""Μαμά βγήκα με τους φίλους μου.
Πήγα σε ένα πάρτυ και θυμήθηκα αυτό που μου είχες πει, να μην
πιω αλκοόλ.
Μου είχες ζητήσει να μην πιω επειδή θα έπρεπε να οδηγήσω μετά,
έτσι ήπια ένα αναψυκτικό. Ήμουν περήφανη για μένα, γιατί είχα
ακούσει αυτό που τόσο γλυκά με είχες συμβουλεύσει πριν φύγω, να μην πιω αν πρέπει
να οδηγήσω, σε αντίθεση με αυτό που μου έλεγαν οι φίλοι μου.
Έκανα τη σωστή επιλογή! Η συμβουλή σου ήταν η σωστή.
Όταν το πάρτυ τελείωσε όλοι μπήκαν στα αυτοκίνητά τους χωρίς να είναι
σε θέση να οδηγήσουν. Εγώ πήρα το αμάξι μου. Ήμουν σίγουρη ότι
ήμουν καθαρή.
Δεν μπορούσα να φανταστώ μαμά αυτό που με περίμενε .....
Τώρα είμαι εδώ ξαπλωμένη στην άσφαλτο και ακούω έναν αστυνομικό να
λέει «το παιδί που προκάλεσε το δυστύχημα ήταν μεθυσμένο».
Μαμά η φωνή του ακούγεται τόσο μακρυνή.
Το αίμα μου είναι παντού στην άσφαλτο και εγώ προσπαθώ με όλες μου τις
δυνάμεις να μην κλάψω.
Ακούω τους γιατρούς να λένε ότι αυτή η κοπέλα δεν θα τα
Είμαι σίγουρη ότι το άλλο παιδί που οδηγούσε δεν το είχε καν
φανταστεί όταν έτρεχε τόσο πολύ.
Στο τέλος, αυτός είχε αποφασίσει να πιει και εγώ τώρα πρέπει να
Γιατί το κάνουν αυτό μαμά? Αφού ξέρουν ότι θα καταστρέψουν ζωές?
Ο πόνος που νιώθω είναι σαν να με καρφώνουν χιλιάδες μαχαίρια.
Πες στην αδερφή μου να μην φοβηθεί, στον μπαμπά να είναι δυνατός.
Κάποιος έπρεπε να πει σε αυτό το παιδί ότι δεν έπρεπε να πιει αν
θα οδηγούσε.
Ίσως αν του το έλεγαν οι δικοί του όπως έκανες εσύ, τώρα να ήμουν
ζωντανή .....
Η ανάσα μου γίνεται όλο και πιο αδύνατη και αρχίζω να φοβάμαι
Αυτές είναι οι τελευταίες μου στιγμές και είμαι τόσο απελπισμένη.
Θα ήθελα τόσο να σε αγκαλιάσω μαμά....και να σου πω πόσο σε αγαπάω
Σε αγαπάω μαμά....αντίο!!!
Αυτές οι λέξεις γράφτηκαν από μια δημοσιογράφο που ήταν παρούσα σε
ένα δυστύχημα.
Η κοπέλα ενώ πέθαινε ψυθίριζε αυτές τις λεξεις και η δημοσιογράφος
τις έγραφε σοκαρισμένη.
Η ίδια δημοσιογράφος άρχισε μια εκστρατεία εναντίον της οδήγησης
υπό την επήρρεια Αλκοόλ.
Αν αυτό το μήνυμα έφτασε σε εσένα και το διαγράψεις, χάνεις την
ευκαιρία, ακόμα και αν δεν πίνεις να δώσεις στους άλλους να
καταλάβουν ότι και η δική σου ζωή κινδυνεύει .
Αυτή η μικρή χειρονομία μπορεί να κάνει τη διαφορά""
7 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Languages
Mum I came out with my friends. I went in pa'rty and I remembered what to me you had said, pjw alkoo'l. Me you had asked pjw because it would be supposed I afterwards lead, thus softly a refreshment. I was proud for me'na, because I had heard what so much gently with it had symvoyley'sej front I leave, pjw if it should I lead, contrary to what to me said my friends. I made the right choice! Your advice was right. When pa'rty it finished all entered in their cars without they are in place they lead. I I took my car. I was sure that I was clean. I could not imagine mum what me waited for..... Now am here laid down in the asphalt and hear a police officer say "the child that caused the accident was mecysme'no". Mum his voice is heard so much remote. My blood is everywhere in the asphalt and i tries with all me the forces to cry. I hear the doctors say that this girl him will not accomplish. I am sure that the other child that led him even had not imagined when he ran so much. In the end, he had decided pjej and I now should to die. Why him they make this mum? After they know that they will destroy lives? The pain that I feel is as if me nail thousands knives. Say in my brother to be afraid, in the dad it is possible. Somebody should have said in this child that it should not pjej if it would lead. Perhaps if his him said his as made it, now be live..... My breath becomes always more impossible and I begin to fear mum.. These are my last moments and are so much brought to despair. I would want so much you to embrace mum....kaj to you to say how many you I love You I love mum....antj'o!!! These words were written by a journalist that was present in a accident. The girl while died bycj'rjze these words and the journalist him wrote sokarjsme'ni. The same journalist began a expedition against the control under the epi'rreja Alkoo'l. If this message reached in ese'na and him you erase, you lose the occasion, even if pj'nejs to give in the other to occupy that also your own life is in danger. This small gesture can make the difference
2007-09-16 03:05:17
answer #1
answered by Cica 5
"" Mum I came out with my friends. I went in pa'rty and I remembered what to me you had said, pjw alkoo'l. Me you had asked pjw because it would be supposed I afterwards lead, thus softly a refreshment. I was proud for me'na, because I had heard what so much gently with it had symvoyley'sej front I leave, pjw if it should I lead, contrary to what to me said my friends. I made the right choice! Your advice was right. When pa'rty it finished all entered in their cars without they are in place they lead. I I took my car. I was sure that I was clean. I could not imagine mum what me waited for..... Now am here laid down in the asphalt and hear a police officer say "the child that caused the accident was mecysme'no". Mum his voice is heard so much remote. My blood is everywhere in the asphalt and i tries with all me the forces to cry. I hear the doctors say that this girl him will not accomplish. I am sure that the other child that led him even had not imagined when he ran so much. In the end, he had decided pjej and I now should to die. Why him they make this mum? After they know that they will destroy lives? The pain that I feel is as if me nail thousands