaders and Holy Men as the years went by.
I believe Jesus would do the same thing with the Christian Community, if he were with us today, as He did in the Old Testament times. I don't think he is pleased with the fragmented, and often times, erroneous message being sent out to the world by the many different denominations that have their own private interpretation of Christianity and the Bible.
2007-09-16 10:14:41
answer #7
answered by tbolt63 5
No idea. The truth is the precise opposite. He fulfilled the Mosaic Covenant (Law) perfectly. He did not come to start a new religion but it happened inevitably as we need three dimensional symbols and language to communicate ideas - hence writing. Also the old covenant (Law and Temple sacrifices) were done away with. So there is a New covenant which is held out by God for all men.
The question of what is real religion was answered in the Bible.
James 1
26If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
27Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
2007-09-16 09:54:22
answer #8
answered by pwwatson8888 5
Jesus only criticised the man-made doctrines which had been superimposed on the Jewish faith. Each time He did so He quoted Scripture: "It is written...." and added, "but you say...." He was a devout Jew for His entire life and Christians who neglect to see the Jewish aspects of their faith and study the New Testament without doing so in the light of the Old Testament are doing themselves a disservice. I share your bewilderment at this state of denial!
2007-09-16 10:01:30
answer #9
answered by Doethineb 7
I agree, thats why Paul was summon back to James (head of the church after Jesus) to answer for his un-Jewish behavior.
Besides if the Mosaic covenant was broken why does the 10 commandments still figure prominently?
2007-09-16 11:10:39
answer #10
answered by numbnuts222 7