You need to seek help immediately. There is no way you should be physically hurting yourself like that. That is definitely a danger sign. Talk to a teacher that you trust. Explain the situation to them and tell them why it's so impossible for you to approach your parents. A safe and understanding environment of help is available but you really need to seek it out and you should not delay at all.
2007-09-22 13:23:38
answer #1
answered by Don C 3
Oh no honey, cutting yourself is never, never the answer. Go to a counselor, you need help and you need it right away. Your family may be under a lot of stress because of your mother's current medical condition, just remember cancer is not always a life sentence, I know many survivors of cancers of all kind, but still it is stressful and your parents may be taking some of that stress out on you. If your parents won't listen to you then they need a wake up call, dont let this depression continue without getting help, keep talking till someone helps you hon, dont give up, everyone has the right to be heard, no one has the right to make another feel like life is worthless. You are important! Talk to someone please, dont worry about what might happen to your parents, it might even help them to be better parents ok? YOU ARE IMPORTANT!!!!
2007-09-21 12:22:41
answer #2
answered by Mary D 2
Ouch. Sounds like you are hurting in a lot of ways. Your comments here leave a lot of questions unanswered, and you need to find those answers in a safe way.
Because you are very young, you need help. The most obvious person would be your school counselor. Many churches have women counselors. Look up your local AA group in the phone book or ask information. I know that is not your problem, but they know about LOTS of sources for all kinds of help.But you do need help.
Call your local hospital and ask to talk to a nurse. Ask if there are any women's shelters--they also know a lot of places to find the kind of help you need. And, if your parents hit you to the extent that you feel seriously endangered, you will know a safe place to go. But do talk to somebody safe.
I am sorry your mom has cancer. That is probably not helping your parents be particularly sympathetic, but that is NO EXCUSE for hitting you. Understand that getting help for yourself is not going to get them into trouble. What is going to get them into trouble is their own actions. There are good or bad consequences for any action any of us chooses to do, and choosing to hit a child definitely has consequences. It is not your fault they choose to hit you. Even if you do something that deserves a consequence, hitting is not a healthy choice for them to make. There are other and better ways.
Someday you will have children, so it is important for you to understand that and to learn better ways now so you will be a better parent for your children.
People cut themselves for many reasons. If you can stop, then please do so. If you can't, then again, you MUST get help. Often people do this because they are crying for help. It is not the best way and can often have unplanned and serious results--even death.
You are an obviously intelligent young person, and life probably seems pretty bleak right now. But even as young as you are, you can make choices to make it better. Start by making the choice to get help right away--right now.
2007-09-15 17:20:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time, but please don't hurt yourself, it's really not making things better for you, just leaving scars to remind you of this time in your life, later when you need to focus your attention on your own kids. How would you answer them when they ask you about the scars? Don't let this effect how you're going to raise your own kids either. Your parents sound like they have some real problems too. Instead of cutting, they yell and cuss. If you are feeling like you might hurt yourself more permanently you could try calling 211 and tell them that its an emergency and you need someone to talk to NOW... You can call them anytime, tell them whats going on, they can help you without your parents knowing. They might be able to give you better tools to deal with your problems. I think that you do need to talk to your family doctor and tell them about how you feel. They can try and find some medication that would help you not be so depressed. They are supposed to keep things completely confidential even if you're a minor, unless they think you're going to hurt yourself, then they can tell your parents. Please try 211 next time you feel like cutting. I do wish there were more I could say or do to help.
Best wishes to you. Please be safe.
2007-09-23 12:38:33
answer #4
answered by JackAcid 2
Well, it certainly sounds like you have a lot to be depressed about. First of all, you do need to talk to someone you can confide in...a family member or close family friend, but at the very least, your school counselor. So, you don't want to get them in trouble. They are putting you in danger by their actions. You are the child, they are supposed to be the adults. Feeling guilty because your mom has cancer has nothing to do with it. In fact, it should make her want to do better and have a better relationship with you and make sure you are okay unless she is very selfish. You need outside help that is objective. Please don't wait. Talk to someone immediately and know that there are people who genuinely care and are concerned. I wish you the best and pray you follow my advice. Depression is terrible, even when you are older, but as a teenager, you think things will never be better. Believe me, they will. You are worth fighting for. Do it for yourself.
2007-09-15 16:47:35
answer #5
answered by swtserenity43 3
First off, stop cutting yourself. That is not a good thing and I know for a fact that it really doesn't relieve the pain or stress. Secondly, if they abuse you then you should really report them. If they favor your brother more, that could be considered negligence. And thirdly, if you're depressed try taking vitamin B12. It works, for me, like an anti-depressant without the risk of side affects. Just don't take more than two 1000 mcg a day. If you want to talk, I'm all ears.
2007-09-15 17:49:13
answer #6
answered by brokendreamboi 3
you need to get help or video tape them and show them what they are doing to you. i know how hard it is for someone to have cancer my grandma died of it two years ago. don't cut yoursellf sweetie its not your fault i know it feels like the only thing you can control but those scars will be with you for the rest of your life and they will just keep reminding you of what you went through and they won't ever let you forget so try to stop ok? you always have school and friends and just try to stay out of their way and try to stay the night at friends houses as much as possible. and talk to somebody it helps. tell other family members do anything and everything to get your self out of there you don't deserve it
2007-09-23 15:27:21
answer #7
answered by morg 2
having cancer is awful,but there is NEVER an exscuse to make your child sad or to hit them!
what about you? you are in trouble,having no one to talk to and being so sad!
I was treated this way as a child,and i wish id found someone to help me!
please try talking to someone,a school counselor or a friends parents? anyone that will listen to you and help you ,in a safe and caring place!
you are important too! more important than your parents,they are grown ups!
good luck
2007-09-15 16:44:53
answer #8
answered by adc7492 2
im so sorry to hear about your mom honey. It sounds like an awful family atmosphere. if it is very abusing tell somenoe and its best to get out of the situation before you get hurt. its just everyone is probbaly very stressed out because of your mom's cancer. try to give her more support. but if this continues, pls get help, just in case. good luck. hold on.
2007-09-15 16:48:19
answer #9
answered by curtismayfield? 2
I would definitely talk to a counselor. What you discuss with a counselor is confidential, and you definitely need some advice on how to cope with the situation at home. Be completely honest with the counselor, and they will help you.
2007-09-23 15:27:06
answer #10
answered by Virginia B (John 16:33) 7