knives. Say in my brother to be afraid, in the dad it is possible. Somebody should have said in this child that it should not pjej if it would lead. Perhaps if his him said his as made it, now be live..... My breath becomes always more impossible and I begin to fear mum.. These are my last moments and are so much brought to despair. I would want so much you to embrace mum....kaj to you to say how many you I love You I love mum....antj'o!!! These words were written by a journalist that was present in a accident. The girl while died bycj'rjze these words and the journalist him wrote sokarjsme'ni. The same journalist began a expedition against the control under the epi'rreja Alkoo'l. If this message reached in ese'na and him you erase, you lose the occasion, even if pj'nejs to give in the other to occupy that also your own life is in danger. This small gesture can make difference ""
2007-09-16 03:08:36
answer #2
answered by mbtech 1
"" Mum I came out with my friends. I went in pa'rty and I remembered what to me you had said, pjw alkoo'l. Me you had asked pjw because it would be supposed I afterwards lead, thus softly a refreshment. I was proud for me'na, because I had heard what so much gently with it had symvoyley'sej front I leave, pjw if it should I lead, contrary to what to me said my friends. I made the right choice! Your advice was right. When pa'rty it finished all entered in their cars without they are in place they lead. I I took my car. I was sure that I was clean. I could not imagine mum what me waited for..... Now am here laid down in the asphalt and hear a police officer say "the child that caused the accident was mecysme'no". Mum his voice is heard so much remote. My blood is everywhere in the asphalt and i tries with all me the forces to cry. I hear the doctors say that this girl him will not accomplish. I am sure that the other child that led him even had not imagined when he ran so much. In the end, he had decided pjej and I now should to die. Why him they make this mum? After they know that they will destroy lives? The pain that I feel is as if me nail thousands knives. Say in my brother to be afraid, in the dad it is possible. Somebody should have said in this child that it should not pjej if it would lead. Perhaps if his him said his as made it, now be live..... My breath becomes always more impossible and I begin to fear mum.. These are my last moments and are so much brought to despair. I would want so much you to embrace mum....kaj to you to say how many you I love You I love mum....antj'o!!! These words were written by a journalist that was present in a accident. The girl while died bycj'rjze these words and the journalist him wrote sokarjsme'ni. The same journalist began a expedition against the control under the epi'rreja Alkoo'l. If this message reached in ese'na and him you erase, you lose the occasion, even if pj'nejs to give in the other to occupy that also your own life is in danger. This small gesture can make difference ""
2007-09-16 03:05:57
answer #3
answered by sknny95759 2
Mum, I went out with my friends. I went in party and I remembered what to me you had said, not to drink any alkohol. You had asked me not to drink because I was supposed to drive afterwards, so I drank a soda. I was proud for myself because I had heard what you had ever so gently advised mebefore I left, not to drink and drive, against my friends' suggestions. I made the right choice! Your advice was right. When the party had finished, all entered their cars without being able to drive. I took my own car. I was sure that I was clean. Mum, I could not imagine waited for me.....
Now am here laid down on the tarmac and I hear a police officer say "the child that caused the accident was drunk". Mum, his voice sounds so far. My blood is everywhere on the tarmac and I am trying to cry as hard as I can. I hear the doctors say that this girl him will not make it. I am sure that the other child that was driving had no idea when he was speeding so much. In the end, he had decided to drink and I now I will have to die. Why did he do this, mum? Even though they know that they will destroy lives? The pain that I feel is as if being stabbed by thousands of knives. Tell my brother not to be afraid, and to the dad if you can. Somebody should have told this child that he should not drink and drive. Perhaps then I would live.....
My breath becomes ever so hard and I'm beginning to fear mum.. These are my last moments and are so much brought to despair. I would want so much you to embrace mum....and tell you how much I love you mum....goodbye!!!
These words were written by a journalist that was present in an accident. The girl while died whispered these words and the journalist him wrote them in shock. The same journalist began a campaign against DUI.
If this message reached you and you erase it, you miss the opportunity to make others understand that your life is in danger, even if you don't drink and drive yourself. This small gesture can make the difference
2007-09-16 04:06:45
answer #4
answered by Marcus P. Cato 4
Are you out of your mind? Do it yourself. This is the best free translator software on the Internet.
2007-09-16 03:01:46
answer #5
answered by ? 1
" Mam, I went out with my friends. I went to party and I remembered what you had said to me ,
To long for me.
2007-09-16 03:04:49
answer #6
answered by Puppy Zwolle 7
I can.I am Greek.But it's too big!!!!Try www.altavista.com
2007-09-16 03:04:16
answer #7
answered by ♦Pep♦ 4